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So I had to report a threat tonight

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  • So I had to report a threat tonight

    Guy calls in with the old "why did you guys call me" routine. As background, we call customers when their bills are past due to collect payment and/or warn of potential disconnection. When people return the call, 9 times out of 10 they know damn well why we called.

    Anyhoo, guy tells me he mailed a payment in a few days ago. That's fine, I say, but we can't stop the disconnection process until the payment actually clears the account. Odds are, this guy's payment would clear in time but I always make folks aware because if you don't and they get disconnected you get the "WAAAAAAAAAH NO ONE TOLD ME" kind of SC. So it's a pick your poison sort of thing. So I tell the guy this and he gets all bent out of shape, as if I personally insulted him. He said that I should cancel the disconnection because he's calling in to tell us he mailed a payment.

    So I try to smooth things by saying that I just wanted to let him know what *could* happen not what *will* happen, and the guy snarls back "If I see a tech on my pole I'll shoot the son of a bitch"

    So yeah, I called right to the help desk and informed them of what happened. I know the guy was probably blowing off steam but I don't take chances with that kind of shit.
    "You know, there are times when it's a source of personal pride not to be human." - Hobbes

  • #2
    He needs a little thing called "anger management." Seriously, people just need to calm down and take some responsibility for themselves.. >_>
    For the most part, I don't care about what everyone else is doing, or what is popular.
    -Namie Amuro (Japanese singer)


    • #3
      If your calls are recorded, your company could very easily press charges against the customer... threatening to commit murder is a crime in some states.


      • #4
        Some people honestly have no sense. Why would anyone say something like that, even if they ARE pissed off? Saying that you're going to murder someone is nothing to be taken lightly. Murdering someone over being unsatisfied with a service? His ass deserves to be reported to the authorities, and I hope full legal action is taken against him.

        This reminded me of an incident 2 of my co-workers experienced. Not a murder threat, but close. They were both at the service desk, and a guy comes up and says, "This is a hold up!" in a very serious tone. Then he bursts out laughing. It was just a joke. Of course, my co-workers were absolutely NOT amused as it scared them to death. When you're sitting on top of $5000 cash, it is nothing to joke about. They thought the guy was going to pull a gun out and rob them or something. Personally, I would have reamed his ass out right there, customer or not - you do NOT joke around like that! Many people have been killed in bank and store robberies.

        That would be like going into a bank and saying "THIS IS A STICK UP! FILL UP THE BAGS NOW!" Oh - just kidding! Haha! Gotcha! The tellers would probably already have called the police by the time you said you were kidding (do tellers have a silent police call button behind their window they can push with their foot or something? I've never worked in a bank, so I don't know). Anyone who would be such an idiot deserves to have the cops come, and they can explain their little "joke" to them. Won't be so funny then!

        Sorry, I got a little off-topic there.
        Last edited by RammsteinGirl; 06-15-2007, 06:37 AM.
        My Myspace, add me!


        • #5
          When I was at the casino, we had a player come in and stab a hunting knife in the table to warn the dealer not to take his money. He was vigorously arrested by security. The dealer got the rest of the night off.
          "I'm trying to manufacture sincerity." - Simon (Teachers)
          "Ok, you have to stop the Q-tip when there's resistance!" - Chandler (Friends)


          • #6
            Quoth uknz76 View Post
            When I was at the casino, we had a player come in and stab a hunting knife in the table to warn the dealer not to take his money. He was vigorously arrested by security. The dealer got the rest of the night off.
            What a fucking nutjob. Hopefully he got sent to the nearest looney bin. That's good that they let the dealer have the rest of the night off.. I'm sure s/he was very shaken up. I've never been physically threatened at work.. yet.

            I have a personal mantra, though.. if anyone ever verbally threatens me ("I'm going to beat your ass right here" or whatever) or tries to touch/grab/hit me - that's it. All the "customer" crap goes out the window and I am going to tell them where they can go shove it. For $7.50 an hour, I wouldn't care if I got fired for it - actually, if your company fired you for something like that, self-defense, I think you would have a legal case against your company.

            I've heard stories of my co-workers having things thrown at them. I wouldn't put up with that shit one second. One of the ladies had a customer throw a penny at her face because something didn't ring up right. If anyone ever did that to me - and you may think this is excessive - I would definately consider pressing charges against them. If anything but to teach them a lesson. Technically, that IS assault.. you COULD (it's unlikely) put someone's eye out if you threw a penny at them with enough force.
            My Myspace, add me!


            • #7
              What sucks is I'm sure I'm going to have a message waiting for me tomorrow from the help desk saying there's nothing we can do about it.

              I mean, like I said there's a 99.999999999% chance the guy just made a stupid comment while blowing steam, but why risk the chance? It seems like a ridiculous comparison, but how many times do people like the VT shooter get past the system because no one wanted to intervene? I at least wanted to alert someone so if the worst would happen no one could say we didn't try .
              "You know, there are times when it's a source of personal pride not to be human." - Hobbes


              • #8
                Quoth Sandman View Post
                If your calls are recorded, your company could very easily press charges against the customer... threatening to commit murder is a crime in some states.
                Actually depending on both locations involved this might even fall under federal jurisdiction (Ie. the call center is in a different state then the caller) since the threat to murder the lineman was made across state lines.

                Quoth RammsteinGirl View Post
                do tellers have a silent police call button behind their window they can push with their foot or something
                When I worked at the bank our silent alarm button was under the counter and it was possible to set it off easily if you needed to. Alot of banks also have the bin that holds the marked money or money with the dye pack armed as well or at least a button that you can press as you pull the "tainted" funds out
                My Karma ran over your dogma.


                • #9
                  Everyone should have the learn (the hard way, if needed) not to say such things. Death threats should be treated seriously.

                  You know never know how's a nutcase out there and WILL do what (s)he said.
                  Unseen but seeing
                  oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                  There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                  3rd shift needs love, too
                  RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                  • #10
                    Sure, I'd tell the boss, but I'd also call the cops and file a report. Threaten me, and it no longer becomes about my job. It becomes personal, and I will deal with it as I see fit.

                    I have filed a report on a customer before for stalking behavior.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Rolling Star View Post
                      He needs a little thing called "anger management." Seriously, people just need to calm down and take some responsibility for themselves.. >_>
                      Moi take personal responsibility???? You ask too much!!!!! As Bart Simpson said, "I didn't do it!"
                      The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

                      Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy


                      • #12
                        Quoth CancelMyService View Post
                        So I try to smooth things by saying that I just wanted to let him know what *could* happen not what *will* happen, and the guy snarls back "If I see a tech on my pole I'll shoot the son of a bitch"

                        So yeah, I called right to the help desk and informed them of what happened. I know the guy was probably blowing off steam but I don't take chances with that kind of shit.
                        I've had quite a few callers tell me the same thing. Not much to do but notify the appropriate people and let them handle it. You pretty much have to... if something ugly did happen, you don't want people listening to the call and saying you didn't do anything.

                        And while you have to do it, the general reaction is, "Yeah, what else is new?" As one of our collectors told me, "I never assume the customer is going to be happy to see me."
                        I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler


                        • #13

                          Quoth RammsteinGirl View Post
                          I've heard stories of my co-workers having things thrown at them. I wouldn't put up with that shit one second. One of the ladies had a customer throw a penny at her face because something didn't ring up right. If anyone ever did that to me - and you may think this is excessive - I would definately consider pressing charges against them. If anything but to teach them a lesson. Technically, that IS assault.. you COULD (it's unlikely) put someone's eye out if you threw a penny at them with enough force.
                          How would you though? Wouldn't they just walk out? Unless you had their personal information that is. I've thought about this myself, and I agree with you, charges should be pressed.


                          • #14
                            Quoth TNT View Post
                            I've had quite a few callers tell me the same thing. Not much to do but notify the appropriate people and let them handle it. You pretty much have to... if something ugly did happen, you don't want people listening to the call and saying you didn't do anything.

                            And while you have to do it, the general reaction is, "Yeah, what else is new?" As one of our collectors told me, "I never assume the customer is going to be happy to see me."
                            Man, the folks who go door to door collecting payments have to have large amounts of testicular fortitude. I've talked to enough deadbeats on the phone to not ever want to go within a 5 block radius of their homes, let alone knock on their doors.
                            "You know, there are times when it's a source of personal pride not to be human." - Hobbes


                            • #15
                              Just remember

                              Quoth CancelMyService View Post
                              Man, the folks who go door to door collecting payments have to have large amounts of testicular fortitude. I've talked to enough deadbeats on the phone to not ever want to go within a 5 block radius of their homes, let alone knock on their doors.
                              'Dog the Bounty Hunter' is a real person. The some of repo men and bill collectors out there make him look like a pussy cat.

