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Patience is a virtue, you jerk!

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  • Patience is a virtue, you jerk!

    In their infinite wisdom, our corporate office decided to launch a veritable assload of new programs and services, at the same time cutting our staff and hours in half. Brilliant.

    So one fine morning, I am parked at Drop Off with a queue which is blowing up as I watch it. I'm on the phone with an insurance company trying to get a vacation override (because God Forbid the policy holder do it themselves) and while on hold I am attempting to run refills for a nice little old man who has been waiting patiently at the window for about ten minutes. There's a line at register and the phones are ringing nonstop. The production queue is about 10 pages and everyone is up to their tits in drugs.

    The cashier comes up to me, holding a script bag and a reluctant expression. "This guy wants you to rerun this, he says it's too expensive."
    I glance at the label: "It's already been run through his primary."
    Cashier: "I know, but he wants you to try the other ones (state discount cards and coupon programs) to get a lower price."
    I look behind me. The pharmacist in on the phone. So is the production girl. The bench is littered with pill bottles and scripts. I sigh.
    Me: "I can do it, but he's going to have to wait. I have a guy at my window and an insurance company on the phone so he's got to give me at least fifteen minutes."
    Cashier walks back to the guy and I hear him talking.
    Customer turns on me and shouts from the register: "WHY DO I HAVE TO WAIT 15 MINUTES?!?!?!"
    I lose it, turn around and shout back: "BECAUSE I'M BUSY!!!!" I wave the phone I'm holding like a pom pom, point at the guy at my window and gesture in general to the rest of the pharmacy. One more word buddy and I will be coming for your throat like Cujo. I. Have officially. Fucking. HAD IT.

    The guy scurries away. The guy who was in line behind him is laughing, and comes over to me once he's picked up his own scripts.
    Him: "That was awesome! God I've always wanted to do that."
    Me: "When I win the lottery, I'll buy your drugs for the rest of your life."
    We high five and go about our day.

    One week later, Mr. Impatience comes back in and gets the same cashier. He is so nice and polite it's almost diabetic. I can only hope that the naked, foaming fury in my eyes convinced him to change his ways.

  • #2
    Heh, I think most of us have always wanted to do that. It must have felt AMAZING.


    • #3

      Quoth Boomslang View Post
      One week later, Mr. Impatience comes back in and gets the same cashier. He is so nice and polite it's almost diabetic. I can only hope that the naked, foaming fury in my eyes convinced him to change his ways.
      That usually only works if there is blood drip from your mouth at the same time.


      • #4
        Quoth earl colby pottinger View Post
        That usually only works if there is blood drip from your mouth at the same time.
        I could pull that off.


        • #5
          Quoth earl colby pottinger View Post
          That usually only works if there is blood dripping from your mouth at the same time.
          Look at the OP's handle...
          I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
          Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
          Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


          • #6
            Heh not only can I pull the blood dripping from my mouth, I actually have. Walked into an ER looking like some Zombie Apocalypse card carrying member. I have no idea what the nurses must of thought. Yes, I throw up blood so often, I can now drive myself to an ER (instead of waiting for an Ambulance) and walk in under my own power.. I don't know if that is a GOOD thing though.
            Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


            • #7
              Quoth dalesys View Post
              Look at the OP's handle...
              But then add in lace wing flys, powered bicorn horn and a few other things for Polyjuice Potion
              I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
              -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

              "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


              • #8
                Ugh, this story reminds me of...pretty much all my customers.

                The lengths they will go to to save a buck are astounding. They will drive to the store to get a price adjustment because the item they bought a week ago is now a dollar or two cheaper. They will buy the same or a comparable item someplace else and return the one they bought from us because the other place had it cheaper. Coupons and price book abound.

                And then they piss and moan because they can't find anybody to help them on the salesfloor or have to wait in a long checkout line. Right. BECAUSE OUR PAYROLL IS DETERMINED BY THE DOLLAR AMOUNT OF SALES WE MAKE.
                Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                • #9
                  I've never yelled at a customer before but I do glare and get snippy when I'm frustrated. And on the phone I've hung up on people. Just the other day some bozo asked do you have rooooms??? I said no. He said Ok well do you know if anyone else has--oops my finger slipped.
                  No, really it did slip but looking back I figure it was justified. No we don't have rooms and no I don't know who has em. I have a full house and I'm busy, go and do your own research..l=p
                  Can't reason with the unreasonable.
                  The only thing worse than not getting hired is getting hired.

