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Soul sucking vampire

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  • Soul sucking vampire

    Well, she is also alternatively known as 'Crazy Lady,' 'Samosa Lady,' and 'That crazy dried up hag.'
    This is gonna be really long.
    She appeared out of no where last week, on Tuesday. She spent 5 hours in the store that first time.
    She is very abrupt, and really really creepy. She speaks in a constant monotone and never blinks. She stares at you like she is trying to hypnotize or suck out your mind.
    The first time I spoke to her, I was in a rush so I showed her where a book she wanted was, and ran off to do something urgent.
    She then spoke to a male coworker for about 10 minutes.
    I don't know what she did to him, but after 10 minutes, as she was still speaking, he just got up and left. He met the manager on his way to the back and said he couldn't talk to her, that she was doing something to him, to his mind.
    Confused, the manager helped her but left feeling very irritated.
    She then spent the night literally in the store, until we were almost closed.
    She bought a bunch of books, which had to be arranged in certain batches, with each batch totalling a specific cost and only a certain number of books in each batch. She also bought a discount card, which doesn't work on the sale books, which she bought some of. After each transaction, she took the receipt and checked each book, asking why each book was discounted this amount, why was this not discounted, and she didn't think that it really was a 10% discount and she wanted a calculator. The books also had to specially arranged in bags, with special layers of bags. Paper, plastic, paper, plastic kinda idea.
    The night manager was tearing out her hair after this.
    I talked with the guy who couldn't deal with her. He believes in auras, psychic powers,etc. He said she had a black aura, very dark, and she was sucking energy from people and replacing it with some of her own blackness.
    She started to come in every day, with the same routine. The guy hid, each time, even before she'd made it through the front door.
    She started going to our in store restaurant, freaking them out too. She would always order samosas to go. Then sit on the patio and expect to be served. She demanded free lattes, free appetizers. free dessert, free everything. The servers, a usually cheerful bunch, were noticably irritatted and shaken after each encounter. At one point, she elbowed a server carrying a large and heavy tray. After almost bowling the server over, she continued on her way, her expression and stride never changing. She accused a server of not charging her tax one day, but doing it the next. She demanded a lemon wedge and 2 cups of each different type of sauce with her samosas. The one lemon wedge was not enough, she wanted more. So she got 2. No, more. She took enough for a whole lemon.
    She always wanted books on energy and aura manipulation. This freaked out all of us, even though lots of us don't believe in auras.
    Most of us booksellers hid when we saw her. Each of us had dealt with her and just couldn't afterwards. Unfortunately, this one guy in the lower lever is trapped behind a desk and she always went straight to him. Poor guy was totally freaked out all the time, and feeling weird and annoyed at everything.
    My own encounter was at the cash desk. She had to have books arranged specially in groups of 6. She made me switch books around after I had totalled each seperate batch, and had to delete everything. She paid in cash but did not hand it to me. She refused to touch me. She put in on the counter. I had to place the change on the counter and push it to her. Before this, I had given her a crisp 5 dollar bill as change. She had her hand on the counter, I had it over her hand, she turned it palm up, like she was going to take it, and I let the bill go. She snatched her hand away, and the bill floated towards her. In her monotone she said 'Don't throw that at me.' I didn't though. Try it sometime, the bill will float towards the person if they don't take it. She continued 'You need to read anger management.'
    I had also had to change that 5 dollar bill a couple of times. The first few weren't up to her standards.
    After bagging her stuff, which I also had to redo a few times to her specifications, she went throught the damned receipts, all 3 of them, during a huge lunch hour rush. It took me 45 minutes to deal with her, and that was just the sale! I'm not including the time she spent going through the receipts and blocking my till. She wouldn't move.
    Afterwards, I was shaking and angry and snappy and wanted to hit something. I also kept thinking about bad things that had happened to me, like pets dying, fights with my husband, my parents. My head hurt like crazy, and really, I don't believe in auras but damn it there was something wrong about her and she was seriously effecting everyone she came into contact with.
    As a group, we went to the manager and told him that we didn't want her in the store anymore. He hesitated, she was buying a lot, but he said that if she started returning, then yes he would ban her at that point.
    Keep in mind, this all started last WEEK.
    This week, she reappeared on Monday. She began returning things. But she would only return a couple of books on each receipt, and then she would want double copies of each receipt, but kept ordering more books. The guy in the lower level was going crazy and the first guy hid from her, but had to do an 'energy cleansing' or something after each visit, and would wipe off the negative energy clinging to her returned books. He thinks they will never sell, because she's affected the books, and no one will even know why they don't want these books.
    Her return strategy was smart. She had obviously read them, but the books were in such good condition it was impossible to tell. She would return a couple of books on a few different receipts, get her cash, then come back the next day and return the rest of the books on the receipts. Always, she bought more books.
    Thursday was the last straw. I was starting her return this week when I had to go deal with an emergency, so a different supervisor took over. He is always calm. I have never ever seen him angry. He's also an atheist and not fazed by 'psychic' claims.
    After his encounter, he said he had never been so angry in his life, and was just so PISSED OFF but didn't know why!!!! He felt drained and his skin was all creepy crawly.
    I presented the manager the next day with her returns history of the last 3 days, totalling over $600.00, with numerous staff complaints, and restaurant complaints about her.
    He finally agreed to ban her.

    We are all fighting over who gets to throw her out the next time she comes in.
    It has been suggested we direct her to the nearby book conglomerate, but we're not that cruel.

  • #2
    I think that was the strangest SC story I've ever read. It could be the basis for a really good horror novel. I hope you keep us informed when she returns.


    • #3
      Gyah! Yes, some people are like that. Black, terrible voids of raw human suffering.

      I would have exorcised her. I don't precisely know how but I would learn, dammit. Preferable Buddhist monk style so you could physically slap one of those paper seals on her forehead when she came to the counter. Then you could make an elaborate series of hand seals until she shrieks and runs out of the store.

      Well, actually she may just hiss at you and crawl under a shelf on all fours making weird clicking noises. Then you'd be forced to try and flush her out with a broom or just burn the store down. The latter might be better. Its the only way to make sure.


      • #4
        Some people are just...I dunno...something ain't RIGHT with them.


        • #5
          I'm scared to go to sleep now


          • #6
            Yeah... Im one of those people who believe in auras and stuff...
            I wouldn't buy those books and i sure as hell wouldn't want to be in the shop with her.


            • #7
     My sister is very sensitive to things like this. She's encountered some really creepy people in the town she lives. I would shudder to think how she would react to this lady, she sounds like a real piece of work.
              Random conversation:
              Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
              DDD: Cuz it's cool

              So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


              • #8
                Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
                Yeah... Im one of those people who believe in auras and stuff...
                I wouldn't buy those books and i sure as hell wouldn't want to be in the shop with her.
                Ditto here.

                I don't really 'see' auras, but I definitely pick up vibes like a psi-seismometer or something. I've dealt with one or two people who gave off what I'm starting to think of as a 'Power-sink' vibe, and most of them seem to think they're some sort of hot shit, magically. Not sure what to make of that, but I've always been able to hold my own around them. One time, while I was at B&N in the cafe, I was dealing with a regular SC with a friend (who does see auras) nearby waiting for my shift to end. Later, she told me it was 'freaky' watching mine react around this guy's. All I knew at the time was that the guy always had vibes like he was a complete and total jerk, through and through, and that he'd always deflate when I refused to let him bring my mood down. According to my friend, though, when the 'feelers' hit my aura I started draining him and converting the black to my own green, gold, and one other color... either blue or orange, I can't remember which.

                Now that I think about it, that would explain why my only really sucktastic encounters have been over the phone.
                Last edited by JustADude; 06-03-2007, 07:28 AM.
                And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


                • #9
                  I had a friend who could see auras, it was kind of strange. He didn't talk about feeling vibes or anything, I think he actually saw them. He'd describe colors, occasionally using the descriptor "a brilliant greenish purple."* That man always seemed to be aware of something I wasn't, he said he remembered his past lives, usually when people say things like that I ask them if they were ever Cleopatra, most of them will say yes. How many of you people were Cleopatra, goddamit. He however said that he's never really been more than a peasant, and that this is the first life he's had in which he was taught to read and write.

                  *Kind of the color you get when you push down on your eyelids. People seem to use this discriptor to describe a color they've never seen before and haven't been able to see since.
                  You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


                  • #10
                    I would HATE being around that lady. I can usually tell when I'll get along well or horribly with someone (most people don't fall into either category), and she sounds like someone I'd cross the street to avoid.

                    That being said, I tend to take on the mood of those around me. So prolonged contact with the Hag might be interesting to see the effect on her.
                    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                    • #11
                      I would love to deal with that woman. I wish that I can see aura's but I cannot yet. I have found out when I was younger, that I can see things, that no one around me is able to.
                      Last edited by powerboy; 06-03-2007, 10:05 AM.
                      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                      • #12
                        Prolonged contact with someone like that can make you mentally and physically sick. It's a good thing that she's being banned. We all sort of drain energy from each other at times, but among normal people it's more of a give and take situation. With people like that it's take take take and nothing but take.


                        • #13
                          My mom starting taking me to meditation classes at around 7 years old. So I pick up on stuff like that...whether I want to or not.

                          Its weird having your hippy phase in grade 2.

                          I've known a few people like that. They're just black holes of unpleasantness. Nothing you say or do changes them either. If they just suck the life and patience from everyone around them till they finally drive them off. ><


                          • #14
                            Some suggestions for getting rid of any lingering aural effects that won't feel too 'silly' to most of you:

                            Find an incense that most of the people in your shop consider pleasant, and burn it in the shop. If most of you will tolerate sage, use that - it's considered a cleanser in many cultures.
                            If you don't feel too silly doing it, walk around the shop carrying the incense and sort of 'waft' the smoke everywhere. (Make sure any employee who has hayfever isn't on that day, or at least has checked that that particular incense smoke is fine with them.)

                            Do a thorough clean of your shop - just a normal spring cleaning. The actions and intentions of 'getting this clean' and 'making it all nice' will affect the aura. (I think this works because your auras will all be saying 'clean, clean, happy, shiny, nice, get rid of everything icky', and that will cancel out and get rid of any aura she's left behind.)
                            Ideally, have people who enjoy cleaning or enjoy making things nice be the ones who do this. And be thorough: under and behind things as well, if you can manage it.

                            Plants are great. Keep a few potplants in the store for a while.

                            I don't know how much I believe in auras, but I do know that if I go through a new house with incense, then give it a thorough clean, I feel a LOT better. Even a house where someone has died, or a house in a 'bad' neighbourhood, feels much better to me after I've done these things. So these techniques have been empirically tested.
                            Seshat's self-help guide:
                            1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                            2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                            3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                            4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                            "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                            • #15
                              That is WEIRD, especially the aura thing. I am an atheist, but I have this weird belief in magic and believe there's something more about it. I admit I get a little creeped out reading about her and wonder if that's happened to my books ever or anything I just couldn't buy..

