Our pharmacy delivers meds and supplies to the neighborhood nursing homes Monday through Thursday. We used to do it Monday through Friday, but the girl who was our Friday driver got another job. Also, we had gotten sick of explaining to the same patients every week that Friday deliveries do not go out until after 3pm, because the girl who does them works a full 7am - 3:00 shift. Yet every single Friday, at least half a dozen crabby old bats call in screaming: "Where are my meds?! YOU FORGOT MY MEDS! I've been sitting here ALL DAY waiting and I NEED them!"

Mind you, deliveries are something we do as a courtesy.
We are NOT required to deliver.
We do not charge a delivery fee.
We DO require 24 hours notice.
But you know the old saying about the inch and the mile.
Our main delivery driver is on vacation this week, so we have no deliveries going out at all. Oh man, you should hear all the tantrums: "Why didn't you call your delivery patients and let us KNOW that you weren't doing deliveries?" Well, because there are about 50 of you at different homes, and none of you ever answer your phones anyway, and 25% of you are deaf/senile and OH YEAH, we have these other things called CUSTOMERS that are constantly coming into the pharmacy and we're kinda busy and short staffed and we don't have the leisure time to courtesy call each and every delivery customer. That's what your goddamned nursing aids are for.
We had ONE run on Monday, when one of the techs (one of the few who actually owns a car) volunteered to do it. She had to make a delivery to one of our notoriously cranky old customers, a mostly deaf Russian lady of 97 who ALWAYS waits until she runs out of meds before ordering more and then pitches a fit when we can't make them magically appear before her in 5 minutes. We've told her repeatedly that #1 - we do NOT DO same day deliveries and #2 - you should order your meds 2 or 3 days BEFORE you run out! I've mentioned this chick before - she's the one who insists she's going to die if she doesn't get her stuff immediately, even if it's only a pack of Depends. And she was a doctor before she retired.
Our techs returns from deliveries with the following tale: she arrived at the posh nursing home to deliver Dr. Deafskie's meds, 2 6 packs of Ensure and a huge bag of adult diapers. She takes them to the front desk so the nurses can call Dr. Moose&Squirrel to come get her shit. Dr. Crabbypants shows up, looks at the girl and asks how old she is. None of her goddamned business, but the tech answers anyway: 32.
Dr Borschtsteins reply: "Then you are old enough to be able to find my room, not make me come fetch my stuff."
Bitch, you live on the third floor and you're never in your room anyway. AND those bags were heavy. AND we're not indentured servants. AND you have people at your beck and call who could have come and fetched all this shit for you. Also, the local grocery store also sells diapers and Ensure, why don't you use them from now on? Also, you're 97 - when will you be dying you twisted old ferret?
Mean? Yes. But god I hate her.

Mind you, deliveries are something we do as a courtesy.
We are NOT required to deliver.
We do not charge a delivery fee.
We DO require 24 hours notice.
But you know the old saying about the inch and the mile.
Our main delivery driver is on vacation this week, so we have no deliveries going out at all. Oh man, you should hear all the tantrums: "Why didn't you call your delivery patients and let us KNOW that you weren't doing deliveries?" Well, because there are about 50 of you at different homes, and none of you ever answer your phones anyway, and 25% of you are deaf/senile and OH YEAH, we have these other things called CUSTOMERS that are constantly coming into the pharmacy and we're kinda busy and short staffed and we don't have the leisure time to courtesy call each and every delivery customer. That's what your goddamned nursing aids are for.
We had ONE run on Monday, when one of the techs (one of the few who actually owns a car) volunteered to do it. She had to make a delivery to one of our notoriously cranky old customers, a mostly deaf Russian lady of 97 who ALWAYS waits until she runs out of meds before ordering more and then pitches a fit when we can't make them magically appear before her in 5 minutes. We've told her repeatedly that #1 - we do NOT DO same day deliveries and #2 - you should order your meds 2 or 3 days BEFORE you run out! I've mentioned this chick before - she's the one who insists she's going to die if she doesn't get her stuff immediately, even if it's only a pack of Depends. And she was a doctor before she retired.
Our techs returns from deliveries with the following tale: she arrived at the posh nursing home to deliver Dr. Deafskie's meds, 2 6 packs of Ensure and a huge bag of adult diapers. She takes them to the front desk so the nurses can call Dr. Moose&Squirrel to come get her shit. Dr. Crabbypants shows up, looks at the girl and asks how old she is. None of her goddamned business, but the tech answers anyway: 32.
Dr Borschtsteins reply: "Then you are old enough to be able to find my room, not make me come fetch my stuff."
Bitch, you live on the third floor and you're never in your room anyway. AND those bags were heavy. AND we're not indentured servants. AND you have people at your beck and call who could have come and fetched all this shit for you. Also, the local grocery store also sells diapers and Ensure, why don't you use them from now on? Also, you're 97 - when will you be dying you twisted old ferret?
Mean? Yes. But god I hate her.