I used to think being at drive up is great but sometimes I have no patience for some customers. Okay, at our branch, we have two drive up tubes and we have a call and send button. Our glass is soundproof so we can't hear a word hence the reason why we have CALL buttons. Some idiots would talk and talk, not even pushing the CALL button. One time, a customer was talking while my head was down and she tells me she doesn't appreciate me ignoring her! I mean, its right in front of their faces! I also can't stand some customers who will just STARE at you while you are helping them. I am a very paranoid person and them looking at me makes me feel so uncomfortable! Its like, what the hell are they looking at? I am just depositing your check, nothing important! I can understand customers just galancing back and forth but some people will just stare at you like they can't look at something else! I also can't stand "can i have my balance" customers. Why can't they find out their own balances? And if their balance isn't right, they complain to us. I am not spending 10 minutes explaining to you why your account is that!
Not to mention the "i don't have a deposit slip" customers. People need to be ready at the drive up or esle people would get really pissed off!
Ahh me!

Ahh me!
