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Security methods = inconvenience...

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  • #16
    For those who are interested, Jack Finney wrote a wonderful short story called "Of Missing Persons" about people who are able to travel to an alternate planet, one that is unspoiled by chemicals, warfare, and the like, easily and instantly. It's in his story collection titled About Time.

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.


    • #17
      Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
      They're out there. However, most people (including the clerks I deal with) aren't aware that the picture on the card is no better than not having a picture, and they still are supposed to check an ID or license.
      Hell, at Chesterfield, I would routinely get those cards, look at them, and then request MORE ID from the customer, who would go slack-jawed, and say something to the tune of: "Is my picture not enough?"
      Hell, I don't know? Maybe you pasted your picture on top of whomever is supposed to be on the card. Now then, your ID, please.
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #18
        Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
        They sent a total whitebread guy shopping with a card that had a photo of a clearly Asian man on it, to see if anyone questioned it. I don't think anyone did.
        My mom's employer had her CC stolen once; it was one of the cards with a photo (Citi I think). The thieves charged over $10K of sports crap and stereo gear before one diligent store clerk looked at the photo.

        Thieves were two black kids. Mom's boss is a fiftysomething Caucasian woman.

        So, the photos aren't necessarily more secure, it still depends on cashiers/desk people willing to actually check them.

        (don't even get me started on the sociopath neighbor who filched my card #, forged my signature on deliveries and the bank accepted it as mine)
        Last edited by Dreamstalker; 05-03-2007, 12:38 PM.
        "I am quite confident that I do exist."
        "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


        • #19
          Dreamstalker, I hope you called the police and pressed charges against the neighbor.


          • #20
            Not giving out personal information to strangers who demand to know -- like room numbers -- makes perfect sense. If nothing else, there's a safety concern.

            But asking for ID to use a CC bothers me. I hate when they tell me it's for my own protection. That's BS. if someone uses my CC without my permission, I call the CC company and have the charge reversed. Problem solved. If the store checked that the signatures matched, the store has no liability either. It's Visa/MC's problem and they have to eat the loss.


            • #21
              Quoth LabCat View Post
              Tie me to the luggage rack, I'm coming to!!!!!!!
              TOo late! Unless you can fit by me.


              • #22
                Quoth InverseHellion View Post
                Sure thing and in a short 4 and a half million years we'll be there in the Space Shuttle.

                (Yes, I actually did the math to figure out exactly how long it'd take the Space Shuttle at top speed to get from Earth.)
                But we'll breed smart, non SC children!


                • #23
                  Quoth Auto View Post
                  If the store checked that the signatures matched, the store has no liability either. It's Visa/MC's problem and they have to eat the loss.
                  Not necessarily so.

                  I've worked for more than one company who has had credit card transactions reversed even with signatures and and imprint.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #24
                    Quoth InverseHellion View Post
                    Sure thing and in a short 4 and a half million years we'll be there in the Space Shuttle.

                    (Yes, I actually did the math to figure out exactly how long it'd take the Space Shuttle at top speed to get from Earth.)
                    Better than staying here. I'm packed, Nintendo DS batteries are charged, let's go.

                    Someone bring some board games and snacks, I've got the playing cards and movie DVDs!
                    Check out my webcomic!


                    • #25
                      Quoth Skandranon View Post
                      We require pets to be vaccinated for certain things if you want to board them, for the safety of all the other boarded animals. But you wouldn't believe how many owners put up a fuss over it.
                      Imagine their reaction if they were told that their pets had to be boarded with unvaccinated animals.
                      He loves the world...except for all the people.
                      --Men at Work


                      • #26
                        I know this is a little off-topic, but the same applies to airports - I hate hearing people whine about how long it takes to go through the airport and stuff (I don't work at one, but have traveled occassionally) - look, I know it's annoying. I know it's inconvenient, but heck - I would rather you find the guy with the bomb strapped to his shoe or in the baby's bottle that looks like water - vs. me blowing up 10,000 feet in the air (I have no idea what height planes normally fly at btw).

                        So I won't take my nail clippers (still haven't figured out how you hurt someone w/ those) and I'll follow the safety procedures - b/c I'd rather arrive safely then in pieces....


                        • #27
                          What gets me is at my casino if you don't put a pin number in at the ATM it will send you to the cage so that we can verify that it is in fact you. They bitch and moan that we compare signatures, look at ID and ask for a finger print. It's a safety precaution. They should be GLAD we do this!


                          • #28
                            Quoth Skandranon View Post
                            I hear ya on the "inconvenient" safety measures issue. We require pets to be vaccinated for certain things if you want to board them, for the safety of all the other boarded animals. But you wouldn't believe how many owners put up a fuss over it. "You're just trying to get me to pay for a shot! You just want to make more money!" Well yeah, that too, but the rule still stands. Get Poochie treated or leave him at a friend's house while you go to Hawaii.
                            These are probably the same brainiacs who don't get their own kids vaccinated, and just hope to hell that the other kids' parents did vaccinate so their kid doesn't get sick.


                            • #29
                              Quoth Auto View Post
                              But asking for ID to use a CC bothers me. I hate when they tell me it's for my own protection. That's BS. if someone uses my CC without my permission, I call the CC company and have the charge reversed. Problem solved. If the store checked that the signatures matched, the store has no liability either. It's Visa/MC's problem and they have to eat the loss.
                              Nope, from the Rules for Visa Merchants Card Acceptance and Chargeback Management Guidelines....

                              For suspicious or non-matching signatures, make a Code 10 call and ask for further instructions. Note: If the transaction is accepted with a non-matching signature and it turns out to be fraudulent, your business may be liable, even if all other procedures were followed.

                              As for checking ID....

                              Although Visa rules do not preclude merchants from asking for cardholder ID, merchants cannot make an ID a condition of acceptance. Therefore, merchants cannot refuse to complete a purchase transaction because a cardholder refuses to provide ID. Visa believes merchants should not ask for ID as part of their regular card acceptance procedures.

                              I don't mind showing my ID (drivers liscense), but I refuse to let them write down the number. I've had a hotel refuse to let me stay unless I let them do that. So I went down the street to another place instead.
                              Last edited by Jack7957; 05-03-2007, 08:39 PM.


                              • #30
                                I have "SEE ID" written in large bold print on the back of all of my cards and most ppl still don't ask... I'm HAPPY when someone checks my ID and I always thank them for asking because its rare that someone actually does! I will never understand why people COMPLAIN that someone is actually trying to protect them!
                                "I've come to realize that ever since I started working, everyday is a little bit worse then the day that means every day is the worst day of my life..."
                                - Office Space

