♫ Oh, the weather out there is frightful,
And going home is so delightful.
I don't care that you've got nowhere to go,
We are closed, we are closed, we are closed! ♫
And going home is so delightful.
I don't care that you've got nowhere to go,
We are closed, we are closed, we are closed! ♫
OK, now I've wedged that tune firmly into your head, on with the story. XD It is a lousy day, with driving snow which gets heavier and heavier as the day goes on. My colleague Emma lives quite a way away, so appeals to the manager to go home before the road becomes impassable. I mention that since I live locally, if someone else gets sent over, I can manage. So Emma gets to go home, and trained colleague Sara comes over. Now for the suck.
As you can imagine, we were both very keen to shut that night, what with relentless customers who stripped the store of everything edible in order to stock up for the blizzard.

The SC then starts screaming at me, using language that would make a sailor blush, calling me all sorts of names. I still refuse. "There's people still here!" she screeches. Um, they got here before we closed so they have every right to be here. You, on the other hand, do not. I walk away at that point, the SC still shrieking and swearing after me. She drives in the back and attempts to use a pump, but Sara doesn't authorise it and she screams at me once more. At this point, I am ignoring the madwoman and locking up the pumps as they become free. Eventually, I lock the last pump and go inside, where Sara is just serving the final customer. Once he's gone, I lock the doors in case the SC tries to come inside and we start to lock up and cash the last till.
When we are done, I look outside and the SC is parked across the road, so Sara and I take the other route to get to the store in order to avoid her. When I exit the store, she is still there but since I am now out of uniform, she does not recognise me. For some unknown reason, rather than either trying another petrol station or, you know, getting home cuz of the bad weather making it difficult to travel, she decided instead to wait outside. Have a great night sleeping in your car, bitch.