Just another bit of an update on how bad it is now that the store is closing: our maintenance staff is nonexistent. We had two people scheduled to work maintenance today. One was fired the week before we learned we would be closing (and for some odd reason continues to get scheduled
) and the other had his picture on the front page of the paper the day the closing was announced and got the same job pretty much the next day at Too-Huge Grocery Store just down the road, so he didn't show either. Nobody else was able to come in, so we had to make due with the overabundance of cashiers and front-end workers.
Which is why this next story makes me uneasy. Around 1 a couple comes in, a heavy woman and an older man who was, let's say "not all there". The woman told me he has Alzheimer's or something. She's also in a wheelchair. They go towards the restrooms, and after a short amount of time the woman tells me to go into the restroom to check on her husband. I open the door to find the man squatting over the TRASH CAN and taking a shit. It was disgusting!
Since we had no maintenance it fell to our safety supervisor to take care of the trash in there. And it smelled horrible! Who thinks that a trash can is also a toilet!
What is it with stores closing that bring out the worst of humanity!?

Which is why this next story makes me uneasy. Around 1 a couple comes in, a heavy woman and an older man who was, let's say "not all there". The woman told me he has Alzheimer's or something. She's also in a wheelchair. They go towards the restrooms, and after a short amount of time the woman tells me to go into the restroom to check on her husband. I open the door to find the man squatting over the TRASH CAN and taking a shit. It was disgusting!

What is it with stores closing that bring out the worst of humanity!?