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Cat fight! Literally!

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  • Cat fight! Literally!

    Heard about this one from coworkers.

    A lady comes in to the hospital carrying her cat. Without a cage. Big no-no. The cashier immediately calls for kennel staff, hoping to get this cat in a cage as soon as possible. But no, the lady is here for a vet appointment, fifteen minutes early. So the cashier grabs a carrier box and tries to convince the lady to put the cat in it. No, she wants to hold Fluffy. Fluffy's really sweet tempered, she says. Okay, lady, no cat is sweet tempered when surrounded by dogs. That's why cats have to be caged. But she won't have it. Fluffy's a sweetie, really. Lady starts arguing about it. Lady PUTS DOWN Fluffy on the counter so she can wave her hands while arguing.

    Then, another woman comes in holding a cat, no cage, and comes up to the counter.

    Three guesses what happened.

    Both cats had to get stitches, so I hear, and at least one owner had to go to the hospital for stitches of their own. The employee I heard it from reenacted the scene with plenty of "RrreaOW! PFfft! Hsss!" sound effects.

  • #2
    And ley me guess, this was all some how your office's fault, right?
    Well fiddle dee dee!!


    • #3

      Even if you think that your precious little kitty is as sweet as pie, that isn't going to stop some other cat/dog from giving her beats. At least wait in the car with the animal until it's appointment time if you can't be bothered with a carrier.
      -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
      -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"


      • #4
        Oh! Good to know that at least one of the senseless owners got learned the hard way that the rules aren't just posted to annoy you.
        Check out my cosplay social group!


        • #5
          Poor kitties. If their owners had any sense, they wouldn't have needed stitches.
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
            Poor kitties. If their owners had any sense, they wouldn't have needed stitches.
            If the owners had any sense, they would have brought their kitties in pet carriers.

            I always, without fail, keep my kitty (or kitties) in pet carriers when taking them to the vet. Much safer that way - and besides, the last thing we need while driving is a cat climbing all over everything b/c they don't like the moving sensation of a vehicle.
            Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


            • #7
              I learned something:

              If kitty is angry at Mommy for taking Kitty to the vet, DO NOT LET KITTY OUT OF CARRIER!!!!

              Abby peed.

              She lifted her tail and was aiming for the shifter, but I got her hiney back into the carrier fast enough where the piddle did not contaminate the car.

              Damn cat.

              Pissed cat = pissed car.

              In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
              She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


              • #8
                Reminds me of how every time I take my dog to the vet (they also have a grooming area as well) to get her semi annual trim, and I have her on her leash, she drags me towards other pets.

                This poor little old lady nearly had a coronary when my dog lunged at her and her Pomeranian. All Bear wanted to do was sniff the cute little pup. The two dogs sniffed each other for a few minutes, and then it was Bear's turn to go in.

                I have argued with my parents time and time again that I cannot handle Bear. She is a 100 pound lab/retriever, and there's only 20 pounds difference between the two of us. She drags me when she gets excited.
                You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                • #9
                  only once did I ever take my cat to the vet without being in a carrier.. unfortunatly the only reason I did so was because she was so extremely sick that my DH & I rushed her to the vet. she was so weak she could barley move, so I wrapped her in a blanket so keep her close to me.... unfortunatly a few days later I had to have her put to sleep since she had fluid all around her heart and lungs and there was nothing they else they could do for her


                  • #10
                    A Siamese cat I had once upon a time hated to go to the vet - he'd fight getting put in the carrier if he knew what you were about, but he was one of the more lightly-built types of cat so there really was no contest. He only went to the vet twice out of a carrier that I know of. The first time, according to the folks, "He sat on the seat...and shook...he climbed into the back...and shook...then he ended up on the floor behind the passenger seat...and get the idea." At least he didn't hurl himself around the car in a mad effort to escape, he just wanted to hide and get away from the sound, smell and vibration all around him. Poor kitty, he reeeeeeaaaallly hated the car. Probably because he never rode in it except to go to the vet.

                    The second time was when the same cat and our dog of the time (a dachshund/Chihuahua named Kelly) got into some kind of scrap when we weren't looking - the dog had a swelling on the top of her muzzle that looked sort of like half a pingpong ball under her skin; most likely from a bite, while the cat had a raging fever, probably from some infected wound I never did find. The dog, of course, loved riding in the car, preferably in the front, while the cat was in my lap in the back, limply lying on a towel, looking at me like "First the hot, then the car, next the vet. You hate me, admit it, two-legs."

                    With the appropriate medications and diligent care, both recovered in due course, though I still wish I had a picture of the dog with her Roman nose; she looked so funny.
                    Last edited by ForestDragon; 05-02-2007, 08:45 AM.
                    Civilized men tend to be ruder than savages because they know they can be impolite without getting their skulls split, as a rule.
                    - Robert E. Howard


                    • #11
                      My cat is massive; she's not fat, just huuuge, so she needs a big carrier. First time we took her to the vet after her growth spurt in the big carrier, the vet just looked at us like, "What the hell happened to that little kitten you used to have?" She has to be literally forced into her carrier, as she hates it; and she cries all the way to the vet; it's heartbreaking.
                      People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                      My DeviantArt.


                      • #12
                        Quoth DGoddess View Post
                        If the owners had any sense, they would have brought their kitties in pet carriers.
                        Forgot to add that to my post.
                        Unseen but seeing
                        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                        3rd shift needs love, too
                        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                        • #13
                          I always put my cat in his carrier when we go to the vet. Even though he hates it, and it's a pain to get him in there, it's safer. Kitty tends to freak out around strange people and other critters. It still sucks though--it's 2 blocks to the vet, and he cries the entire way there, and the entire way home. He knows he's going to get poked and prodded...and doesn't like being in the car anyway. But, once home, it's difficult to get him out of the carrier!
                          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                          • #14
                            First time I took Lucky, one of my beagles, to the vet's new office, he showed his displeasure at being there.

                            While I'm signing in, Lucky peed on the corner of the counter.

                            Then, while he's in the back, after just being weighed; he got away from the vet and peed on the garbage can.

                            Lastly, just after getting a shot from the vet, he peed on the vet.

                            One of the girls that work there said it best when she said "Dr. M...I don't think he's a happy camper..."
                            Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


                            • #15
                              OT pet anecdote

                              Nothing to do with CS behavior, but I had to take Murphy, my black kitty, to the vet some time ago. It was an emergency appointment because he had butt-worms, and was showing blood in his stool (sorry for the TMI), and he showed his Siamese blood the whole 5-minute drive to the vet, yowling and carrying on like you wouldn't believe. He was in his carrier, because I do try to be a good pet human, and when I got there, the waiting room was FULL of dogs.

                              Two massive Golden Retrievers, one of which came over to me and literally pushed her nose into my hand, wanting to be petted. Her owner apologized, and I said it was fine. Numerous small dogs. One pit bull/bulldog mix named, of all things, Fifi, so excited she couldn't sit still.

                              Murphy barely uttered a peep, even when the dogs came over to investigate him. He just "prrp"-ed at me now and then to let me know he was there. Everyone remarked on how good he was, and I said "You should have heard him on the drive here..."
                              He loves the world...except for all the people.
                              --Men at Work

