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This lady needs a hobby

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  • This lady needs a hobby

    Our anal retentive possibly OCD customer was back.

    I have posted before about this woman.

    One time, she had me call the company who supplied our flowers so she could get the botanical name for a certain shade of chrysanthemum. When I called, they didn't know it, and she wouldn't leave until she could find out.
    I finally told her I was sorry, but I couldn't help her, and maybe she could look it up somewhere.

    She brings things back and has extensive documentation for the item as to date of purchase, including the flyer page if the item was on sale, the names of all clerks she dealt with, as well as dates and times the item was used.
    For light bulbs, she writes down the date she put it in, then documents the hours that the light is on, and adds up the hours used to make sure they meet the specified time - for example, if a 3,000 hour bulb only lasts about 2,500 hours, it gets returned to us.

    She once returned an electric kettle because the cord was too short on it. When she moved it to be close to the outlet, there was only 5 inches of clearance between the top of the kettle and the bottom of the cupboard above. She had a note that was a whole page, outlining her issues with the kettle, and it included diagrams of the layout of her counter and the measurements of the counters.

    She returned a radio that had nothing wrong with it, except that she paid only a little over $12 for it, and was upset that the reception didn't allow her to access a very remote radio station in Northern Quebec.
    She had the receipt and warranty card as well as the picture from the ad and the name of the person who answered the phone when she called, as well as the clerk who waited on her when she came in.
    She had calculated the sales tax for each item on the order, and had written the totals with tax in beside each item on the receipt.

    She once returned the same model of cordless phone 3 times because she was having issues with it. There was nothng wrong with any of them. She was doing something wrong.
    That was when one of our guys suggested to her that perhaps our competition might carry exactly what she was looking for, and have merchandise that would suit her better.

    We hadn't seen her for a while, so we thought she got the hint.

    She was back last week with the cheapest video tapes we carry.
    This was another of her regularly returned, well documented items from the previous store.
    The last ones were supposed to be 4 hour video tapes and she only got 3 hours and 58.25 minutes out of one of them.

    This one had a sheet that calculated all the times and dates she recorded, as well as total minutes, and it fell short.

    This time, the same clerk told me he thinks she got the hint when he told her to please shop at our competitor.

    I wish I was exaggerating about all of this, but I'm not. I really hope she takes the hint this time.
    Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

  • #2
    Oh my Lord! What does this woman do for a living? she has plenty of time to be all anal about her stuff. My god.


    • #3
      Wow, I thought I had friends with OCD, they got nothin' on her. That sucks you have to deal with her. What happens if she purchases toilet paper and it comes up short??
      This area is left blank for a reason.


      • #4
        She's retired.

        Someone told me she was a retired teacher, but I don't know if that's true.
        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


        • #5
          Don't you get it? That is her hobby!

          She obviously has nothing else going on in her life, so she fills it with lists and lists.

          When she dies, she won't be surrounded by piles of old newspapers; she'll be surrounded by piles of lists with attached receipts and minutiae.
          Labor boards have info on local laws for free
          HR believes the first person in the door
          Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
          Document everything
          CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


          • #6
            Wow . . . that's bad when you are actually asked to shop at the competitor.
            ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


            • #7
              I wonder what happens when she surfs the internet.
              Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me!

              I like big bots and I cannot lie.


              • #8
                We used to have an OCD paint customer.

                She would bring it back every day because the color was not exactly right when she got home.

                Eventually the bosses just told her No More! If the color was OK when she left the store, that was it!

                It was getting to the point where she was costing us more than the paint was worth.
                "First time I ever seen a chainsaw go down anybody's britches,"


                • #9
                  She seriously needs a date with Jaden. That would clear her head & get her to stop wasting time! She'd love riding on the back of his motorcycle or bungee jumping with him.
                  The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


                  • #10
                    Reminds me of a story I heard once (didn't actually see this myself) that a woman came in our store, returning 2,000 Flushes.

                    "This only lasted 1,472 flushes," she claimed.


                    • #11
                      I think she's got a hobby.

                      I would say OCD. Ask her if she's ever seen Monk.

                      btw, Acolyte, I love your link.


                      • #12
                        in the shop where I work we used to get a really scary lady who did a similair thing. she bought quite alot of things and then came back a week later and returned them. she did this a couple of times before she suddenly (to our joy) just dissapeared. she was really weird. we used to call her "hissing ghostlady" she walked around hissing in the store and rearrange nearly everything.
                        Its better to be silent and let people think that you are stupid than to open your mouth and confirm it


                        • #13
                          This lady needs a hobby
                          Hmm - I think she has one...



                          • #14
                            why do you accept her returns?

                            lightbulb ratings are for constant burn in ideal circumstances. turning them on and off will cut into that, as will using them in a place that is too hot or cold

                            videotapes depend on the VCR

                            the kettle was not defective she can buy a f***&^ extension cord


                            • #15
                              Quoth RecoveringKinkoid
                              btw, Acolyte, I love your link.
                              Heh. Everybody who visits it does. Everybody, click it, and behold the awesomeness.

                              Anyways, I had a double-dose of brain-killing today-an OCD and computer-illiterate customer. She came in complaining because she couldn't understand why her virus scanner was returning different numbers of results, and, weirdest of all, why the rather large and flashy HDD activity light was blinking erratically.
                              Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me!

                              I like big bots and I cannot lie.

