TWOLF telling us about being deaf reminded me of a SC I had at my last day of my first job.
I was a cashier at a grocery store, and had a co-worker who was deaf. She mostly bagged the groceries, so she didn't really have to communicate with customers too much. (She can read lips) I don't remember her name, but I do remember that her name tag had "I'm DEAF" on it in larger font than her name. You would have to be blind not to see it, even if you weren't looking for it.
My last customer of my last day was a very snobbish hag. As she was placing her items on the belt, she looks up at my CW and tells her she wants her groceries put in paper bags instead of plastic. Apparently CW didn't catch it, and I didn't notice. As I'm ringing through her items, I start hearing a tapping noise, then well..... ( Most of this rendering is accurate, mainly because it still makes my blood boil everytime I think about it.)
SH - ye ol' snobbish hag
Me - self explanitory
SH - What the HELL are you doing? I told you paper, not plastic!
SH- Hello!!!!!!!! Hey you!!!! I SAID PAPER!!!!!
( At this point, I stop ringing the groceries, walk over to my CW, tap her on the shoulder, and tell her the lady wants the stuff in paper, not plastic. CW thanks me, and starts re bagging.)
Me - Sorry about that ma'am, it won't take very long to get everything re-sacked.
SH - It better not, I'm in a hurry!
(At this point, I ring up some household cleaner)
SH - (directed at CW) I want THAT in plastic
(CW puts it in paper)
OK----- I lost it at this point!
Me - As a matter of fact-- ma'am-- and I use that loosely, she IS deaf. Not only does it display that fact boldly on her name tag, but the hearing aids should have clued you in also. You owe her an apology.... and your total comes to XXX.XX.
SH- I think not! She should use sign language or something.
Me -
Did you wake up and eat a big bowl of bitch flakes or something? Either apologize or get the hell out of my line.
SH- I'm talking to your manager!!!
To make an already long story from becoming alarmingly long... My manager was so furious with me, that he gave that hag a discount. I promptly got fired and I didn't care, but I stood up for what I believed in.... I hope she choked on her bitch flakes the next day.
I was a cashier at a grocery store, and had a co-worker who was deaf. She mostly bagged the groceries, so she didn't really have to communicate with customers too much. (She can read lips) I don't remember her name, but I do remember that her name tag had "I'm DEAF" on it in larger font than her name. You would have to be blind not to see it, even if you weren't looking for it.
My last customer of my last day was a very snobbish hag. As she was placing her items on the belt, she looks up at my CW and tells her she wants her groceries put in paper bags instead of plastic. Apparently CW didn't catch it, and I didn't notice. As I'm ringing through her items, I start hearing a tapping noise, then well..... ( Most of this rendering is accurate, mainly because it still makes my blood boil everytime I think about it.)
SH - ye ol' snobbish hag
Me - self explanitory
SH - What the HELL are you doing? I told you paper, not plastic!
SH- Hello!!!!!!!! Hey you!!!! I SAID PAPER!!!!!
( At this point, I stop ringing the groceries, walk over to my CW, tap her on the shoulder, and tell her the lady wants the stuff in paper, not plastic. CW thanks me, and starts re bagging.)
Me - Sorry about that ma'am, it won't take very long to get everything re-sacked.
SH - It better not, I'm in a hurry!
(At this point, I ring up some household cleaner)
SH - (directed at CW) I want THAT in plastic
(CW puts it in paper)
OK----- I lost it at this point!
Me - As a matter of fact-- ma'am-- and I use that loosely, she IS deaf. Not only does it display that fact boldly on her name tag, but the hearing aids should have clued you in also. You owe her an apology.... and your total comes to XXX.XX.
SH- I think not! She should use sign language or something.
Me -

SH- I'm talking to your manager!!!
To make an already long story from becoming alarmingly long... My manager was so furious with me, that he gave that hag a discount. I promptly got fired and I didn't care, but I stood up for what I believed in.... I hope she choked on her bitch flakes the next day.