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Wherein people get offended by recordings....

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  • Wherein people get offended by recordings....

    So today (well it's after midnight now so technically *yesterday*) there was a big Ultimate Fighting Championship PPV event. These events usually generate a metric shit-ton of calls in to the center I work at since it seems half the people with PPV capability don't understand or just refuse to believe they can order via remote and just HAVE to call us. Thankfully I've always had Saturdays off, but I hear the horror stories when I come in on Monday how they had 100s of calls in queue all evening.

    Well to try to avoid that, my company put a recording on the IVR you get when you call in, informing people of the event and how they can order it via remote. That was it. The whole thing wasn't more than 15-20 seconds tops.

    Well, you'd think that we were aurally raping some of our customers to hear the complaints we got. People were upset that they were FORCED to listen to an advertisement for a show they weren't interested in. People were telling me they had to wait "10 minutes or more" to talk to me because they had to listen to "that ad for that PPV you're forcing on me" .Furthermore, they'd tell me they were HIGHLY OFFENDED since they don't believe in fighting and think UFC is wrong and should not be allowed. OK, I get that it's not for everyone, but listening to a 20 second how-to on ordering PPV (and that's what it was, no hype of the show itself) is not going to wound your tender sensitivities, especially since you were calling in to tear me a new one using un-Godly terms anyway. Furthermore, the people who I talked to who were upset about this were SCs anyway, so maybe we stumbled across the solution: have your company mention UFC in the phone greeting and it drives them away like Raid.

    I told the guy who sits behind me (who is a MMA/wrestling fan like I am) about one offended lady who DEMANDED I personally change the greeting so she wouldn't have to be subjected to such filth, and he replied "I wonder if she gets that offended when they show war footage on the news".
    "You know, there are times when it's a source of personal pride not to be human." - Hobbes

  • #2
    Just wanted to say that it was a great event! Even though Liddell is my favorite fighter and always will be, it was still a great event.

    That being said I never order a PPV the day of the event. I don't know if this is nationwide, but my cable company offers a discount if you order ahead of time. I guess it saves them money in the long run because they expect a ton of calls on the day of the event. I ordered last week and got tonight's event for $39.95 versus the regular $49.95 price. WWE Pay Per Views are the same. Normally $39.95, but they are $29.95 if you order any day prior to the day of the event. I usually order online or through my remote.


    • #3
      Furthermore, they'd tell me they were HIGHLY OFFENDED since they don't believe in fighting and think UFC is wrong and should not be allowed.
      SC: I can't believe you allow this! Fighting should be outlawed on TV!!!
      CMS: YEs Ma'am. I understand. How may I help you?
      SC: I don't know how to order on my remote. Can you set me up for the Midget BDSM Porn?
      This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


      • #4
        I know the feeling about high call times at my call center for the PPV events. The last boxing event we had 200 calls in queue for hours, the queue got so high Operations stopped showing it. I had the unlucky chance to also work on this event day as I always work Saturdays. There were quite a bit of people here for overtime to compensate for the high volume, however despite what happened for the last event we had a pretty slow night despite the PPV event. CancelMyservice, we may even work for the same company are the initials TWC or CC as we are becoming the latter in this town next month.
        Never Underestimate the Element of Surprise - Odo, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

        Captain John Rourke(Clear Skies) - Ah, yes. another Black Bird. Are they free with cereal now or something?


        • #5
          I believe I work for the company you're about to turn into.
          "You know, there are times when it's a source of personal pride not to be human." - Hobbes


          • #6
            We used to refer to Chuck Liddell and Oscar De La Hoya as our "collections department." It's amazing how many people will suddenly pony up their past due balances when either has a PPV event.
            I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler


            • #7
              Quoth CancelMyService View Post
              They were HIGHLY OFFENDED since they don't believe in fighting and think UFC is wrong and should not be allowed.
              AHHAHAHAHAH!!! You have some of MY cable customers!!! When I worked for a 401k (retirement funds) company, I had someone tell me he couldn't have a 401k because keeping his money in stocks & bonds is like gambling & gambling is against his religion! ROFL

              The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


              • #8
                My brother used to be one of those doorknobs that would call in the day of the event to order it.

                He'd bitch and moan about the recording about how to order it with the remote because the remote we originally got with our service didn't have the button that is required in order to actually order PPV through the service.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

