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No delivery after dark

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  • No delivery after dark

    Never have I had bigger @$$holes or b*tches then when I had to tell them that we do not deliver to their house after dark. These kinds of things are decided by Domino's corporate and are handed down to us. We are expected to enforce these rules without exception.

    The problem is that most people get pissed at yell at us because of it. They get offended and take it as a personal insult. They also say things like,
    "What! Are you joking! Why the hell not?!
    "This isn't a bad neighborhood!"
    "We aren't going to rob you!"
    "What happened! I demand to know what happened!"
    "I want to talk to your manager!"
    "But it's not dark yet!" (if it's dark by the time that the pizza arrives, then we still can't go there)

    I understand that they are frustrated over it, but when I explain that this is decided by corporate, they get even angrier and yell some more. Most of them demand a number to bitch to someone else, one of them was the day of the Superbowl (when we have 50 pizzas on the screen that need to be made, delivery time is almost 2 hours, and all of lines are filled with customers, the last thing we need is deal with customer complaints).

    One person even decided to trick us into going there. Her house happened to be at the corner of one street and another, meaning that there are two possible addresses. One of them was no delivery after dark, the other allowed delivery after dark. This bitch calls back and says, "See! You can go there if you really want to!" and calls back at least 30 times harassing us about it to the point where we threaten to call the police on her.

    Again, I understand why they might be irritated, by I don't understand why they are shooting the messenger. I didn't decide that we can't go there after dark and neither did the manager. If they have a problem, they should take it up with corporate. Now, corporate will not do anything for them since they stubborn spineless pr*cks, but if you have a problem with that, take it up with the people responsible. Also, our drivers are NOT risking their lives so that you can have a pizza and because you feel insulted that we don't deliver to your area. Everyone is welcome to come pick it up, and that's the best we can do for you.

  • #2

    Seriously though, I only even order pizza once in a great while. I love Digiorno pizzas. Their supreme garlic bread pizza has me drooling right now.

    If I were to call a pizza joint and have them tell me they couldn't deliver after dark I would not be mad. After all, it's not like the guy on the phone invented the policy.

    Gotta love it though. "No delivery after dark" is obviously for the employee's safety, yet all the SCs care about is getting THEIR WAY.

    Hey you can get mugged, stabbed, beaten, and robbed.........but as long as that is AFTER you delivered the pizza it is all ok right?


    • #3
      What kind of neighborhood is this? I used to deliver food and without evening/night orders, we would have been out of business. But certain areas were no-go zones because of risk of robbery. but they were off-limits all the time.

      what do you do in winter when it gets dark about 4pm?


      • #4
        Quoth Auto View Post
        What kind of neighborhood is this? I used to deliver food and without evening/night orders, we would have been out of business. But certain areas were no-go zones because of risk of robbery. but they were off-limits all the time.

        what do you do in winter when it gets dark about 4pm?
        There's only a selected list of about 8 streets in a bad neighborhood that we don't go to after dark. We'll go everywhere else without a problem.


        • #5
          Quoth PizzaBoy View Post
          There's only a selected list of about 8 streets in a bad neighborhood that we don't go to after dark. We'll go everywhere else without a problem.

          Gods I wish my Hut would do that (ie no delivery after dark to certain areas). Even I though I live in a relatively quiet town (Green Bay) there are just certain streets in our area that we call "the Getto" that none of us really like going into
          I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
          -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

          "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


          • #6
            After a pizza delivery driver was shot and killed last year, quite a few places will *not* deliver in some areas after dark. No matter how it was explained, several idiots in those areas said it was a racist policy. Uh, no, it wasn't. It was a *crime* thing, not a color thing. And yes, I get to drive through some of those areas every day on the way to and from work. And yes, I've heard gunshots
            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


            • #7
              If you told me you couldn't deliver to me after dark because of where I lived, I would not yell at you, I would be planning on moving out of the area!
              Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

              If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

              Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


              • #8
                Quoth Racket_Man View Post
                Even I though I live in a relatively quiet town (Green Bay) there are just certain streets in our area that we call "the Getto" that none of us really like going into
                I think my older brother and sisters lived on that side of town...
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  When I was a shift leader at Pizza Hut, we had certain areas we didn't deliver to at all, and others that we didn't deliver to after dark. Fortunately, most of the customers were actually understanding of the policy. They weren't always happy about it, but at least they didn't throw a huge fit over the issue. Instead, the customers saved their fits for things like heavy rain or ice storms making the delivery time take longer. (No, I'm not going to make my drivers risk their lives by rushing to get your pizza to you when it's raining so hard you can barely see your hand in front of your face.)
                  Question authority, but raise your hand first. -Alan M. Bershowitz


                  • #10
                    Wouldn't want to be a pizza delivery guy ( or any "deliver to jerkwad house after dark" guy ). But I'm quite glad I live in a nice part of Burnaby where my ever loyal local pizza place ( which is only like 5 blocks from me ) will deliver to my house at 3am if need be. With a smile on their face too because they all know I tip very well.

                    If they only knew I would physically kill a man if need be for their paremsan garlic fingers they might think twice about it....

                    yeah I know my profile says Vancouver, but it lies ;p. I put Vancouver because if you say "Burnaby" people outside BC have no idea where it is. If you say "Surrey" they think you're going to steal their car....


                    • #11
                      Quoth protege View Post
                      Uh, no, it wasn't. It was a *crime* thing, not a color thing. And yes, I get to drive through some of those areas every day on the way to and from work. And yes, I've heard gunshots
                      My brothers used to live in one of those "no delivery ever" areas. It sucked, but it just meant we used the Sam's cards and got 3 Digorno's pizzas for $10 instead. Cheaper for us all.

                      Whenever I spent the weekend over there (I lived a couple hours away at the time) I always heard gunshots. After a while I didn't even bother reacting. They weren't shooting at me and they weren't shooting on the same block, so I'm not gonna get all worked up over it.


                      • #12
                        No matter how it was explained, several idiots in those areas said it was a racist policy.
                        There are "no delivery" areas in Toledo that have a lot of black residents and many there cry racism but there are black delivery drivers there that won't deliver to those neighborhoods either.


                        • #13
                          Quoth PizzaBoy View Post
                          "We aren't going to rob you!"
                          Like you should just take their word for it, because if they were planning to rob you, they'd tell you, right?

                          When I still lived in the city, I had trouble finding a pizza place that would deliver to me at all, let alone after dark. Harrisburg isn't really bad as cities go (although any city has its good and bad areas), but a lot of the places wouldn't deliver to anywhere in the city.

                          As far as I know, my street wasn't a bad area. In fact, I never had any trouble there at all, until the ex moved in, and didn't show a whole lot of discretion about who she made friends with. But that's another story.

                          I didn't get upset about it. There were plenty of options if I just jumped in my car, or God forbid, actually cooked something.
                          Sometimes life is altered.
                          Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                          Uneasy with confrontation.
                          Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                          • #14
                            I'm currently in an apartment complex (all outside doors, several buildigs, access roads are public streets) that is a no-deliver zone. I didn't take it out on the pizza workers, though. Although I was irritated that they didn't let me know they cancelled my order and just waited for a call when the pizza was late.

                            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                            • #15
                              Hey, everyone, I've been a member for a while, but this is the first time I've felt compelled to comment on a thread.

                              I've seen two stories on Unsolved Mysteries that support the idea of not delivering after dark. The first is a delivery guy who got killed all in the name of petty thievery at a house that was for sale and not occupied at that time. Police believe that after the killer made the fake pizza order, he took down the for sale sign of the house, broke in, and waited for the delivery guy to come so he could rob him and shoot him afterwards. I don't think the killer was ever caught.

                              The other story involves an 18-year-old delivery girl who disappeared after trying to deliver to an address that didn't exist. I'm still scratching my head at that point. I've worked in pizza before, and all delivery drivers had to confirm addresses before they left. If I was given an address that didn't exist, I sure as hell wouldn't go. Anyway, the delivery girl was reported missing when someone found her empty car blocking the road she was delivering to. Pizzas were scattered all over the ground, indicating she'd been abducted. Interestingly, a psychic was brought in. He immediately said the delivery girl had been murdered by a man whom she'd been acquainted with. According to the psychic's vision, this man had been the person responsible for ordering the pizzas and abducted her after befriending her on the road, apologizing for giving her the wrong address. Sadly, the man committed suicide as soon as the police focused the investigation on him.

                              Long story short, I support the policy of not delivering after dark.
                              "I realized you're a human being too, and you have felines...? ooh, ooh, feelings!" -Helga G. Pataki

