Guy calls in with the old "why did you guys call me" routine. As background, we call customers when their bills are past due to collect payment and/or warn of potential disconnection. When people return the call, 9 times out of 10 they know damn well why we called.
Anyhoo, guy tells me he mailed a payment in a few days ago. That's fine, I say, but we can't stop the disconnection process until the payment actually clears the account. Odds are, this guy's payment would clear in time but I always make folks aware because if you don't and they get disconnected you get the "WAAAAAAAAAH NO ONE TOLD ME" kind of SC. So it's a pick your poison sort of thing. So I tell the guy this and he gets all bent out of shape, as if I personally insulted him. He said that I should cancel the disconnection because he's calling in to tell us he mailed a payment.
So I try to smooth things by saying that I just wanted to let him know what *could* happen not what *will* happen, and the guy snarls back "If I see a tech on my pole I'll shoot the son of a bitch"
So yeah, I called right to the help desk and informed them of what happened. I know the guy was probably blowing off steam but I don't take chances with that kind of shit.
Anyhoo, guy tells me he mailed a payment in a few days ago. That's fine, I say, but we can't stop the disconnection process until the payment actually clears the account. Odds are, this guy's payment would clear in time but I always make folks aware because if you don't and they get disconnected you get the "WAAAAAAAAAH NO ONE TOLD ME" kind of SC. So it's a pick your poison sort of thing. So I tell the guy this and he gets all bent out of shape, as if I personally insulted him. He said that I should cancel the disconnection because he's calling in to tell us he mailed a payment.
So I try to smooth things by saying that I just wanted to let him know what *could* happen not what *will* happen, and the guy snarls back "If I see a tech on my pole I'll shoot the son of a bitch"

So yeah, I called right to the help desk and informed them of what happened. I know the guy was probably blowing off steam but I don't take chances with that kind of shit.