feelings. Let me explain. Picture if you will that it's 1 minute to closing and a family is on the main aisle by the registers standing around. I don't know if they're buying stuff until they walk up to me in the somewhat darkened store. This happens all the time so no big deal except that the mom asks if it's OK if I wait because her purse is in the car and her husband has gone to get it. It's not really OK--if it were me I'd have put my stuff on hold and come back--but I kind of have to answer affirmatively. I feel if I don't the managers will consider it rude. So I answer yes but it slips out as "I guess we have to."
So we are waiting awkwardly and I KNOW it's obvious by my face that I'm annoyed even though I agreed to this. I just can't help it; I have a headache, have to work tomorrow, and my eye hurts (a story for another thread).
So she is trying to make small talk to smooth it over: asking if I live in town, have to work tomorrow, etc. and I'm answering with the fake smile and have to walk around doing things because I can't stand there. I'm inventing tasks. I say, "Oh, well, I can scan it right now fakesmile" and do so and suspend it but it's awkward. The MOD comes to check on the situation and asks what we're waiting on and I half smile and say her purse. Then the supervisor offers to take over if I want to go home. That should've happened at the stroke of 9:00, really. I go to clock out.
I wasn't overtly rude, just didn't feel the way I would be expected to feel, and I feel bad about that and I resent that I should have to be guilty about it. That's all coming from the fact that many times at this job I've gotten in trouble for feelings.
Ironically, at the office my feelings are respected, I'm allowed to express them (not to customers), and I would never get in trouble for them. I have occasionally told off a customer there in a professional way and was supported fully. And yet at the retail there have been times when I didn't tell off a sucktomer--remained silent to preserve my job--and had my job threatened.
I think what this is all telling me is to quit. I asked tonight if there were any way I could be on a sort of sabbatical because they did that for a coworker a couple of years ago since she also had a full-time and this as a part-time and was burned out. I guess that was an option and no longer is. MOD said the only way to do it would be to quit and then come back as seasonal. Yeah, no. My other option is to pick up a second job at a retail that is coming to town next year and is competition for this company. It would not be attached to a mall so I feel it would be better. But I don't know how readily they would hire someone who's only available Saturdays and Sunday nights. At least at the current retail job I'm grandfathered in. And that is what keeps me there. I could live without the income, but it is helping me pay down some debts. I'm conflicted but when I look at tonight objectively I see that I was only 5 minutes late getting out and by the time we gathered all the employees to walk out the family was done anyway.
Did I overreact?

So she is trying to make small talk to smooth it over: asking if I live in town, have to work tomorrow, etc. and I'm answering with the fake smile and have to walk around doing things because I can't stand there. I'm inventing tasks. I say, "Oh, well, I can scan it right now fakesmile" and do so and suspend it but it's awkward. The MOD comes to check on the situation and asks what we're waiting on and I half smile and say her purse. Then the supervisor offers to take over if I want to go home. That should've happened at the stroke of 9:00, really. I go to clock out.
I wasn't overtly rude, just didn't feel the way I would be expected to feel, and I feel bad about that and I resent that I should have to be guilty about it. That's all coming from the fact that many times at this job I've gotten in trouble for feelings.
Ironically, at the office my feelings are respected, I'm allowed to express them (not to customers), and I would never get in trouble for them. I have occasionally told off a customer there in a professional way and was supported fully. And yet at the retail there have been times when I didn't tell off a sucktomer--remained silent to preserve my job--and had my job threatened.
I think what this is all telling me is to quit. I asked tonight if there were any way I could be on a sort of sabbatical because they did that for a coworker a couple of years ago since she also had a full-time and this as a part-time and was burned out. I guess that was an option and no longer is. MOD said the only way to do it would be to quit and then come back as seasonal. Yeah, no. My other option is to pick up a second job at a retail that is coming to town next year and is competition for this company. It would not be attached to a mall so I feel it would be better. But I don't know how readily they would hire someone who's only available Saturdays and Sunday nights. At least at the current retail job I'm grandfathered in. And that is what keeps me there. I could live without the income, but it is helping me pay down some debts. I'm conflicted but when I look at tonight objectively I see that I was only 5 minutes late getting out and by the time we gathered all the employees to walk out the family was done anyway.
Did I overreact?