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The, "So You Wanna Drive A Taxi?" Thread

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  • The, "So You Wanna Drive A Taxi?" Thread


    Ever thought about driving a cab? I'd like to invite you to hop in the front seat of my cab, buckle up (optional) and enjoy the ride.

    In the seven years I've been driving a cab I have met a lot of fun, interesting and seriously disturbed people. It's the seriously disturbed folks who caused me to mechanically record some business transactions.

    In this thread I am going to share some of the interactions I have had with customers in my cab.

    Honestly, ninety-eight percent of the fares I drive are interested in nothing more than a safe, comfortable cab ride....then there are the customers who think nothing of sharing their most visceral thoughts with me...not realizing they are being recorded...I love these customers the most. <BFG>

    All recordings I post were lawfully recorded and are being posted in compliance with all applicable laws. I should mention that even though some of these customers crossed the line and clearly violated my state's "Harassment" statute, I have never caused a fare to be criminally or civilly prosecuted for harassing, alarming, annoying or threatening me with violence.

    Though there were a few instances where I considered mailing a CD of my encounter to the fare's neighbors or employer. <grin>

    Please be safe and enjoy the ride.

    Let me introduce Charlene:

    This is a repost of the wacky "Hattie" woman:

  • #2
    Imagine you just purchased a $450,000 home and discover this man is your neighbor.

    This 'wealthy' customer's F-150 with out-of-state license plates suffered a flat tire, causing him to call for a cab at about 1AM.

    I picked him up at a local mall. As we were heading toward his destination my dispatcher advised me to stop at the train station and pick up two more passengers headed in the same direction. It was a slow, full moon lit night and I was tickled pink to have three passengers in the cab at one time.

    Out of concern for decent people's privacy, this recording is edited...the portion of the recording when I arrive at this 30-35 year old man's residence is unedited.

    Be safe!


    • #3
      Cripes. All that over a lousy $2.

      What a putz.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #4
        Holy shit.

        Honey, you earn your money. That's all I can really say.


        • #5
          "Exactly. I picked you up first; you got the longest ride. They happened to be on the way"
          I've been here for two years, work harder than most others, and I'm getting paid $1.80 an hour
          less than the 17 year old slacker you hired two months ago. Maybe that's why I'm not chipper at work.


          • #6
            They don't work for me!!
            "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


            • #7
              Andara offered:

              Cripes. All that over a lousy $2. What a putz.

              Hi, Andara.

              Actually, this man's proper fare was $7.25. When a cust asks the fare I always tell them the full fare. When I collect the fare I round it off to $7.00 instead of $7.25. I do not bother them for the quarter, but I make sure they know the proper fare price.

              Can you imagine what this boyish-man would have done if I charged him a quarter more?

              Wait till I post my ride with an alcohol tinged attorney. This guy goes off over a 'quarter' and does his best to belittle me in front of another passenger who is cheering him on. Great stuff!!

              I guess it makes some people feel good to treat others like schleps...thats pretty sick if you ask me. <grin>

              RK wrote:

              Honey, you earn your money. That's all I can really say.

              Yup, I sure do! And as you can see some customers are kind enough to provide me with plenty of entertainment...all free of charge.

              SOD wrote:

              They don't work for me!!

              Hello, SOD.

              I going to assume you are unable to open the url's I posted.

              Tell me which links dont work...then try this server that I uploaded the Charlene file to...just for you.




              • #8

                These customers, a charming young man and his lady friend, are employed as associates for a large metropolitan insurance company. I picked them up at the insurance company's corporate HQ.

                When we arrived at their destination and they learned they missed their train, these customers became 'upset' and refused to pay the $8.00 fare.
                This 'discussion' over the service we provided took place inside and outside of my cab office. A male driver and my female dispatcher are heard attempting to peacefully resolve the customer's complaint.

                I'd like to note that after this customer spit on his US currency and threw it on the floor in the cab office - essentially abandoning his property in a public place - I was kind enough to recover the abandoned, soiled, potentially AIDS infected <grin> currency and accept it as payment for their ride.

                This recording is unedited...unfortunately there is some audio distortion that resulted from the cassette recorder, and me, being jostled around.
                At this time I'd like to introduce, and his apprentice, Little Miss Redickulos:



                • #9
                  What awful unproffesional employees working for that insurance company. I hope their supervisors got a chance to hear that tape. I bet it was even the companies $8. Those two can't even speak proper english I heard "pacific" in place of "specific" and they can't even understand the concept of riding in a cab to the train IS sevices rendered and NO blocking the doorway so he can't leave like a theif is NOT touching him. Those two are grossly unqualified for their position. I rest easy in the fact even if their supervisors never hear that tape those two are bound to do something just as stupid soon and end up on the street. They have no right to think they are better than you. Idiots.


                  • #10
                    Y'know, Cabbie, if you need files hosted without adverts, PM me. I can put the files on this server (unlimited bandwidth) for you.



                    • #11
                      I actually looked into becoming a cabbie a while back, but I discovered that certain "youthful indiscretions" from my past will permanently prevent me from ever holding such a position. That being said, some of the horror stories I have heard from some of our local cabbies make think that it is probably all for the best.

                      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                      Still A Customer."


                      • #12
                        My aunt and uncle both did stints driving cabs. My uncle got a lot of tips in "rock" form. My aunt had to stop when one of the required medical checkups turned up a growth in her abdomen. She ended up having a benign tumor the size of a pineapple removed.

                        My boyfriend wen through all the hoops and got his cabbie license, but even though he would call in every single morning, they never had a cab available. He gave up after a month.

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • #13
                          Whatever happened to Crabby Cabby (ie?)?
                          I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

                          Oh, and your tool box got out again.


                          • #14
                            I can't make out what the voices are saying in the recordings Is there a Closed Captioning version?
                            Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


                            • #15
                              Horsetuna mentioned:

                              I can't make out what the voices are saying in the recordings Is there a Closed Captioning version?

                              Hello, Brother.. I've tweaked these files for size and clarity the best I could. I'm a lil hard of hearing from cranking up Zep and Ozzy thru my headphones in my younger days...<BFG>...yet I can hear what is being said in the files fairly well.

                              Perhaps if you download the file and make sure your playback control is properly configured...or perhaps a set of headphones might help.

                              If anyone else is experiencing any problems with the recordings plz let me know. I'll upload the files to another server, though I do not think that will improve the clarity of the files.

                              Bella inquired:

                              Whatever happened to Crabby Cabby

                              Hi, Bella. I heard he cashed in a winning state lottery ticket for big bucks, bought a piece of beach front in Tahiti and spends most of his days frollicking with half-naked native island girls...far be it for me to start any rumors... <grin>

                              Andara wrote:

                              My aunt and uncle both did stints driving cabs. My uncle got a lot of tips in "rock" form.

                              I'm not sure what "rock" form is...possibly a drug reference?

                              The wackiest tip I was ever offered was from a young man who told me he was short on cash, but he had just received his massage therapist license..and as he handed me his business card he offered to give me a free massage.

                              My aunt had to stop when one of the required medical checkups turned up a growth in her abdomen. She ended up having a benign tumor the size of a pineapple removed.

                              Thanks. I guess the 1/2 dozen cans of Doles pineapples I picked up on sale last week are going to be sitting in the cupboard for a least until I can get the image you described out of my mind. <grin>

                              Seriously, I'm glad to learn your aunt survived...too bad she gave up driving...the few ladies drivers I know tell me they do very well in the tip department...though the ladies do have to contend with a lot of nonsense a male driver does not generally encounter.

                              Ive only been hit on a handful of times by a woman or another guy. Our women drivers are regularly fending off offers from males and females.

                              Be safe...

                              Jester wrote:

                              That being said, some of the horror stories I have heard from some of our local cabbies make think that it is probably all for the best.

                              Hello, Brother. In the seven years I've been driving I've only had two bonafide horror stories. The rest of the nonsense people share with me is pretty much entertainment...

                              Unless a customer has an ADA handicap entitling them to additional services, ppl who hire me purchase a safe, comfortable cab ride and nothing more. If a customer wishes to turn the transaction into something more than a simple cab ride that is their problem, not mine.

                              Though when a customer start costing me money on a busy night, I tend to find them not-so entertaining. <grin>

                              Be safe...

                              Hi, Rapscallion

                              Thank you for your kind offer. At the moment, Putfile seems to do a pretty good job. There have been nearly two hundred hits on the Putfile site and only one complaint about the link not working. Plus the ad tactics employs are user friendly...and I set up a webpage there.

                              Since I tightly compressed the files, bandwidth is not much of a concern at this time. But the bandwidth situation could change...and if it does, or more members have a problem with the Putfile .com service, I'll come knocking at your door with the rain check I'm hoping you will offer me.

                              Thanks again for your generosity.

                              crossing my fingers and hoping I succeeded in diplomatically turning down a generous offer from a moderator who is also known as a, "Wholegrain merchant of death."

                              Be safe...

