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Ipods, Cell Phones and the Silent Ones

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  • #16
    Quoth uknz76 View Post
    2. Cellphone suit: Don't get me wrong, if your phone rings while you are at the checkout or in the line it should be answered. But when you are already on the phone and you dump your purchases on the counter there is no way you can communicate to anyone (except on the phone ofcourse)

    3. The Silent Ones: People who are so self involved, or arrogant, or whatever, that they won't even return a greeting. I don't expect to chat like we're best mates but it never hurts to say hello or goodbye.
    Yes, I despise these people as well. I just deal with them as if they are actually human. I ask them everything I'm supposed to, and pretend that they answer. It's so rude to come up to me while on a cell phone and ignore me, that I just refuse to be quiet while they converse. This is a place of business, for christ's sake.

    And as for the silent ones, I'd rather be told to fuck myself than to not have you say ANYTHING to me. Hello, goodbye is just fine.



    • #17
      OMG I didn't think it could get worse.....

      I just had a guy come through with one earpiece from his Ipod (it was white so probably an Ipod) and he was talking on his cellphone at the same time. Though the phone was to his other ear.

      2 in one go.

      I'd just like to point out that I have nothing against Ipods or cellphones. Just some of the people who use them.
      (If anyone from Apple or Motorolla are reading this I am prepared to write a glowing post about how great your products are in return for a free sample)
      "I'm trying to manufacture sincerity." - Simon (Teachers)
      "Ok, you have to stop the Q-tip when there's resistance!" - Chandler (Friends)


      • #18
        I disagree that the phone "should" be answered if it happens to ring while you are at the register. If there are a few people in front of me on line yet I might answer but not if I am at the counter or next in line. I'll look to see who it is and hit the button to silence the ringer. Unless I'm expecting an important call it won't kill anyone for me to call back in 2 minutes.

        I usually listen to my iPod* from my car up to the office (it's a long walk...) but when I stop in the cafeteria for breakfast I at least turn it off when I pay...though I usually keep the headphones on because those earbuds can be a pain.

        *Well, I did, anyway, before I learned that iPods don't like to swim...
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #19
          Quoth Shabo View Post
          And those walkie talkie features on cell phones drive me *nuts*. People always have them at full f-ing volume.
          Yeah, they drive me nuts too. For one thing, WHY is it even on speaker phone? Why can't you just hold it up to your ear like everyone else does. I've gotten customers where they were speaking on speaker phone (volume all the way up) and you could hear both sides of the conversation while they're walking through the store.
          This area is left blank for a reason.


          • #20
            I'm all right with the silent ones. Just less to deal with

            But iPod bitch and cell phone wh0re are the MOST annoying. Whenever I see someone with their iPod on and come to my line, I almost don't know whether or not I should yell and say "DID YOU FIND EVERYTHING ALL RIGHT TODAY"


            • #21
              The cellphone thing annoys me, so I alternate between not talking to the person at all if they are on their phone or giving my usual spiel in a louder tone than I usually use.

              This kind if funny, kind of soul-crushing thing happened the other day. Girl comes up to register with two magazines. I proceed to ring them up.

              Girl: Yeah, but I heard she was really stupid.

              Me: I'm sorry?

              Girl: She's fat too.

              Me (totally confused): The lady on the magazine cover?

              Then she kind of cocked her head and I saw she had a hands-free cellphone thing in her ear. Her hair had been hiding it.

              The funny/crushing part was the stupid bitch was so self-absorbed she didn't even realize I had been replying to her fake conversation


              • #22
                When our son had a walkman, he walked around with the volume at full blast all the time. I kept telling him if he didn't stop that, he'd end up like me (fully deaf in rt ear, 70% loss in left ear from years of gunfire). One day his mom and I really got him. I had the remote for the TV, and his mom waved and got his attention. Just as he reached for the headset, I killed the volume on the TV. His mother and I then carried on a lively conversation, but without making any sounds. The look on his face was priceless. He looked at the TV and saw the picture, then at us moving our mouths at 90 MPH, then banged the side of his head with his hand. Before long, we couldn't last any longer and broke down howling.

