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Death by carpet (almost)

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  • Death by carpet (almost)

    I worked at a rather large warehouse last winter, well it was actually more of a public marketplace full of private vendors with some sections specifically meant for stuff owned and sold by the market's owners. We had a rather large carpet section, oriental, plush, rubber-back, runners, every type of fuzzy surface you could imagine. It was all wholesale stuff and very popular with people who were looking for cheap alternatives to big name carpet retailers. We had a number of large remnants rolled up and leaned against the northernmost wall of the store, some of these remnants were 24 feet tall and weighed a as much as 200-300 pounds easily. One day I was working the area rug section, about a hundred feet away from the remnants section, there were about 4 people working the whole area and each one of use was pretty busy it being a weekend and all. Now, there are signs in the area that encourage customers to Ask For Help before moving or handling any carpets. But I guess the two middle aged women grabbing and shifting around the colossal carpet remnants were illiterate. I began to worry that the kid working that area hadn't noticed and began walking briskly towards the two women. The last thing I needed was to scrape up human pancakes from the floor, I was having a bad enough day already. Before I was within 40 feet of them a 24X16 foot piece the older woman had been messing with began to wobble and then, as if stricken by a lumberjacks axe, fell onto a nearby table, coming within mere inches of smashing the 2 not-so-bright ladies into pulp. Needless to say this caused quite the crash, which my friends working the other side of the massive marketplace could hear. Luckily no one was hurt, which was suprising seeing as how the top 5 feet of the remnant could have easily fallen on the head of someone unfortunate enough to be walking down the nearby aisle. I expected the women to start freaking out but they didn't, although they were extremely apologetic. Later that night I ended up helping the dynamic duo load another smaller remnant into their car, an effort for which they gave me a ten dollar tip The guy working that section got chewed out by the boss man seeing as how two women were almost seriously injured or killed while he was chatting away with a nearby cashier. Heh, just when you thought it was safe to buy carpet...

  • #2
    So they broke a table, huh? But at least nobody was hurt.

    Even though I'm sure that given the choice, most of us would have chosen the table to live
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