So we have this Sucktomer who has been coming in for about a year. She is nasty!
How nasty is she, you ask? Well, let's see .... she has managed to make ALL of my co-workers cry, save one. How does she do this??? She is all sweetness and pie, until you "look" at her wrong, or don't move fast enough, or or or or actually ask for payment for what she is buying. At that point, you can see the wheels turning, and a whole 'nother personality comes out (we have actually surmised that she is MPD - multiple personality disorder). She screams, she throws things, she stomps, she turns to the customers behind her for validation - none of which ever buy into her "performance".
She has been told, numerous times that, due to her behavior and treatment of the employees, she is not "welcome" (as in not allowed) in the store any more. Well that went well. The last time this happened, she was all "Hey {store manager's name} how ya doing? How's your baby doing?" So, she clearly knows who he is. When he told her ONCE AGAIN that she was not welcome, all of a sudden, of course the other personality came out and she demanded his ID. He refused to show it to her, stating that she clearly knows who he is and that he is the store manager, and he'll be happy to call a police officer to escort her out. She headed to the door, screaming that she'll call the police to tell them how mean we are to her!!!
So fast forward two weeks, and last night she came in again. I, being the only manager on duty, immediately stopped her and reminded her that she is not allowed in the store. She claimed she didn't know that. I reminded her that {store manager} has told her numerous times that she is not "welcome" here. She says she doesn't remember that. I said it doesn't matter if you don't remember, it's a fact, you need to leave. She says she only wants to get cigarettes, I said "you're not getting them here". She gave me the stink eye, I said again you need to leave. She starts screaming "I just want cigarettes!!!!!" I said, if you don't leave now, I'll be happy to call an officer to help you out. I turned around and walked away, pulling out my cell phone. I was actually calling the store manager, but she evidently thought I was calling the police. She says "I'll call an officer to help YOU out!" She left.
About 15 minutes later, a police car pulls up and an officer comes inside. Long story short (I know this is long already) he states that they received a call from a woman who wanted to report the STORE. Not me .... the STORE. I tell him I knew it was T, he said laughingly, "Yes we know T". He speaks into his walkie? the shoulder communication device they have - says "subject has left the premises, I'll try to track her down on *W* street". He tells me we can file trespassing charges and have a good night.
We all got a good laugh from it, and I learned that the 2 other employees that were working appreciate when I am working, because they think I am calm cool and collected when dealing with these types of people. Funny, I don't feel that way when it's happening, but good to know
How nasty is she, you ask? Well, let's see .... she has managed to make ALL of my co-workers cry, save one. How does she do this??? She is all sweetness and pie, until you "look" at her wrong, or don't move fast enough, or or or or actually ask for payment for what she is buying. At that point, you can see the wheels turning, and a whole 'nother personality comes out (we have actually surmised that she is MPD - multiple personality disorder). She screams, she throws things, she stomps, she turns to the customers behind her for validation - none of which ever buy into her "performance".
She has been told, numerous times that, due to her behavior and treatment of the employees, she is not "welcome" (as in not allowed) in the store any more. Well that went well. The last time this happened, she was all "Hey {store manager's name} how ya doing? How's your baby doing?" So, she clearly knows who he is. When he told her ONCE AGAIN that she was not welcome, all of a sudden, of course the other personality came out and she demanded his ID. He refused to show it to her, stating that she clearly knows who he is and that he is the store manager, and he'll be happy to call a police officer to escort her out. She headed to the door, screaming that she'll call the police to tell them how mean we are to her!!!
So fast forward two weeks, and last night she came in again. I, being the only manager on duty, immediately stopped her and reminded her that she is not allowed in the store. She claimed she didn't know that. I reminded her that {store manager} has told her numerous times that she is not "welcome" here. She says she doesn't remember that. I said it doesn't matter if you don't remember, it's a fact, you need to leave. She says she only wants to get cigarettes, I said "you're not getting them here". She gave me the stink eye, I said again you need to leave. She starts screaming "I just want cigarettes!!!!!" I said, if you don't leave now, I'll be happy to call an officer to help you out. I turned around and walked away, pulling out my cell phone. I was actually calling the store manager, but she evidently thought I was calling the police. She says "I'll call an officer to help YOU out!" She left.
About 15 minutes later, a police car pulls up and an officer comes inside. Long story short (I know this is long already) he states that they received a call from a woman who wanted to report the STORE. Not me .... the STORE. I tell him I knew it was T, he said laughingly, "Yes we know T". He speaks into his walkie? the shoulder communication device they have - says "subject has left the premises, I'll try to track her down on *W* street". He tells me we can file trespassing charges and have a good night.
We all got a good laugh from it, and I learned that the 2 other employees that were working appreciate when I am working, because they think I am calm cool and collected when dealing with these types of people. Funny, I don't feel that way when it's happening, but good to know
