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Back Off Most Annoying One

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  • Back Off Most Annoying One

    Sunday as usual was a busy hectic day and to top it off my bum knee was acting up. Stairs would be an agonizing feat today but luckily all my rooms were on the same floor. I stock the cart and realize I only have one large garbage bag left. I know that this one will likely last me the whole day and I simply did not want to manage the stairs just yet. A woman comes up and starts rummaging through my cart I hate that I just finished telling another guest that he could not make off with all 20 towels in my cart to bring to his room. I have my soda and energy bars there to and would go ballistic if some asshat decided to make off with them.

    So putting on my best Stepford smile I ask her what she needs "Do you have anything larger?" she asks holding up a roll of small bags. "I'm sorry there is only one I have right now and it's for the garbage, but if you go to the lobby you might be able to get some way" She leaves and I finish the room and go to get the large bag. Of course it wasn't there that little wench made off with it anymore. I go downstairs to get a new roll and run smack into her again "Oh good" she giggles "You got some more" and holds out her hand with this shit-eating grin on her face.

    Twenty minutes later she approaches me again. Apparently she owned a white terry cloth robe that was very similar to our towels. I had mistakenly taken it the previous day. She harped on my "big mistake" all the way down to the lobby. She kept assuring me that she "wasn't mad" and was "aware that I made a mistake". She tells my boss the story saying that she "wasn't mad" and was sure I had done it on accident. (No loser I was so overwhelmed by the amazing quality of your tacky ass robe that I tried to take it, you caught me.)

    All this was before noon as a parting shot she poked her head in the room and said "Our room is ready to be cleaned, try not to take my robe again" Hahaha real funny but don't worry she was quick to tell me she was joking and "she wasn't mad"
    My Horror Blog


  • #2
    And this is why I wish I had the remote to an orbital mass-driver! Nothing like a high-velocity ball made of the same stuff they make shuttle-tiles out of slamming into your engine block to say 'We are NOT amused...'
    And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


    • #3
      Oh good LORD, annoying.

      I'm front lobby, so I set up the breakfast for the morning. Granted, most of the time, everything's in the same place. But it is NOT an infrequent event where I have to play friggin' hide-and-go-seek to find what I need. I once found the large bags in with the cereal. The cereal inexplicably in a cabinate. The creamer in a cabinate on the other side of the room from its usual resting spot. The clear lids mixed in with the 4oz cups in the cup box surrounded and covered by the new shipment of OJ and apple juice concentrate boxes.

      Sympathy. Hope your knee's doing better.


      • #4
        Errgh, she's one of those bloody people who knowingly do something they're not supposed to and then give you one of those grins "Aint I just so charming? Naughty little old me!"
        I used to give them a withering look. Then they'd turn sulky.
        They're of the same ilk as the older women who try little baby girl voices on clerks.

        Seriously, this may be fun and games to you, Ms SC, but it's yet another annoying inconvenience to us. It stops being cute and charming when it means more work on top of an 8 hour day of boring manual labour. It's also kind of an insult that she thinks she needs to keep saying that you didn't deliberately steal her robe - obviously she thinks theft is the conclusion most people should leap to in these circumstances.


        • #5
          Maybe she shouldn't leave the stupid robe with the towels. It's not like you take the time to really look at the mass of fluffy white-ness that you toss into your trolley too closely. Some things you just don't want to see.

          As for the trash bag, I would have groused at her that somebody had stolen my last one and forced me to have to interrupt my work in order to search for more so that I would be able to do my job.

          Man, I hate those people who giggle and think they're just so cute. Make me wanna smack 'em.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

