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An open letter

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  • An open letter

    To the bitch that came to full serve today:

    Hey, how are you? Feeling good? Feeling good about giving me a fake 20? You knew it was fake, you knew exactly what you were doing. You knew that if you gave me a fake 20 and 2 toonies and a loonie that I wouldn't notice that the bill was bad- and it was a horrible counterfeit- because it would take a few seconds for me to unroll the folded bill and try and see the ghost face that wasn't there. You knew because I chased after you. You knew because you flew out the lot and made a wild right with no signal.

    I wonder how you would feel if you knew that I had to pay for the 20. That's right, a slighty above min wage gas attendat, who can't even afford his own place, had to pay for your gas, and you knew the money was fake. Maybe you are a waitress, and it was left on the table, and you knew that you would have to pay for that. But if that was true, why would you pass it on to another? If you couden't afford to pay for the fake, what makes you think I could?

    Maybe you thought you were getting back at the "big bad oil companies", by stealing thier gas. Haha! Take that Big Oil! Well guess what? You know how much my station makes on gas? How much of a percentage? Zero. Nil. Not a penny. But the way the system is setup, all the sales we have for gas are stored on the computers. At the end of every day, Big Oil takes out the gas sales. They don't care about drive aways, counterfeits, nothing. They take the money. So it is my job to makes sure the money is there. That also means that when you handed me that fake 20, that you knew was fake, you did nothing but rob my pocket.

    On a plus though, for me, not you, I have your plate. Our new fancy cameras can zoom in on your car, and I have your plate. Now, the police don't care. They arn't oing to hunt you down for 20 bucks. But I have your plate. I'm not going to damage your far, that will not give me any satisfaction. I just want my money.

    So if you EVER dare to show your face at my station again, I have full permission to ask for my money back. And if you refuse, or claim to know know what I am talking about, I am going to tell you to get your skinny pasty ass the goddamned hell out of my station, and I will not use as nice language.

    P.S. To the weido's who sat in a short school bus and then a big F350, and taped my gas station for most of they day until the Territory Manager caught you and kicked your ass out, I only have one question: What the hell were you video taping ANYWAY?

  • #2
    The vidoe taper might be a PI, and his mark frequnts your station.... that or he's hired to get evidence against your bosses.


    • #3
      Quoth Andreamic View Post
      Now, the police don't care. They arn't oing to hunt you down for 20 bucks.
      Yes they will. You report it and show the tape. Even if they can't do anything about this particular incident (depends on what is actually on tape) they will at least have the report if she does it again. We turned someone in after the fact, had no video tape but we did have another business who she tried it on earlier that day. They took the report and then caught her at another business later on.
      Definitely report it. It's a serious offense and they will take a report.

      "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


      • #4
        At the very lease, it you where in the US all your data would go to the feds... making her a federal criminal.


        • #5
          Definitely report it to the police, if you've a licence plate, and still have the fake, then they can find that person and determine if they're passing more counterfeits. And if not, it's still a crime to knowingly pass a fake bill.
          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


          • #6
            My boss already called the police. They said that she would have to come down with the bill, file a report, and then they would get back to us. The police don't care when a guy comes up 3 times, in the same car, with the same plates, on three weekends spaced over 2 months and steals gas, and we have him on tape doing that too, and they have barly lifted a finger. I am still going to go though, because someone will be expecting me to be there with the bill, but i'm never going to see my money unless she comes back to the station


            • #7
              Andreamic - that's surprising that the cops don't care about drive offs. Here in Virginia (in the US), cops are very hard on drive offs. Oh well, here's to her not coming back again (even if it does mean you'll never see that $20 she owes you ever again).


              • #8
                Quoth Andreamic View Post
                The police don't care when a guy comes up 3 times, in the same car, with the same plates, on three weekends spaced over 2 months and steals gas, and we have him on tape doing that too, and they have barly lifted a finger.
                Ahh, your police officers are lazy then. Phone the FBI directly. those guys don't mess around. Also inform them of what the police told you. Fake bills need to be confiscated immediately and turned over to the feds. Knowingly passing counterfeit money is an automatic federal crime.

                She's not going to have a police officer knocking on her door, she's going to have the feds breaking it down, dragging her out in cuffs and searching her house.
                I AM the evil bastard!
                A+ Certified IT Technician


                • #9
                  Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
                  At the very lease, it you where in the US all your data would go to the feds... making her a federal criminal.
                  Indeed, the Secret Service would be all over her. Now who is in charge of counterfeit cases in Canada though? Perhaps the Mounties?


                  • #10
                    That sucks Andreamic. They take drive offs seriously here too (Oklahoma), and will take away your license if caught. I hope she comes in again so you can rip her a new one, since that sounds like the only justice you're going to get.
                    Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.

                    Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.
                    ~Oscar Wilde


                    • #11
                      Oh yeah, they take counterfeit money and drive offs very seriously where I'm from too. I pulled forward once when I had to pay cash, so that the guy behind me could get in (the station was busy, or I wouldn't have bothered) the fuel attendant told me that he was glad I came right in, because he was just about to call the cops over a drive off. I don't pull forward anymore, which is inconvinent for people, but I'd rather not be arrested.


                      • #12
                        By-pass your local police and go directly to your county Sheriff. That's who came out for our report and who arrested our counterfeiter. And just last week my mother-in-law caught a fake bill, it was the Sheriff who came out again for the report. Not sure if it's because it's their department or if it's because we're in the middle of nowhere.

                        "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


                        • #13
                          Yes, passing fake money is a big deal. Even in little denominations, it's still a big no-no. I think I remember seeing on TV, that they keep a copy of each bill that's in circulation. They take the counterfeit bill, match it up with the copy (using its serial number) and they can see how good (or bad) the counterfeit is and they figure out when it was made and all the jazz . . .
                          This area is left blank for a reason.


                          • #14
                            Something I don't think anybody has mentioned--in many jurisdictions in the U.S. it's illegal for employers to force their workers to pay for non-paying customers, such as diners who dash out on their bills, or people who pay with counterfeit money.

                            You might want to look into what the applicable labor laws says.

                            And definitely report the phony bill. I'd suggest the federal agnecy that looks into counterfeiting, in addition to local police.
                            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                            • #15
                              I see you are in Hamilton. If the Hamilton cops won't do anything, phone the OPP. If they don't seem interested, then phone the the RCMP. (Counterfitting is a federal crime).

                              As for making YOU pay the $20: that's completely illegal in Canada.
                              There's no such thing as a stupid question... just stupid people.

