Or "When life gives you lemons, make a huge fuss and demand an apology." 
This happened during my break, however I was able to piece together what happened when I got back. These customers had a basket of shopping, including 2 2litre bottles of lemonade. Now, they were both standing up; as the belt moved, one fell onto the floor; and exploded. Lemonade went over my relief, over the till, all over the floor, over the customers, over the belt and accross the keypad. O_o
Said customers then started to scream, demanding an apology and money for compensation, even tho technically it was their fault for standing the sodding thing up on the belt in the first place. Needless to say, they didn't get either; it's not like we wired the bottle up to explode in their faces.
And I came back to a huge sticky mess to clear up, as the cleaner only mopped the floor, not cleaned up the belt or till.

This happened during my break, however I was able to piece together what happened when I got back. These customers had a basket of shopping, including 2 2litre bottles of lemonade. Now, they were both standing up; as the belt moved, one fell onto the floor; and exploded. Lemonade went over my relief, over the till, all over the floor, over the customers, over the belt and accross the keypad. O_o
Said customers then started to scream, demanding an apology and money for compensation, even tho technically it was their fault for standing the sodding thing up on the belt in the first place. Needless to say, they didn't get either; it's not like we wired the bottle up to explode in their faces.
