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I just want to give you money, please

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  • I just want to give you money, please

    Not sure if this should go here or Sightings. Seeing as how I was on the clock and working at the time, I'm putting it here. Warning, long.

    I do deposits for my company. Basically, they give me all the income and the paperwork, I do up the final info sheets, and deposit the money. Because of the nature of the business, I go to fetch the money twice a week, then work a solid block of 10-30 hours, then take the deposits to the bank. Makes for an erratic sleep schedule. The upside is I work only about 3-4 days a week to get my 40 hours.

    The local bank knows me on sight now as the person with the huge bundle of envelopes. Per my three bosses' instruction, I have to do up a separate deposit for each hospital, each day. Five hospitals means 35 deposits a week. Ties up the lines at the bank, so I try and do night deposit as often as possible.

    Unfortunately, it's not always possible. We work on a tight money budget, so the money has to get in, asap. I'm constantly getting calls asking if I've finished yet. A few times I've snapped at people to knock it off and let me work.

    So, sometimes I have to take it in during the day. I know how big a hassle this is for the bank, so I act as patient as possible, tell them to take their time and even take other customers first if need be, and I bring a book to read.

    And yet I still get attitude. One employee in particular, an older fellow, rolls his eyes every time I come in. Since he's the business teller, I mostly have to deal with him. About half the time he tells me the advantages of night deposit, and I have to remind him that I DO night deposits, when I can, and this time, I couldn't. Occasionally he grills me about the business, asks why we do this, why we do that. Why can't we do this other thing, it'd be easier for the bank. I tell him, I told you this last time, we can't do that other thing, and here's why. But he still asks, with that annoyed look on his face.

    He finally got my bad side the other day. Due to medicine orders that needed paying, I was in a crunch for time. Skipped two nights of sleep to get the money in super fast, and ended around 11 am. So, off to the bank. And there he is, rolling his eyes and sighing as he sees me coming. I give him my traditional apologetic smile and put down the huge pile of envelopes, and due to the fact that I was about to fall over in exhaustion, ask him if it'd be alright if I sat down to wait.

    He glowers and says no it's not okay, he needs me here in case there's something wrong with the deposits. Okay, I can accept that, but the chair's only five feet away, he could've called to me if there were problems. Oh well, prop myself up against the counter and try to read the blurry words in my current paperback.

    He starts grilling me as he works, asking the same old questions. I'm too tired to formulate answers, so I shrug and give him some vague responses. Now he's making vaguely insulting comments about our business practices. Meh, too groggy to care. And then,

    Him : Well, this is just unacceptable. You've got to figure that out. Maybe if you knew what you were doing, you'd know that.

    That's it.

    Me : Look, we've been doing things this way for thirty years, and you're the first bank employee to raise a fuss about it. If it were at all possible for me to do night deposit, I would've done so, just to get away from your attitude. But I couldn't, so here I am. I haven't slept in two days, I haven't taken a work break in 24 hours, and I'm about to pass out any minute now. Do you want the effing money or not?

    (I didn't say the F word. I actually do say "effing" in real life)

    He glares and says "Let me get my manager". Oh good. The manager likes me. Real nice gay guy, dresses sharp. He asks what the problem is. I give him a weary smile.

    Me : Sorry I snapped. I'd just like to deposit these without the interrogation, just this once.
    Roy (manager) : I know, I'm sorry about that. Tell you what, you can go sit down if you like, and I'll bring the deposit slips to you when we're done. Is that alright?
    Me : Sounds terrific, thank you.

  • #2
    Sounds like cranky bank teller man needs to get over himself. YOU can't change the policies, so why is he griping at you? Sounds like the manager is cool though - and maybe this employee does this to a lot of people - not just you.... so maybe he'll be fired one day?? And you'll get a nice, pleasant bank teller? We can only hope.


    • #3
      The banking industry is incredibly competitive, and you and your company are putting up with THAT crap? Is it at all possible for your company to switch banks?

      I used to be a bank teller, and I really didn't care how our clients managed their deposits. I got paid by the hour. So what did I care? I was just thrilled when someone nice came to my window for a change. Everyone uses ATMs these days. The only people who used tellers were the confused elderly and SCs who wanted to complain about things I had no control over.

      If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


      • #4
        Thats insane that the teller treats you like that. At one of my banks (WAMU) they are known to go thru the line and take any straight deposits with no cash back (if the line is getting nuts) to speed it up. At another bank here in town they actually offer pickup services for your deposits. Yup they will come to you for it. At the bank we use 99% of the time for both the business and our personall we have even had our neighbor make a deposit for us a couple of times (she's a teller at one of the branches) and her boss has no problem with it either.

        You may want to speak to the manager and let him know that this teller is always a asshole about it. See if there is possibly some other way to handle it. Maybe you could hand the deposits to someone else to be done (even the people at the desks can usually do it, if their systems allow it).
        My Karma ran over your dogma.


        • #5
          In other words the business teller doesn't want to work, especially hard. So when you make him do something he bitches.

          I'd seriously tell the manager, again, that this guy is always a problem, and you are tired of listening to him complain, and ask you the same questiosn over and over again. Add that you are so tired of it that you have considered asking your bosses to find a new bank that wants the money.

          Never had a bank teller do that, but the testing center employees at the college I went to did.


          • #6
            He is an asshat. He has a job, and bitches to you, about something you cannot change. I would tell the manager next time.
            Under The Moon Paranormal Research
            San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


            • #7
              Quoth Boozy View Post
              The banking industry is incredibly competitive, and you and your company are putting up with THAT crap? Is it at all possible for your company to switch banks?

              Tell the guy's manager that from how his clerk is acting, it might be time to take your business to another bank.


              • #8
                Wow. I'm surprised you haven't complained about him long before now. I would've.
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  I've had a clueless (not necessarily nasty, but VERY argumentative) bank teller both times I've been to my local branch. It's not my HOME branch, and this woman apparently takes offense to that LOL she's forever telling me that if I visit my HOME branch, they'll be able to help me with no problem (it's basic stuff that any branch can do for you). The second time, after arguing with her for TWENTY MINUTES (on my lunch hour, no less) that I really wanted to do what I was asking her to do, I said, "LOOK lady, my home branch is in Nepean (3 towns away). I don't have time to drive down there during the hours they're open. You and every other branch belonging to Scotiabank are capable of doing this. Can you PLEASE just give me my money order and quit arguing with me?" At which point, she pointed out my home branch's extended hours on Friday evenings *GROWL*

                  Another teller finally got freed up and came over to tell her to do the damn money order. Sheesh.
                  GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                  • #10
                    tollbaby, I've had problems with using different branches too (for personal use, not for business). When I signed up with my bank, I was told I could split a paycheck into deposits for both savings and checking, and also cash part of it, no problem. A bit confusing, yes, maybe a bit of a hassle, but how I wanted it done, and I was told it could be done. And it can. For any branch that ignores the company policy that new accounts can only deposit into savings and get a hold on their deposits. This is about half the branches. The other half follow their company rules and tell me no dice.

                    Really caught me by surprise first time I encountered a rule following branch. Suddenly there were all these new policies I'd never heard of or been forced to follow. Was a bit annoyed. Yeah, they were just following orders, and I don't begrudge them that. But why had I been told it was possible, and been allowed to do it, when it wasn't supposed to be?

                    It may be a little sucky of me, but I just go to the branches that waive the rule and still do split deposit.


                    • #11
                      my biggest problem i've had with a bank was when i was robbed and forced to withdraw money at an ATM. I call up the local branch and ask what i can do to get my money back... person who answers the phone, and i quote, "nothing"

                      asked for a branch manager and she put me on hold, and then picked back up saying the branch manager said the same thing... Called the 1-800 # and they told me what to do.

                      needless to say, i don't bank there anymore.


                      • #12
                        I do the same thing, take daily desposits to the bank. I go every 2-3 weeks. We don't take much cash in, so its not worth it to go to the bank everyday, or even every few days. I go when there is a large amount, or its been 3 weeks.

                        All the employees at the bank know the drill when I walk in. If they aren't doing anything, all of the tellers help. I never have to stand there and watch. I can sit (or leave and come back later).

                        They all smile and chat with me, none of them seem upset. I don't see why they would, I go after lunch time when its slow for them. Most of the time when I walk in, they are just talking to each other.

                        I don't think the bank has to bend over for me. I don't need extra attention from them, the friendly smiles and quick service is good enough.

                        I would NEVER tollerate the crap you go through. At the least, he needs to shut up and just take the money. I can understand if you came in everyday to deposit a penny, but a weeks worth of deposits from three hospitals doesn't sound like pennies.

                        Talk to the manager and let him know how you feel, or talk to your employer about another bank.


                        • #13
                          Don't you LOVE it when someone gets pissy about doing their effin' job?!?! Are there more efficient ways to do it? Probably, but that's not their concern. He's being paid to provide a service, and whether he likes it or not, he needs to do it if he expects his boss to pay him for it.

                          You did the right thing. You are free to be unhappy with your service. I think it was handled quite well. You addressed the problem (His behavior) and didn't turn it into a personal attack against him. Kudos! (I'm not generally that clear-headed myself when dealing with asshats like that! I always come up with the clear, concise, witty responses 10-15 minutes after the incident occurs!)



                          • #14
                            Perhaps the teller needs to visit one of your hospitals so he can have the stick removed from his ass.

                            I'm glad the manager noticed the problem. Hopefully, the jerk will get straightened out. Or fired, and replaced with someone who's willing to actually do the work without griping. Either way is good.
                            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                            My LiveJournal
                            A page we can all agree with!


                            • #15
                              That's very unprofessional behavior coming from a bank. It seems like a large account too, and with the intense competition now a days, they should be kissing your butt to keep your business. While atleast the manager is a nice guy, but why does he keep that sourpuss around? I changed banks recently due to the rude employees, although this particular bank is right round the corner from me. Going to the bank should be a relaxing time in your hectic schedule, not a stressful one.

