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TV channel problems

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  • TV channel problems

    Customer: My TV is having some problems.
    Me: Like what, sir?
    Customer: Well, my channels talk, but I won’t listen.


    Customer: My channels are furry.
    Me: Furry?
    Customer: Yes, furry. Don’t you know what furry is?
    Me: Indeed, mam.
    The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert

  • #2
    Quoth Phone Jockey
    Customer: My channels are furry.
    Me: Furry?
    Customer: Yes, furry. Don’t you know what furry is?
    Me: Indeed, mam.
    Brave customer, saying that to someone who knows their address and could come splatter paint all over the screen
    I second that Frederick Douglass quote--unfortunately, so do a lot of SCs.


    • #3
      On the First one:

      Sounds like someone needs help!!
      Last edited by Sphinx; 07-30-2006, 01:16 PM.
      "I want to be a mongoose. Can I be a mongoose dog?"


      • #4
        Quoth Sphinx
        On the First one:

        Sounds like someone needs help!!
        The TV?


        • #5

          Maybe the talking on his channels were being drowned out by the voices in his head.


          • #6
            Quoth Mikkel
            The TV?
            Yeah, that poor TV having to live with that man
            "I want to be a mongoose. Can I be a mongoose dog?"


            • #7
              Quoth Phone Jockey
              Customer: My TV is having some problems.
              Me: Like what, sir?
              Customer: Well, my channels talk, but I won’t listen.


              Customer: My channels are furry.
              Me: Furry?
              Customer: Yes, furry. Don’t you know what furry is?
              Me: Indeed, mam.
              First one--Sounds like a communication problem to me. At least he admits the problem, and that's always the first step towards getting help...

              Second--Good thing the customer didn't say "A furry"...damn CSI with their fetish episode.............
              Unseen but seeing
              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
              3rd shift needs love, too
              RIP, mo bhrionglóid


              • #8
                Quoth Mixed Bag
                Brave customer, saying that to someone who knows their address and could come splatter paint all over the screen
                I had to read that twice before I got it! BTW, I don't wear fur...but if their TV is going to be that brash, I should go spray paint it at least.
                The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


                • #9
                  Quoth Phone Jockey
                  Customer: My channels are furry.
                  what kind of stations do you carry!?....


                  • #10
                    Quoth Lehk
                    what kind of stations do you carry!?
                    Maybe he was watching some of the "adult channels." Some of the 1970's porn guys were really hairy, weren't they?
                    The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


                    • #11
                      Quoth BeckySunshine
                      First one--Sounds like a communication problem to me. At least he admits the problem, and that's always the first step towards getting help...

                      Second--Good thing the customer didn't say "A furry"...damn CSI with their fetish episode.............
                      And MTV, with their 'special' that was taken entirely out of context, Hell, I used to hang out on holidays and random occasions with one of the prominent furs featured in that 'documentary'
                      "I call murder on that!"


                      • #12
                        Maybe the furry TV was growing mold???

                        Our cable co. here is so bad that when our cable was going in and out last night I called them and got the message "If you see snow on your TV, we are having an outage in your area...." um.... DUH!!! I want to know WHY and how long it will be until they fix it!! It was so frustrating watching a minute of a show and then when it got to the good part - the cable cut out - then it would come back - then it would go away - and of course our internet is through our cable too so same problem...... ARGH >

