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Totally redefining UNREASONABLE (longish)

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  • Totally redefining UNREASONABLE (longish)

    THANK HEAVENS I didn't have to take this phone call. The dubious pleasure of this particular call fell upon the New Guy and the Electronics Lead. I have reconstructed the incident from the bits and pieces I overheard, and what I was told later.

    Apparently the woman who called in had purchased a brand new laptop earlier in the day, along with a copy of CA Anti-Virus. The laptop of course came pre-loaded with Windows Vista, and CA AV, like the majority of software, is not Vista-ready out of the box. However, it is stated very clearly on a BIG sticker on the box that you can go to the manufacturer's website to download a free upgrade for Vista.

    Anyway, she called us absolutely livid that the new software wouldn't work with her new computer, and demanded that we fix the problem for her. She also insisted that "Steve" had told her that it WOULD work out of the box, therefore we were liars and "Steve" needed to be severely disciplined and what were we going to do to resolve this problem that we had created for her?

    First of all, there is no one named Steve here [note: although I do refer to my GM as "Steve" here on the boards, that is of course not his real name. There is in fact no Steve at my store]. The department lead (who had taken over the call because the New Guy was getting a bit flustered (no bad reflection on him. He is in fact VERY good , but didn't know how to handle this woman)) spent a moment trying to determine if she had in fact made the purchase at our store or at the location on the other side of town (where there IS a Steve).

    Well it turns out that she DID buy the laptop and software from our store, from an associate who we'll call Brian (not his real name, but suffice is to say, his real name isn't even CLOSE to "Steve"). Brian would NEVER have said that is would work out of the box. So having determined this, the Lead did her best to smooth over this customer's feathers. But her best wasn't enough for this woman.

    The SC outright REFUSED to even consider going to the website to download the upgrade. That solution was totally unacceptable to her, since she felt that she should not have to do anything to correct "our" mistake.

    Well, this was just about the only real option we had for her, but the Lead made the extraordinary offer of saying that if she would bring the laptop in, we would download and install the update for her.

    Nope. Even more unacceptable. She refused to come back into the store.

    So, bereft of ideas and patience, the Lead asked her "what is it that you want me to do?"

    SC: I demand service!

    Lead: Ok, but what is it - specifically - that you want me do?

    What follows is the single most unreasonable request I have EVER heard from an SC (not counting stuff I've read here).

    SC: I'm going to give you my address. I expect you, I DEMAND that YOU come out to my house and fix this problem yourself! You WILL do this and it WILL be free!

    I asked the Lead what she told the customer after that, but she would not tell me. I gather that it was something blunt and to the point, because the MOD had a few words with her about it afterwards.

    SO glad I didn't have to talk with this woman.
    Last edited by Dave1982; 05-18-2007, 02:36 AM.
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.

  • #2
    Wow. I don't know what to say about her level of audacity.
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      And people say that Generation Y are the entitlement whores.... sheesh!
      Total surrender
      Your touch is so tender
      Your skin is like water on a burning beach
      And it brings me relief
      "Nails in My Feet" - Crowded House


      • #4
        ....... ok even i know how to freaking read a box. Hell i read the box before i even buy the damn thing...


        • #5
          I remember once at the craft store, leaving a couple of christmas cards out of a purchase, woops! we had stuff EVERYWHERE on the counters by the way!

          The girl called back livid and accused me of leaving them out of the bag on purpose??? and that she wanted to know I would be personally delivering them to her house!?!?! Yeah honey not going to happen!
          I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


          • #6
            People are truly unreasonable. The SCs that piss me off the most are ones like that lady! She was offered a QUICK AND EASY solution and she blew it off stating that she shouldn't have to put forth any effort. And to think........she is in the workforce somewhere.

            What's next?

            Credit Card Company: You know we didn't receive your payment yet Ms SC?

            SC: YOU need to come to my house PERSONALLY! Write the check, put it in the envelope, STAMP IT AND MAIL IT TO YOURSELVES!! I DEMAND IT!


            • #7
              OMG that so reminded me of the call I got from a customer the one night when I was working at the grocery store. He had called up because he forgot a bag and he needed it tonight for dinner. Well I told him I would gather the items up for him and have it sitting at the desk ready for him to pick up. Nope that wasn't good enough he wanted someone to deliver it to his house. When I told him that wasn't possible you would have thought I called him mom a dirty name or something. Even after I explained to him that I was the acting manager that night so I could not leave and all my cashiers are minors, most did not have driver's licenses, and it was past cerfiew for them to drive anyways he still did not believe me. So he ended up going somewhere else to buy the stuff and never got his refund either. *boggle* I have yet to figure that one out.


              • #8
                I grew up in a small town with a close-knit community. Businesses around there would often run stuff over to people's houses, go over in person to check out problems, etc. The cafe where I worked didn't do delivery officially, but not a day went by when I wasn't running a tray of coffees over to the doctor's office across the street (they were always swamped over there).

                But - the attitude was always like "I'm doing this for my neighbour who'd do the same for me" instead of "I'm doing this for some lazy ass customer I've never met". Big difference.

                I would hope that stores have safety procedures in place that would strictly prohibit a manager sending one of his employees to some irate customer's house. It could become a dangerous situation.

                If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                • #9
                  I had a customer once who told me that if she left anything in our carousels that she was going to demand we drive it to her house and if we didn't she was going to come back up and beat someone up. Thankfully she said she usually went to another store.


                  • #10
                    What on earth?? I mean heck yeah, I'd like personal delivery of something I forgot at a store too - but I wouldn't even begin to expect someone to drive something to my house...... PLUS not only is it not safe for the worker themselves, it's not safe for the customer - how do they know how you behave on your "off time"??? And even if they wanted to sue the store, the employee may only get fired - or may move to another state before getting caught...

                    People need to watch more Law & Order & Bones


                    • #11
                      Quoth air914 View Post
                      People need to watch more Law & Order & Bones
                      Or Forensic Files or Cold Case Files, etc, etc.

                      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                      • #12
                        I did it once

                        I did once demand that I get a delivery to my house. I had gotten a notice from UPS that they tried to deliver my package and they would re-deliver tomorrow at 1PM. I took off of work for an hour the next day, went home and waited. I saw the UPS guy come into my apt complex and I went outside and flagged him down. He told me that my package wasn't even on the truck. They had forgotten it and maybe they'd remember tomorrow. On the phone with cust serv they told me they would bring it tomorrow (if the guy loading the truck remembered) but I would have to be home between 8-5, etc. I raised some hell and told them it wasn't my fault and I wanted it delivered to my home that night. They said it couldn't be done but eventually they did it. They came that night at 7PM. I may have been sucky but I shouldn't have to take off for 2-3 days to get a delivery. (It was some medicine since my insurance made me do the mail-order medicine thing.)

                        I will agree it seems unreasonable for software though.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Dave1982 View Post
                          SC: I'm going to give you my address. I expect you, I DEMAND that YOU come out to my house and fix this problem yourself! You WILL do this and it WILL be free!

                          This would've been my response. If it would have gotten me fired, it would have been worth every second:

                          "No, I WILL not. Seeing as how YOU so rudely DEMANDED that I fix it myself and have been completely unreasonable with both me and my colleague, I WILL disconnect this call. If YOU attempt to call back, you WILL be hung up on. Goodbye. *CLICK!*"
                          The New Orleans Saints are your 2009 NFL champions.

                          Believe dat.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Dave1982 View Post

                            SC: I'm going to give you my address. I expect you, I DEMAND that YOU come out to my house and fix this problem yourself! You WILL do this and it WILL be free!
                            My response:

                            BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You so funny! I.....AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *click!
                            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                            • #15
                              I would simply have said

                              "Ma'am we are willing to do anything reasonable to correct our error. Sending one of our employees out to your house to do so is totally unreasonable so therefore you may either download the required updates, bring your system into us or take your busiess elsewhere. Thank you and have a good day."

