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call from the devil

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  • call from the devil

    This lady calls in screaming in my ears YOU GUYS TOOK MY MONEY and now I can't buy my lunch... This all is her screaming at me

    Me: May I have your phone number to look up your account?
    SC: 866-999-5444
    Me: Okay thank you goes on with my scrip.....
    SC: joe doe is my name and my address is 1234 sample st.
    Me: thank you I don't see an account created have you contacted the bank to see where the charge came from
    SC: (red tape) for xx.xx
    Me: okay that does not sound like our charge what is the exact information on your statement
    SC: it say (red tape) for xx.xx
    Me: okay mama anything below xx.xx is not our charge however let me place you on hold and ill see what I can do.
    I then place her on hold before she can respond since all her answers she has been screaming at me for and there some information she tells me I have left our because it made no difference that she told me it or not

    I at this point speak with my manger who says it sound like (blue tapes) charge

    Me: Mama that seems like its (blue tapes) charge
    SC: but that man said he was only placing a dollar hold on my card and there wouldn't be any orther charge and I know how much I had on my card and now I cant get lunch
    Me: I understand mama but because it is blue tapes charge your going to have to contact them here is there number 866-555-1111 before I can tell her I can transfer her she hangs up.

    red tape and blue tape are so that I don't give out who I work for but I work in a sales call center in there customer service team we work with several different companys.

    I never heard back guess she saw the carge was bule tapes or she was call the wrong people and we didn't take her money.

    WHY do u think SCREAMING in my ear is going to help your case it makes me want to leave u on HOLD till you hang up. And why are u calling here if u have no money!?

  • #2
    But ... but ... YOU can magick up money and fix everything from your amazing otherworldly console! Didn't you know that??
    Customer service: More efficient than a Dementor's kiss
    ~ Mr Hero


    • #3
      Yes you know what ill wave that wand and it will be right back into your account in the matter of a few minutes lol.


      • #4
        Everyone knows that starting out a call by screaming at someone is a surefire way convince them to go over and above to help them.


        • #5
          Yes why yes it is and tbh this was the first call I have taken in months that I was SCREAMED at even when I was working with big box credit card company I never got screamed at like she was screaming at me.


          • #6
            Did you actually call her mama or did you use ma'am? Cause if you called her mama, it makes it all the more hilarious


            • #7
              Quoth otter View Post
              Did you actually call her mama or did you use ma'am? Cause if you called her mama, it makes it all the more hilarious
              Lol ma'am I was typing trying to go to lunch and was on a phone call they all = disaster when your typing a story I didn't want to have to re type it all when I got back from lunch so I posted and left my desk woops guess I should have proof read.


              • #8
                Quoth raw1989 View Post
                Lol ma'am I was typing trying to go to lunch and was on a phone call they all = disaster when your typing a story I didn't want to have to re type it all when I got back from lunch so I posted and left my desk woops guess I should have proof read.
                I thought you did it on purpose! She was a disaster, lol


                • #9
                  Mine don't always yell. Instead they have that slow burn and I can just feel the heat through the headset.
                  "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                  • #10
                    Quoth Food Lady View Post
                    Mine don't always yell. Instead they have that slow burn and I can just feel the heat through the headset.
                    some of them are like that but this lady if words could burn your ears she must have told them it was okay and she was in for a shock when the time frame for refunds is 3-5 business days lmao.

