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sad day

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  • sad day

    i don't know how open the members of this forum are, but i gotta rant

    i work in my local mall and i was helping a customer today. as i was finishing up the transaction, a group of 20something guys walked by and one of them was all but throwing a tantrum. he was flailing his arms around and loudly saying how disgusting, vile, revolting, wrong, and how it made his stomach turn. i was wondering what the crap he was talking about when his friends started laughing and agreeing with him by saying "f**king fags." and things like that.
    just down there hall there were two men holding hands.
    now, i know i live in a very red stat, but i couldn't believe it! have i been expecting to much from humanity to think that as a society, we've moved passed such open homophobia? the men didn't do anything to the guy. hell, they didn't even talk to him. i don't think i've ever seen such a blatant display of ignorance.
    damned near ruined my night.
    mrs fields: serving sarcasm one cookie at a time

    "m' that like mm cookies?" ~dawn summers

  • #2 that i think about it, they were rather fratboy-ish...
    mrs fields: serving sarcasm one cookie at a time

    "m' that like mm cookies?" ~dawn summers


    • #3
      Maybe that one was a closet homo? And they are trying to hide it
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #4
        God homophobes are the worst!!


        • #5
          Idaho is one of the reddest states I have ever seen...I went to highschool in Burley. I have a vivid memory of coming out of Biology class, and hearing one of the really popular girls bitching to her friends about why on earth we had to study evolution, everybody knew it wasn't true...

          Also, we had two girls who apparently got too close. They were 'best friends' until they were discovered kissing by a couple other students, who promptly told their parents. The girls were separated and both shipped off to different 'religious' reform places. No offense to any religious people out there, but the entire town was very Mormon, and that's why it was this way. The Mormom church controlled everything in that town.
          Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.


          • #6
            I'm really sure that guy was deep in the closet, and that's why his attitude.
            People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
            My DeviantArt.


            • #7
              Ok. This past weekend I was in Washington DC wandering around waiting for my wife to get back from some event she was attending. I'm riding the Metro when I notice a group of people with protest signs and the inverted rainbow colored triangle painted on their faces. I'm assuming that from the facepainting and the signs saying "Vote for Gay Marraige" that there is some sort of gay pride thing going on in DC that day. I look the signs over to see what they say.

              One of the guys look at me and say in a very angry and condesending voice "What the @#$% are you looking at breeder?"

              Yup, that's the button to press to piss me off.

              "First of all sir, as slogan on the t-shirt of the guy standing next to you reads, "I'm straight, but not narrow" which I assume means that one can be hetero and be assepting of homosexuality.

              I was looking at the protest signs that, in case you were unaware of the function of such, are created for the express purpose of being read.

              My best friend (and a person I consider to be family) is gay and has in fact been proposed marriage to by his partner and has invited me and my wife to the wedding. So I'm not against gay marraige and in fact am all for it.

              Lastly, I didn't call you "Fag" or "Queer" or anyother sexual slur so I'd prefer you to not call me "Breeder" again."

              At that point I went back to reading my book and started to violently ignore the person from that point on out except to note his friend making a comment about how he just got burned.

              I'm tolerant of everyone and everything except for assholes.

              I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


              • #8
                If there's one thing in the same vein worse than homophobia it's super-homesexuals thinking they're better than everyone else.

                Dude. I don't care what your thing is. Congrats for making a stand but frag off and let me play my DS in peace.

                (Hmm, methinks that was more a Fratching post......)
                "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


                • #9
                  <off topic>
                  I am borrowing that last sentence for my sig Mongo, if you don't mind
                  </off topic>
                  I'm tolerant of everyone and everything except for assholes. - Mongo Skruddgemire


                  • #10
                    Okies folks, Mod hat on.

                    I've been informed that the Mormon thing isn't official dogma, and you know our stance on dissecting religion - we have an entire forum for it over at so take anything like that there, please.

                    Let's not start flamewars etc.



                    • #11
                      Quoth ThePhoneGoddess View Post
                      The girls were separated and both shipped off to different 'religious' reform places. No offense to any religious people out there, but the entire town was very Mormon, and that's why it was this way. The Mormom church controlled everything in that town.
                      Poor girls.... I hope that they managed to find each other again....


                      • #12
                        The way I see it is if you have feelings for someone rather they be of the same sex or opposite then that is your decision...I work with a few people who are dating within their sex and I have to say alot of them are by far more likeable than other's.....
                        I Have Nothing But The Thoughts Of Uselessness


                        • #13
                          Jerks come in all shapes, sizes, colors and persuasions. Sadly, jerks are one of the most versatile forms of unpleasantness around. *sigh* He was probably trying to impress his buddies after one of them made a joking comment about his persuasion.
                          GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                          • #14
                            To paraphrase Shakespeare: The lad doth protest too much, methinks.

                            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                            • #15
                              Quoth megami View Post
                              just down there hall there were two men holding hands.
                              now, i know i live in a very red stat, but i couldn't believe it! have i been expecting to much from humanity to think that as a society, we've moved passed such open homophobia? the men didn't do anything to the guy. hell, they didn't even talk to him. i don't think i've ever seen such a blatant display of ignorance.
                              damned near ruined my night.
                              Not to pick on you, Megami, but I get tired of the whole "blue state/red state" meme. There are intelligent and compassionate people in red states, and there are ignorant and intolerant people in blue states. Just because a state went one way or the other, politically, doesn't mean that all people from that state can be predicted to go the same way. Clearly, if there are people who feel secure enough to hold hands openly in a red state, and more power to them, says I.

                              I wonder if they actually said anything TO these guys or waited until they were a safe distance away? Like someone else said, maybe they were just putting on a show for their friends. Like you, I fail to see how two men holding hands affected these guys in any meaningful way.

                              When I saw the movie "From Hell" in the theater, there was a gaggle of teenaged girls sitting on the same row as me. There is plenty of disturbing content in that movie. Yet, amid all the disembowelings and throat-cuttings, what did these girls choose to react strongly to, saying "EWWW" and "Disgusting" as loud as possible?

                              The two scenes where two women are kissing.
                              He loves the world...except for all the people.
                              --Men at Work

