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You have working feet; get your own breakfast!

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  • You have working feet; get your own breakfast!

    Ok, so this person I am about to write about wasn't technically a "customer" because this occured during a sheltering on my university campus during Hurricane Rita. But she still felt "entitled" and still thought the volunteer owed her something. I think this story even ran in our campus newspaper. The following story is a combo of the guy's conversation and his own rant in his letter to the editor.

    My university (in a tiny town in east Texas) offered our auditorium as shelter during Rita: we had cots and student volunteers for assistance and our campus cafe () even gave the victims 3 meals a day. Needless to say I am quite proud! If I had not fled to my hometown (everybody made the hurricane seem alot worse than it was in our part of the country; it JUST missed us), I would have volunteered my time as well. But when I heard about this lady, I was kind of glad I didn't have to witness such selfishness.

    The rule was unless you are ill or disabled, you have to go down to the cafe yourself for your food. I guess this woman saw volunteers bringing meals down to some people -whether she noticed they were sick/disabled or not is a mystery- and decided to inquire.

    Woman: Hi, I'd like to get 3 breakfasts delivered to my kids and me please.
    Volunteer: Is anybody in your party disabled or ill?
    Woman: No . . .
    Volunteer: I'm sorry, ma'am, you and your kids will have to go to the cafe yourselves for your food.
    Woman: But HE just got his food BROUGHT to him! *pointing to a man -on crutches-*
    Volunteer: Yes, ma'am, he is on crutches and cannot get to the cafe easily.
    Woman: But my kids don't feeeeeeeeeel like going ALL THE WAY down there; they're tiiiiiiiired (it was 10:00).
    Volunteer: I'm sorry; those are the rules.
    Woman: My family and I have just been through alot of stress!
    Volunteer: So has everyone else here! I'm sorry ma'am; those are the rules!
    Woman:But it's your JOB to help me!
    Volunteer: No it's not; I am a volunteer and do not have to help you if I choose not to! Goodbye!

    Last edited by kerrisan; 07-24-2006, 08:45 PM.
    ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~

  • #2
    what a wench! just cause her kids are tired doesn't mean that she or they are entitled to squat. that man that's in crutches or someone else who's become paralyzed definitly deserve to be pampered more than her dang kids...
    Movie, Music, Anime and many more reviews...coming soon!


    • #3
      She didn't say she'd have his job, or that it was the law to serve her? That's surprising. I hate it when people refuse to do even the simplest of tasks.


      • #4
        I know. I was so proud of my state for banding together for victims of both Katrina and Rita . . . and then this woman came along. *sigh*
        ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


        • #5
          Never ceases to amaze me how entitled ppl feel they are. Just disgusting. Good for that volunteer. Way to stick up for herself!
          The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


          • #6
            My aunt and uncle run a camp in Arkansas and they got some Katrina refugees from New Orleans.

            They said they were the rudest and most wasteful people they had ever met. They got all these care packages of clothing and other stuff and they would wear the clothing one day and throw it in the garbage.

            At first they would just throw litter anywhere, at least until one of them saw an armadillo.

            My uncle told them, "Wait till your trash draws in the bears"

            They stoped littering and would not step outside their cabins after dark after that
            "First time I ever seen a chainsaw go down anybody's britches,"


            • #7
              Yeah, we had alot of thefts after Katrina refugees came here. One of my friends even had his car's radio jacked. Ironic . . .
              ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


              • #8
                Katrina Survivor

                Hello all,

                I just want you to know, that not all of us Katrina Survivors are as bad as all that, I was grateful to all the things that everyone did to help us. I lost everything I had in this world, things I will never see again, and it was a loss I will never forget. I saw my home and all the things I loved washed over, and although New Orleans is rebuilding, it is a shadow of its former self. All that said, to act ungrateful for all the help that was provided by all the American people on this is something that is just wrong. Just so you know, I and a lot of people who saw a lot of bad stuff, are thankful to see the spirit of the American people is what we always hoped, and it was in the eyes of the volunteers that we truly saw it best, the individuals who volunteered and cared with a true selflessness I will never forget. I just gotta say....thank you for everything!



                • #9
                  Thank you, mircea. Its important to remember that SO many people were evacuated from NO, that naturally there were always going to be some total horses' rear-ends among those numbers. The vast majority of people who were evacuated were perfectly well-behaved and grateful for the hospitality offered to them.
                  A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
                  - Dave Barry


                  • #10
                    Yes, we know that not EVERY evacuee/victim/refugee/whatever you want to be called is a jerk. But when I heard about all the thefts and on top of them this story, I was appalled! I can honestly say that if I had the same thing happen to me, I would trust my fellow Americans and my Faith to get me through and would not let go of my morals. That's what having faith in people is about!

                    You are in my thoughts, mircea12345, and I know that you will do well in life despite what has happened!
                    ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


                    • #11
                      Quoth mircea12345
                      I just want you to know, that not all of us Katrina Survivors are as bad as all that, I was grateful to all the things that everyone did to help us.
                      Quoth Barefootgirl
                      The vast majority of people who were evacuated were perfectly well-behaved and grateful for the hospitality offered to them.
                      I agree. I worked for several weeks with the evacuees from Katrina at an air force base in San Antonio. There were thousands evacuated there.

                      The first few days were difficult for everyone - these people had just been through a great trauma and were confused and scared and feeling angry at the whole situation. I, frankly, could not blame them for feeling like that. I have to say, though, that only a handful of these people ever caused any problems for me or the others who volunteered. Almost all were at minimum compliant with the rules and most expressed gratitude for whatever help was offered.

                      It truly is a shame that there were a minority of the evacuees who got all the attention by behaving like criminals or as if they were entitled to something. Those types are going to show up no matter where you are or what the situation might be.
                      "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
                      .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman

