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Was this sucky of me?

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  • Was this sucky of me?

    On my way to work, especially in this warm weather, I often stop to buy fruit at a fruit-and-vegetable stand near my place of employment. Given the time of year, there are a lot of peaches and nectarines (both of which I love) on display.

    This morning, I stopped at the stand and looked at them, picking them up and giving them a quick squeeze to test for ripeness. Suddenly, a voice blared from the stand; I looked up to see the woman at the stand looking at me, as was the customer. I took another look at the fruit without touching it, then picked up a couple more fruits and tested them, deciding to buy them. As I approached the stand, the woman told me (loudly) that I couldn't do that. I don't speak one whole hell of a lot of Czech, but I got the general idea of wht she ws saying.

    Now, I must say, I don't understand this. If I had been manhandling the fruit, dropping it, or worse yet, biting into it, I can understand her being upset. But checking it to see if it's ripe? That didn't make sense to me. I went ahead and bought the fruit before giving way to my evil side.

    I told her pleasantly, and in English, "Since this is a problem, I won't buy any more fruit here."

    She didn't understand, as I knew she wouldn't. I know - not nice of me.

    I'm still confused by her reaction to me checking the fruit. Is there something I don't know about checking the fruit to see if it's ripe?

  • #2
    I always thought people checked fruit like that. I don't see how you were being sucky. She must have seen you the other mornings you were there?

    Out of interest, are you Irish/in Ireland? Just curious because of yourt username, im irish myself


    • #3
      I'm of Irish descent, so you're close!


      • #4
        Maybe she was afraid of the fruit you didn't want getting bruised.

        I'd go back again, once, to see if things improve. After that, it all depends on the experience.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          I flick apples to check the sound for ripeness.... no ones ever said a thing
          I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


          • #6
            I used to deal in fruit and veg. We could tell who had been in the day before by the fingerprints.

            Gentle squeezes were no problem and performed by people who knew what they were doing. The rest squeezed their victims as if they were a teenage boy with a new spank mag.



            • #7
              I might give a very gentle squeeze, but usually, I smell it.

              I've got a pretty awesome sense of smell. That usually tells me more than anything. But of course you're gonna do something to tell if it's ripe or too ripe or whatever. That's just how you buy fruit.

              I can understand her not wanting her wares bruised, but to yell at you like that was uncool.

