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The Early Bird pisses me off.

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  • The Early Bird pisses me off.

    I set up breakfast. Breakfast lasts from seven to ten in the morning. I set it up early on weekdays because we have construction workers who habitually stay here and have to leave by six or seven and early on weekends out of habit.

    That said, breakfast starts at seven. Any food out earlier is by my good graces. The lobby itself, technically, is not open on my shift. Anybody hanging out can, if I feel uncomfortable, be told to leave. And me, I like to listen to music, especially when setting stuff up. The radio. Oldies station. Definitely not offensive.

    And people do come in early. If it's before five, I tell them to shoo, breakfast at seven. Much after that, and they can make do with what I have out. That's fine. They don't bother me. What bugs me is when somebody comes in and HEY! Lobby's theirs. When they walk in (I still have to unlock the door for them, hint.) they have no acknowledgement in them for my morning greetings, walk over to where the TV and stereo are, and turn off my music. Bastard did that this morning. Turned on the TV and turned off my music. Six-fifteen, so I felt it was too close to time to actually kick him out. But that was really @$#%ing frustrating.

    And I can't say anything off color 'cause the hotel owners are VERY COUSTOMER FRIENDLY. le sigh.
    Last edited by MinimaMagistra; 05-26-2007, 10:44 AM. Reason: wrong tags

  • #2
    Unplug the TV or the line from the cable, most people won't bother to check (in other words, they'll just complain).

    Say "We're aware that the TV is broken, and we're hoping someone will be out later today to fix it"

    Or, if they're really lazy, hide the remote.

    (I"m assuming they're staying at the hotel and all the rooms have that luxury that the lobby has called a TV?). Of course, they don't want to wake their family, so they sit their ass down in front of the TV instead of going for a walk or something like that. Oh my, heaven forbid that they walk to Dunkin Donuts and get a nice breakfast for their family!!
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


    • #3
      Quoth MinimaMagistra View Post
      Breakfast lasts from seven to ten in the morning.
      That said, breakfast starts at seven. Any food out earlier is by my good graces.
      Six-fifteen, so I felt it was too close to time to actually kick him out.
      I don't think 6:15 is anywhere near "too close" to 7:00, personally. Is there a time that your boss says you have to start letting people in other than 7? If not, you are doing them a favor. They start assuming and acting like jerks? Kick them out.

      I don't open the doors to my work until the posted open time. If it's a regular customer and it's less than 5 minutes, I will if I'm nearly ready to open. But anyone else and any earlier? Fogettaboutit.


      • #4
        Quoth Reyneth View Post
        I don't think 6:15 is anywhere near "too close" to 7:00, personally. Is there a time that your boss says you have to start letting people in other than 7? If not, you are doing them a favor. They start assuming and acting like jerks? Kick them out.
        I concur...6:45, sure, OK, but not 6:15...besides, it it's not time and you're not finished with what you need to do, they can wait..
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          Unfortunately, being an employee who goes above and beyond the call just gets you loads of sucky customers. It's like you're the magnet and they're the iron filings. :P

          If you could move the stereo behind the counter where only you are able get to it, that might help discourage people from turning it off. Draggar's advice about unplugging the cable etc is pretty good too. Once the SCs have left you just plug it back in.

          You can always count on people to act like proprietary jerks about stuff like public tvs and radios. the laundromat I go to every week used to have cable tv, which was kinda nice because it kept the inevitable hordes of unsupervised kids occupied and away from taking 'rides' in dryers and carts and running around shrieking at the top of their little lungs. Then the moms began to fight about which soap operas to watch. The employees even put the damn set up on a shelf and people climbed on top of the dryers to change the channel! So no more tv. *sigh*


          • #6
            Quoth draggar View Post

            (I"m assuming they're staying at the hotel and all the rooms have that luxury that the lobby has called a TV?). !
            Yeah but it's not as fun as forcing a bunch of strangers to watch what you want. I once had to unplug the television set after two grown men got into an argument over whether to watch ER or The Price Is Right and of course neither of them had the common sense to go back to their rooms.

            Same as with the coffee. Despite having a machine in their room the early birds will stand outside peering in all pissed off because we won't open an hour early so they can get their fix.
            My Horror Blog



            • #7
              There's a channel on the TV that just cycles some messages with weird backgrounds (blurry cinnamon rolls, in one. Why?). Stuff like how the fitness center's in the back, cookies in the lobby at 6:30 (had this old bastard go nuts 'cause there weren't any left at midnight, the first two nights he stayed here), fresh coffee in the lobby. Someone yanks on the doors, I'm supposed to unlock them 'cause there could be a problem in their rooms, they may be checking out, may be walk-ins, whatever. I set out food early for the guests 'cause my bosses said I should/could, when I was in training. Tonight, I'm apparently making "lots extra" for the shitload of teenagers here for a basketball tournament. *sighs*

              But, yeah. Twit's getting kicked out if he does it again.

              Turned it off in the middle of "Horse With No Name", too. I like that song.


              • #8
                Ok thats just rude.
                Put up SIGN (i know they wont read it) so you can yell at them for touching it. And do the whole unplugging thing. and if they bitch and moan? Tell them the lobby isnt technically open yet, and they can watch the TV then.


                • #9
                  As regards unplugging: I was GOING to. I so totally was. When I said in my last post about kicking him out if the twit did it again, I typed "to that effect-" and got up to unplug it before finishing the sentence. The TV is in a large wooden cabinate set up at an angle to the corner. Boxing off the plugs. It is about a foot from the wall on either side, but sidling would be needed (and frowned upon by the management). Also I'd have to get around the large and leafy fake plants potted there to prevent people from getting back there.

                  devious, unhelpful decor...


                  • #10
                    I think I'd just turn that TV off, and turn the radio back on. If the SC said anything about it, I'd tell them it's not time for the lobby to be open yet. If they made an issue after that, I'd tell them that they can either behave and play nice for the time being, or leave and come back at the proper time. End of discussion! I'd certainly notify management if it went that far that the SC was being a nuissance, and that's why I asked him to leave. I'd hope your management would be willing to stand behind you should you decide to force the issue.
                    The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

                    Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy


                    • #11
                      You mean it didn't even occur to this bastard to at least ask if it was all right to turn off your music and then put on the TV? Does this guy think he owns the place or what?


                      • #12
                        Post-it notes. Area opens at 7 am right on the power button to the TV. Might work, might not.. Just passive aggressive enough to keep you out of trouble.


                        • #13
                          Quoth MinimaMagistra View Post
                          Someone yanks on the doors, I'm supposed to unlock them 'cause there could be a problem in their rooms, they may be checking out, may be walk-ins, whatever.
                          Couldn't you just open the doors a bit, wedge yourself in and ask "How can I help?"
                          Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr Cox - Scrubs


                          • #14
                            Quoth greensinestro View Post
                            Does this guy think he owns the place or what?
                            Yes. Yes he does. As does every other entitlement-ridden guest who feels that their money in our hands equals our rights as people in theirs.

                            To Naaman: Yeah, no. One door only opens from the inside when you push on the bar, yes, but the other is electronically locked and it's the one we open from behind the desk. I only EVER open the doors by hand when I'm out front fixing breakfast and know the person as a long-time (and pleasant) guest.


                            • #15
                              Oh well

                              Thought that one was too obvious
                              Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr Cox - Scrubs

