I have been enjoying reading this SC forum for months now.........I am agitated enough to register and share in the stories tonight. Let's just say I've done retail stores and banking for 25+ years now. I used to have some faith in humanity, but lately I'm feeling pretty soured. One of my real pet peeves that is bugging me a lot is the SC that comes in- not 15 minutes to closing, not 10, not 5,4,3, or 2 minutes to closing, but the ones that come running or sneaking in at 1 minute or less before the door is locked. Like when the last customer (you think) leaves, and the door is slowly gliding shut...and they grab it and slink in! I am talking about the type that wants to START shopping just before the store closes and grabs a shopping cart or basket on the way in. Then it keeps the staff working and waiting longer because the inconsiderate person has to be rung up, and the drawer balancing is thus further delayed as well. I am thinking about the jerk coming in at 3:59:40 who goes to the teller window with a
check for $6000.00 and expects their transaction to somehow be done "faster" or "with less ID checking" or something ridiculous like that. I am so pissed off at these inconsiderate morons that cause the whole business closing to be delayed because "they have a surefire-way to get what they want faster 'cause the staff wants to go home" or feel we are obligated to serve them because they want to feel a power trip over us. Believe me, I'm not talking about someone who got held up in traffic/works crazy hours/got sidetracked occasionally.....I have no problem with those folks. There is a type of jerk out there who does it just to be a selfish jerk!!! I swear...they sit in their car watching the front doors and then...tick...tick...tick....off they go....run to the door at just the right moment. I see the SAME PEOPLE doing this!!!!! Not just a one-time thing. God help me..............I just need to vent tonight.............
I'm really hoping someone out there can relate and respond.....it cheers me up to read other people's retail horrors!!!! GAAAAHHHHH!!!!!
