#1: I'm not giving it back until after you sign it: This woman was paying a Credit card for her purchase, I ran the card on my machine and right after this conversation occured.
Stupid Lady: Can I have my card back
Me: I'm sorry I can't give it back until you sign that card
Stupid Lady: Give me back my card
Me (annoyed): I can't give it to you I have to verify the signature first
Stupid Lady: give me back my card, I will show you the slip and the back of my card
Okay I give it back to her
, luckly she did show me the card and slip.
C'mon people, there is a reason why I won't give you your card back until you sign the slip.
#2: Married female uses Credit card with Maiden name on the Card and different signature: Okay this is confusing seeing as though they won't sign like the card and their ID doesn't match. Our job is strict with Credit Card Verification BTW. How is this situation handled? You tell me!! I don't even remember how I handled it but all I know is that I do get a CSM or a Manager.
#3: Company Credit Cards: People will say it's a company card when you see the signature doesn't match. There is more I'll mention but I have to leave!
Stupid Lady: Can I have my card back
Me: I'm sorry I can't give it back until you sign that card
Stupid Lady: Give me back my card
Me (annoyed): I can't give it to you I have to verify the signature first
Stupid Lady: give me back my card, I will show you the slip and the back of my card
Okay I give it back to her

C'mon people, there is a reason why I won't give you your card back until you sign the slip.
#2: Married female uses Credit card with Maiden name on the Card and different signature: Okay this is confusing seeing as though they won't sign like the card and their ID doesn't match. Our job is strict with Credit Card Verification BTW. How is this situation handled? You tell me!! I don't even remember how I handled it but all I know is that I do get a CSM or a Manager.
#3: Company Credit Cards: People will say it's a company card when you see the signature doesn't match. There is more I'll mention but I have to leave!