I just had an extremely annoying CS just walk out the door, finally.
She came in a little while ago, looked around, and then inquired about wooden models. The way she asked me about them, I thought she was looking for something specific and hard to do. Father's day is tomorrow, hence why I made that assumtion.
SC-Do you have wooden models?
Me- Yeah, we have wooden ship models.
SC- I didn't see any back there, you used to have a HUGE wooden model section with these wooden cross kits. (btw, if you can't see those wooden ships in plain view, you are blind or choose not to pay any attention)
Me- We don't have a kit for crosses.
SC- You used to.
Me- Why don't you try hobby lobby?
SC- They don't have them either.
Me- Michaels?
SC- Maybe I'll try there.
For the next 15 minutes she wandered around and came upon our wooden models for little kids. I didn't mention them earlier because the kid that was with her looked too old to be building them. The majority of what we have in that section is geared towards 5 year olds.
She picked out an aeroplane kit. The age range on the box says 6-8. Her kid looked around 10-12.
SC- Look at this! This is easy...no screws or anything! Hey! Are you listening?
Her son was not listening at all. He was playing with our remote control toys.
SC- Hey! Hey! Hey! Listen! Listen to me! Listen to me!
Son- What?
It carried on like that for a while until she was ready to check out. She came up to the counter and plopped a model kit down.
SC- I told you that you had them.
Me- I thought you wanted to build crosses.
SC- Oh....I told you you had them.
Yeah...I thought you were looking for something specific.
SC- No just wooden models...told you that you had them.
Me- *Ignores her as I swipe her debit card.* "please enter your pin # and press the green button, the machine doesn't beep.
SC- Ohhhh...I can get cash back.
Me- I don't think our machine allows that. And I don't have enough cash in my drawer to cover it anyway.
She entered her pin.
SC- Where is the enter button?
Me- The green one.(I mentioned that earlier)
SC- What?
Me- The green one.
SC- and I can't get money back?
Me- No.
After a silence of waiting for approval, she gets her receipt and says:
SC- I told you you had them.

Shut up already!!! Just shut up, PLEASE! I can't take it!!!
She came in a little while ago, looked around, and then inquired about wooden models. The way she asked me about them, I thought she was looking for something specific and hard to do. Father's day is tomorrow, hence why I made that assumtion.
SC-Do you have wooden models?
Me- Yeah, we have wooden ship models.
SC- I didn't see any back there, you used to have a HUGE wooden model section with these wooden cross kits. (btw, if you can't see those wooden ships in plain view, you are blind or choose not to pay any attention)
Me- We don't have a kit for crosses.
SC- You used to.
Me- Why don't you try hobby lobby?
SC- They don't have them either.
Me- Michaels?
SC- Maybe I'll try there.
For the next 15 minutes she wandered around and came upon our wooden models for little kids. I didn't mention them earlier because the kid that was with her looked too old to be building them. The majority of what we have in that section is geared towards 5 year olds.
She picked out an aeroplane kit. The age range on the box says 6-8. Her kid looked around 10-12.
SC- Look at this! This is easy...no screws or anything! Hey! Are you listening?
Her son was not listening at all. He was playing with our remote control toys.
SC- Hey! Hey! Hey! Listen! Listen to me! Listen to me!
Son- What?
It carried on like that for a while until she was ready to check out. She came up to the counter and plopped a model kit down.
SC- I told you that you had them.
Me- I thought you wanted to build crosses.
SC- Oh....I told you you had them.

SC- No just wooden models...told you that you had them.
Me- *Ignores her as I swipe her debit card.* "please enter your pin # and press the green button, the machine doesn't beep.
SC- Ohhhh...I can get cash back.
Me- I don't think our machine allows that. And I don't have enough cash in my drawer to cover it anyway.
She entered her pin.
SC- Where is the enter button?
Me- The green one.(I mentioned that earlier)
SC- What?
Me- The green one.
SC- and I can't get money back?
Me- No.
After a silence of waiting for approval, she gets her receipt and says:
SC- I told you you had them.

Shut up already!!! Just shut up, PLEASE! I can't take it!!!