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VIP customers...

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  • VIP customers...

    Anyone get these people? The ones that say they are long time frequent customers and request special treatment?

    I know that not all stores and such can track such a thing, but at our hotel, its easy, just look up the guests history and see how often they stay, and at what rate.

    I had a guy call me up, he wanted to know what kind of rate I can get him for tomorrow night since the internet shows $89 and he thinks he should get something better for being a frequent stayer at our place. I know most of the frequent guests by name, but his didn't ring a bell. I looked it up, and nothing in recent history shows him. I searched more and found his stay, he stayed ONCE, in 2004!

    I told him this, and he says "Yes, thats me, so do I get a special rate or what?" I told him that in 2004 it was $89, and that, sorry to say, he was not a frequent stay guest. One stay every 3 years, come on now, why even ask for a special rate. I have people stay for multiple days every week, and never ask for a discount.

    Needless to say, he was upset that I didn't give him "VIP service" (his words). He's going to call the manager to report me btw, oh what fun that will be.

  • #2
    So, Mr. MoreImportantThanYou wants VIP service just because he stayed at your hotel one time about three years ago?! Come on. If that was really how things worked, then I would have asked for free Sailor Moon DVDs in Japanese ages ago just because I watched them when I was six years old!
    "But I don't want to be among mad people."
    You can't help that. We're all mad here. Every fucking one of us.


    • #3
      LOL. Yes sir, you've stayed at our hotel one time. I see you are a VERY important customer. Our VERY important customers get a rate of $89 - yes that is the same as on the Internet..... now you know how VERY imporant you are


      • #4
        But see, they are very very very important!

        Like most of the customers at the gas station.

        They swore we'd go out of business if we lost their daily $3.50 in couch/car/chum change for a pack of smokes
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          Chances are he won't report you. To most people that's too much effort and if he couldn't bully you into giving him a discount the first time, complaining about you probably won't either.

          It is inevitable that VIP programs will inspire the assholes to take it too far. Here it's almost like a Diamond VIP card is a license to be an asshole.


          • #6
            I just get a lot of people who mention how much they pay for cable each month, as if that's the magic gateway to the Universe of Special Treatment.

            What's funny is most of the people who do that are the ones who have like standard cable and HBO, yet act like they're keeping the company afloat with their payments. I've seen people with bills over $1000 a month, yours isn't really going to impress me.
            "You know, there are times when it's a source of personal pride not to be human." - Hobbes


            • #7
              I hate those hotel VIP cards that rewards members get. They started this new thing where they give you a "rating" after a certain number of stays. 10 stays gives you gold status, so you get sent a new card that says "Gold Member" on it. Then you got Diamond and Platinum I believe.
              Most people are cool, but every now and then we get the big shot "look at how many points I have accumulated" dude. Am I supposed to be impressed that you had 50 stays so far this year at OTHER places?
              I bet its worse for those people that work at places that dont have a way of tracking a customers history, but are still told by the customer that they are VIP and deserve something for it.


              • #8
                Quoth Getoutofmylobby View Post

                It is inevitable that VIP programs will inspire the assholes to take it too far. Here it's almost like a Diamond VIP card is a license to be an asshole.

                I promise you when I make Diamond VIP status I will not be an asshole. (I am Siver right now going on Gold). I guess I am one of the few people that believes that the word "guest" means "guest". I treat hotel property with respect. I wouldn't go over to a friends house and leave food in the sink and trash on the floor.


                • #9
                  I just thought I'd add to the list of VISC's. Had an order for a sandwich at our store and the custmer at the store calling us swears up and down that when she asked what store she was ordering from, they said store A. Anyway, we at store B did have her order. Would it have been too much trouble for her to travel down to our neck of the woods and retrieve her order? Of course it would. She waited 20 minutes (or more probably) at the other store because the powers that be(at the time) dragged it over there for her. She probably ended up getting it for free as well because it wasn't where we said it should be. Perhaps next time we can just get her address and hand deliver it.


                  • #10
                    Speaking of "reward cards", how about the ones with those cards that I unaffectionately like to call those "Golden Suck-eye" cards. Anyone that's worked in service/retail in Ohio know EXACTLY what I'm talking about!


                    • #11
                      Hasn't this guy heard of Priority Club, or even being a member of AAA?

                      I guess I'll have to look up that hotel I stayed at in Gatlinburg, Tennesee nine years ago and see if they can get me a discounted rate on their advertised discounted rate.


                      • #12
                        I used to get this ALL the time. The occasional purchase (for retail) does not make you a VIP cusomer!

                        I used to tell these people that I go to the supermarket every single week. They don't give me a discount, nor should they.


                        • #13
                          Quoth mrtauntaun View Post
                          I used to tell these people that I go to the supermarket every single week. They don't give me a discount, nor should they.
                          I agree completely with that quote!
                          Be like the flower that perfumes the very hand that crushes it.


                          • #14
                            Quoth greensinestro View Post
                            I guess I'll have to look up that hotel I stayed at in Gatlinburg, Tennesee nine years ago and see if they can get me a discounted rate on their advertised discounted rate.
                            Yeah, theres a hotel in Kadoka South Dakota I stayed for one night 10 years ago at at the coupon rate of 45 bucks, you know i bet if i called them up and bitched loudly enough they would honor that rate again.

                            We're exaggerating, but hotels (the corporate people) actually encourage this type of thinking. They want their customers to feel special so they stay at a certain chain all the time. I guess there's nothing wrong with this... unless you're one of us in the trenches who has to deal with the egos of these people full bore.

                            Just today:

                            Diamond VIP member: "So where are your cookies? The last ___ I stayed at had cookies for us.
                            Me: "Oh we ran out of dough, we should have some more tomorrow."
                            VIP asshole: (to friend) "Yeah right, nice way to treat a VIP member!"


                            • #15
                              On the underground they have CSR's meet VIPs at he platform. Of course a VIP is Visually Impaired Person who does need the extra help.

                              Learned from
                              ludo ergo sum

