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  • That's ILLEGAL. (LONG)

    Ok, three stories, all a little old here.
    Story 1:
    I'm stacking shelves, it's quiet, and this chavvy-type-boy comes up to me and sort of shuffles up to me.
    'Urrm- can I buy weed here?'
    Me- gobsmacked for a few minutes-
    'Urrm, no. Marijuana is illegal, we can't sell it here.'
    SDB (stupid drugs boy)- 'but your like, a herbs shop. Weed's a herb'.
    Me: Yes, but we only sell LEGAL herbal products. Ones for health.
    SDB: Do you know where I can buy some weed?
    Me: No. Tell you what- why don't you ask one of the nice police? A couple of them have a beat that takes them round the city centre. I'm sure they'll know.

    Story 2:
    SW= Stupid woman
    Me= overworked, undervalued, underpaid.
    Me: Ok, I can get a manager.
    SW: NO! don't you move! I'm going to call the police in a minute. YOU ARE SELLING ILLEGAL GOODS!
    Me: We are?
    SW: YES! You are selling MARIJUANA!
    Me: I, urrm, don't think we are. COuld you show me this?
    So she shows me to a section and points at the hempseeds. At this point I have to really bite my tongue not to start laughing.
    Me: That's not marijuana. That's hemp.
    SW: Don't try and trick me! THEY'RE THE SAME THING!
    Me: No, they aren't. Hempseeds are from the same species, but they aren't the same plant. Hemp is pefectly legal, all sorts of things are made from it. It doesn't have any intoxicating properties at all.
    SW:.... I don't believe you.
    Me: I'm telling the truth. If it was illegal we wouldn't be allowed to sell it.

    She storms out.
    We get similar things from ignorant people a lot.
    'Hemp? That's- that's DRUGS!'

    sTORY 3:
    I only overhear this one, I'm not involved. As I'm on till I overhear a group of chavvy young girls wandering around looking at our protein powdrs and stuff. I can't remember most of the conversation, but do remembr this bit.
    'Those are steroids!'
    'No they aren't!'
    'Yes they are! And steroids are illegal! We should go to the police!'

    There are no steroids. And I guess, if they went to the police, the police didn't believe them. That might be because a fair few of them come in off duty and buy the protein powders.
    Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.

  • #2
    We sell candy along with Anime. We have Japanese peanuts that we sell. for whatever reason, this one guy about 19, says to us that the peanuts are some kind of drugs. I told him, thanks for letting us know, and that I will take them off the shelf. After he left, I put them back. He came in again, and wanted to know why they were there. I told him, because we took it to the police, and they said, that they were not drugs.
    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


    • #3
      You could've sold the hemp seeds to the stoner boy. It would've been funny seeing him try to use them to get high.


      • #4
        JustZu beat me to it. *pouts*

        Ah, well.

        Some people are silly.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          Quoth GingerBiscuit View Post
          Me: That's not marijuana. That's hemp.
          SW: Don't try and trick me! THEY'RE THE SAME THING!
          You wanna try smoking it sometime? Many have tried.
          You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


          • #6
            Heh... reminds me of a sign at one of the local Head Shops at the entrance to the section selling tobacco, hookahs, and other 18+ items. Right where they card you before you can go in, it has a sign saying "Illegal talk will not be tolerated. Violators will be refused service."
            And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


            • #7
              Quoth GingerBiscuit View Post
              Ok, three stories, all a little old here.
              Story 1:
              I'm stacking shelves, it's quiet, and this chavvy-type-boy comes up to me and sort of shuffles up to me.
              'Urrm- can I buy weed here?'
              Me- gobsmacked for a few minutes-
              'Urrm, no. Marijuana is illegal, we can't sell it here.'
              SDB (stupid drugs boy)- 'but your like, a herbs shop. Weed's a herb'.
              Me: Yes, but we only sell LEGAL herbal products. Ones for health.
              SDB: Do you know where I can buy some weed?
              Me: No. Tell you what- why don't you ask one of the nice police? A couple of them have a beat that takes them round the city centre. I'm sure they'll know.
              Y'know what? I bet you he probably did too. Since, y'know, they'd be the guys who KNEW.

              Quoth GingerBiscuit View Post
              Story 2:
              SW= Stupid woman
              Me= overworked, undervalued, underpaid.
              SW: I WANT TO COMPLAIN!
              Me: Ok, I can get a manager.
              SW: NO! don't you move! I'm going to call the police in a minute. YOU ARE SELLING ILLEGAL GOODS!
              Me: We are?
              SW: YES! You are selling MARIJUANA!
              Me: I, urrm, don't think we are. COuld you show me this?
              So she shows me to a section and points at the hempseeds. At this point I have to really bite my tongue not to start laughing.
              Me: That's not marijuana. That's hemp.
              SW: Don't try and trick me! THEY'RE THE SAME THING!
              Me: No, they aren't. Hempseeds are from the same species, but they aren't the same plant. Hemp is pefectly legal, all sorts of things are made from it. It doesn't have any intoxicating properties at all.
              SW:.... I don't believe you.
              Me: I'm telling the truth. If it was illegal we wouldn't be allowed to sell it.

              She storms out.
              We get similar things from ignorant people a lot.
              'Hemp? That's- that's DRUGS!'

              Not quite. Hemp? That's - that's ROPE! You know those thick, rough ropes they made you climb in elementary school? The ones that burned your hands and you could never get more than a few feet up? THAT'S HEMP. Congrats, by your reasoning, you're now a druggie! Go turn yourself into to the cop Weed Boy is talking to.
              Check out my webcomic!


              • #8
                Quoth Sofar View Post
                You wanna try smoking it sometime? Many have tried.
                Many many many! Where I grew up, hemp is a major crop (so is marijuana, but that's another story). One day, years ago, a farmer went to the end of his lane and found that in the night had, you guessed it, taken out a big patch of his hemp plants. Something like 5ft square of them, some idiot stoner figured he'd hit the motherlode. So the farmer stuck a sign at the bottom of his driveway saying something to the effect of "You'd have to smoke a joint the size of a telephone pole to get high on this stuff, you idiot!" As far as I know, it didn't happen again. I'm betting someone was REALLY disappointed.
                What a wonderful thing humanity is-- passionate, intelligent, inquisitive, generous, fully of hope and joy, noble of spirit, and above all... delicious! -- LaCroix


                • #9
                  Morning Glory seeds.

                  A friend of mine was in the FFA (Future Farmers of America) in High School. He did all the sales for their nursery that raised funds for the school's FFA program---seedlings, saplings, veggies and fruits, and of course: seeds.

                  He had a kid coming in all the time wanting morning glory seeds. What the hell, right? Guy wants to plant some morning glories. A LOT of morning glories. Local cop comes in to talk to my friend, they were friendly with each other, this is a small community.

                  Cop asks if my friend has had anyone in asking for morning glory seeds. No need to lie, sure, someone has been. Does my friend know WHY they're buying all these seeds? They want to plant some morning glories, apparently.

                  Nuh uh. Nuh uh? Nope, they're getting high. No shit. When the cop asked if my friend would tell him who was getting all of them, friend said, "I'm not a snitch, I won't tell you who, but you do have my word I won't sell anymore, now that I know what they're doing with them." Fair deal.

                  Kid came back looking for more, friend told him that the cops were trying to sniff out who was looking for them, so he'd better find his high somewhere else.

                  I'll admit, I never even thought of morning glory seeds. I felt so naive when he told me that story.
         do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                  Chickens are Asexual!


                  • #10
                    Well no wonder he needed so many!!!

                    The seeds of many species of morning glory contain d-lysergic acid amide, ergoline alkaloids better known as LSA. Seeds of I. tricolor and I. corymbosa (syn. R. corymbosa) are used as hallucinogens. They are about 5% to 10% as potent as LSD, and produce a similar effect when taken in the hundreds
                    The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


                    • #11
                      You'd think it would be more expedient to spring for a good sheet of windowpane.

                      (This is bad, I shouldn't know about this stuff!)
             do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                      Chickens are Asexual!


                      • #12
                        Quoth JustADude View Post
                        Heh... reminds me of a sign at one of the local Head Shops at the entrance to the section selling tobacco, hookahs, and other 18+ items. Right where they card you before you can go in, it has a sign saying "Illegal talk will not be tolerated. Violators will be refused service."
                        I've seen people kicked out for making finger quotes while saying "tobacco accesories." Finger quotes do not fly at the "tobacco accesories" shop. You have to be utterly sincere when you talk about "tobacco accesories."
                        You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.

