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cutting counter blues

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  • cutting counter blues

    At the cutting counter, every day at least one guest has been hauling around 4 or more bolts of fabric. When it's their turn they dump all of them on the counter right where I am going to measure. Is there an aversion to carts?

    The cutting counter has a "take a number" system, and every day at least one guest bypasses the number. Some will just walk up to the counter and dump their choices; others will stand around waiting until they decide it's their turn. Both groups seem mystified that there are numbers (never mind that we call numbers constantly and often page them over the PA system). Sometimes the guests who do have numbers are willing to let someone who has been waiting take a turn. But many who don't get a number are outraged when they aren't invited to jump the line and get their items measured.
    If someone is waiting there with everyone else, how can they be surprised by a number system?

  • #2
    Quoth Bumbershoot View Post can they be surprised by a number system?
    You mean... your store actually expects them to read and follow instructions???
    "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
    .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


    • #3
      I bet if you looked back at my posts from when I worked at the Fabric Store I complained about people ignoring the number system in 99% of posts. People not taking numbers, people claiming we "never used to use numbers" (we used it since FOREVER) people claiming we didn't call their number when in fact we called it multiple times both over the loud speaker and just yelling it. Oh, since I live in hippie land I also got people complaining about "wasting paper" and they were totally serious.

      Then I had separate posts about my idiot CWs who would sometimes not call loud enough or not even call the number, they just helped whoever came up to them or CWs who wouldn't advance the number, so the screen showed a number who had already been helped and gone. So much fail every day, honestly.

      ETA: OH, yes why did people throw their fabric directly where they KNOW you need to work? I would calmly move the fabric sideways on the table, but some customers would not take the hint and after I finished with each bolt they'd move the pile back. Wtf. And no, you can't set your toddler in my way and expect me to use my scissors within inches of them!
      Replace anger management with stupidity management.

