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Can you tell me my total?

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  • Can you tell me my total?

    I got a call today, asking for the manager.

    Me: I'm sorry, he's gone for the day, can I take a message?
    SC: He's NOT there?
    Me: No, he's not.

    SC: Will he be there Sunday?
    (wtf, it's only Tuesday, plenty of days in between to talk to him......)
    Me: I can't really say, but he is usually not in on weekends. Can I take a message?
    (more futzing around her wanting to know when he'll be in, when he has 5,000 other things going on and an erratic schedule even when things are calm)
    SC: *sigh*
    SC: Maybe you can help me. I want to know if my order is done.
    Me: Sure, what is your last name?
    SC: mumblemumble - and complains when I ask her to repeat it until I understand
    Me: Ok, it's right here, and completed

    SC: And he did the work?
    Me: Generally when an order is completed, the manager has done what you have requested.........
    SC: How much is it?
    Me: One minute while I get into the system
    Me: $95 even before tax

    SC: Well, that doesn't help me, now does it? I need the entire total.
    Me: It will be between $100 and $105.
    SC: No, that's not good enough! I think (mangled manager's name) said it would be $102, I need to know!

    Me: I can't find out exactly untill you are rung out (if you mark something as being sold in the system, you can't unmark it as suck), but yes, right around $102.
    SC: How will I know how much money to bring?
    *deeerrrrrrr* Bring $105 and take home your change, idiot!
    Me: Fine, hold on.
    so I get out the calculator, have to ask coworker the exact tax rate there, and come up with the total.
    Me: $102.13.

    SC: $102......13?
    Me: Yes.
    SC: Are you sure your manager won't be in tonight?
    Me: Yes, absolultely. Bye!

    I told my coworker if she doesn't show up with $102.13 on the PENNY, I'm going to invoice her for wasting my time. grrrrrrrrrr

  • #2
    God forbid she has to carry around more than a dollar in change.


    • #3
      He sound like one of those always-has-to-give-you-exact-change-even-if-all-he-has-is-pennies kind of customers.

      I'll give him this much credit: maybe he wants to bring only exactly as much as he needs to protect himself from making any impulse purchases while he's at your location?

      I get occasional customers like that who are so afraid of being upsold that they throw their cash down on the counter as soon as they get to the counter and dash off as soon as I scan the item.
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      • #4
        i can understand if theres a lot of money in question, because it's understandable you don't want to carry lots of money around unless you have to, but a few dollars. Tell her to buy a bigger purse


        • #5
          Quoth pbmods
          He sound like one of those always-has-to-give-you-exact-change-even-if-all-he-has-is-pennies kind of customers.

          I'll give him this much credit: maybe he wants to bring only exactly as much as he needs to protect himself from making any impulse purchases while he's at your location?

          I get occasional customers like that who are so afraid of being upsold that they throw their cash down on the counter as soon as they get to the counter and dash off as soon as I scan the item.

          That is a point, but considering we are a photo lab primarily, with a portrait studio in the back, there isn't much to impluse buy. We have some frames, but not a lot. And some funny greeting cards. Oooooh, an extra $2.50 to wish someone a Happy Birthday! Oh wait, I forgot the tax. *sheesh*

          I'm sure she's gonna complain to the manager that I was "very unhelpful."


          • #6
            Quoth Reyneth
            I'm sure she's gonna complain to the manager that I was "very unhelpful."
            Of course you were unhelpful. You didn't know the total with tax added. How DARE you?!?!? Not to mention having to ask the customer to repeat the name. What kind of employee ARE you?????????
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              Exactly!! How dare the customer have to repeat their name.

              That is one of my biggest pet peeves with cusomters. They blurt out their name and then when I ask to say it again they get aggitated. It's even better when you then ask them to spell it. Then they go so fast you have to ask that again. hehehe.

              And I can't STAND it when people ask what the total is with tax. I can pretty much figure that crap out on my own in my head. Oh....opps. I forgot, most of these people can't think on their own much less do simple math. My bad.
              "The light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off due to budget cuts." - Steven Wright

