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The Stupidiest Woman Alive and the Return of Call Center Jesus

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  • The Stupidiest Woman Alive and the Return of Call Center Jesus

    I lost so many braincells to Nunavut this week. Holy @$)*( rice crispy Christ and a muffin they were @*&$_ IDIOTS. I have had to argue over things with callers this week that make my brain bleed just remembering.

    Note I say "Alive" because I firmly believe if this woman was any lower on the mental scale she'd never have survived childhood. As is its a miracle she made it this far.

    The Stupidest Woman Alive

    (This is heavily abridged because the actual call/argument was a full 5 minutes long with much going in circles.)

    Me: "and what's your phone number?"
    SC: "1-800…"
    Me: "No, what's your phone number?"
    SC: "Uh, 1-800…"
    Me: "What's your phone number?"
    SC: "Uh…xxxx."
    Me: "Ok, but what's your phone number?"
    SC: "xxxx"
    Me: "That's not enough numbers. What's your phone number?"
    SC: "Its xxxx"
    Me: "It needs to be at least 10 numbers."
    SC: "Wha? No, only 7." ( Then why are you giving me 4!? )
    Me: "It needs the area code as well. So 10 numbers."
    SC: "Uh…its xxxx"
    Me: "It needs to be more numbers then that."
    SC: "1-800…"
    Me: "No, I need your phone number."
    SC: "Its xxxx"
    Me: "That's not it, that’s not enough numbers."
    SC: "That's it. xxxx"
    Me: "That’s only 4 numbers"
    SC: "No that’s 7."
    Me: "That's only 4, I need 10."
    SC: "No."
    Me: "Yes."
    SC: "No."
    Me: "....yes"
    SC: "No"
    Me: "That's only 4. That’s not enough."
    SC: "Its xxxx……..1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8….uh, 9……jus kidding."
    Me: "……..ok, what is YOUR phone number?"
    SC: "xxxx."
    Me: "That’s not a phone number."
    SC: "Yeah it is, you don't know."
    Me: "You can't place an order without a phone number."
    SC: "You can't tell me what to do!"
    Me: "......Goodbye. <I leap for the disconnect key>"

    R*(JFJFAf, I have a NOSEBLEED. A blood vessel in my brain has committed seppuku rather then live in the face of such grievous abuse. I have never had to argue over how many numbers are in a phone number before. What the hell?! Just...what.....why? Why do you do this too me? Why can't you and your entire territory just slide off into the bitter, arctic depths of the ocean. You are single handedly dragging down the average IQ of the country. STOP IT.

    ( The 4 digits she was giving me also changed 2-3 times over the course of the call ).

    Har har!

    Me: "and your postal code, please?"
    SC: "Oh wow. You would ask that wouldn't you? Caught me off guard."

    No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

    Skytrain to the Future

    Time I boarded Skytrain: 9:54pm

    5 minutes later I overhear this:

    Guy A: "Excuse me, can you tell me what time it is?"
    Guy B: "<checks his watch> 5 to 11."

    I guess I stepped on the Skytrain marked TARDIS. My bad.

    More Time Travel

    Me: "and they do have a 24 hour shuttle."
    SC: "Do they have a 24 hour shuttle?"
    Me: "Yes, yes they do."

    Once again I've demonstrated my infallible ability to leap exactly 3 seconds ahead in time and answer questions before they're even asked. I know and see all. No, don't even ask, I know what your question is already and the answer is aerosol cheese.

    Give Me A Quest!

    Me: "Ok, do you have a pen there?"
    SC: "Hold on, I'm just looking for one now."
    Me: "Ok"
    SC: "<sound of various zippers being opened>"
    Me: "…….."
    SC: "<sound of vigorous rummaging>"
    Me: "……."
    SC: "<muttering and more zippers>"
    Me: "……"

    ….do you need help? I mean, at this rate it looks like you're going to need a hefty amount of assistance. If you want I could get, say, a group of gallant, mighty knights together and we could wander the peasant countryside helping you search for the Holy G-, er, pen.

    Mugu? Mugu?

    SC: "Ok, we got the whole system set up right."
    Me: "Alright."
    SC: "Everything's plugged in."
    Me: "Ok."
    SC: "Where's the power button?"

    Wait wait wait, I think we need to back up two steps first. If you can't locate the power button I have some rather persistent doubts that you've set everything up correctly and have it all plugged in right. In fact it may be for the best that you can't find the power button as the system is probably set up for "Raging Electrical Fire" right now.

    The Second Coming

    SC: "I'm stuck here in Vegas and you are my saviour. What do you have for me?"

    The legend of Robert Keith the Homicidal Shapeshifting Call Center Jesus spreads! They know of me and hear my Word!

    Lacks Effort

    SC: "Yeah I want to inquire about selling my house."
    Me: "Alright, well that’s not something I can help you with this late. You're best bet is to speak with the office during the day."
    SC: "This late? What time is it?"
    Me: "1:14am."
    SC: "Well it has 4 bedrooms."
    Me: "You'll have to speak with the office during business hours. I can't assist you with it."
    SC: "and 4 bedrooms…..and uh, 4 garages if that makes a difference."
    Me: "Mhmm…."

    I can hear the rest of your cretinous butt amigos giggling in the background. I will graciously award you a C for effort, but an F for execution.

    Extra Services

    Me: "I can put you at the <hotel> Isles Hotel for $79"
    SC: "The what?"
    Me: "The <hotel> Isles."
    SC: "<Hotel> what?"
    SC: "Eye-ells?"
    Me: "Isles. It’s a plural of island."
    SC: "Oh."

    If there's any other gaps in your vocabulary, I'm here all night and the number is toll free.

    No, Damn You!

    Me: "Alright, the only thing I have left in Vegas is the <Hotel> Isles."
    SC: "The <Hotel> Isles?"
    Me: "Yes, that’s all I have."
    SC: "Do you have the <Hotel A> or the <Hotel B> or anything?"
    Me: "No, I ONLY have the <Hotel> Isles."
    SC: "Do you have anything else?"

    Sudden murderous impulses. But there's no vacancies there either.

    The Fark?

    Me: "and the problem?"
    SC: "Ok, well you know the T21 right?"

    Oh, of course!

    SC: "You know how when you face it, it sort of has like 4 power banks on one side?"

    Oh yes, I know exactly what you mean! I have one in my living room in fact.

    SC: "Well the top light on the 3rd one is out."

    Ahhh, a common problem with the T21's mainly due to faulty wiring at the manufacturing plant in south east Liechtenstein during the 1990's. You should have invested in a T47. I have one of those in my bedroom. It has *5* power banks and twice as many blinky lights as the T21. That’s why I can't have pets. The T47 is so powerful that if a cat were to jump up on it, it would propel her into the future.


    Me: "and your name please?"
    SC: "<firstname> Beavis"

    I have a lingering suspicion that you are, in fact, the Great Cornholio.

    ( I managed not to laugh the first time and then again when he got all paranoid I may have spelled his last name wrong. )


    SC: "Ok, I need some help. I'm SUCH a f**king idiot and I'm kicking myself over this."

    Ah ha! That’s what I like to hear! Up front and complete HONESTY. I will now endeavor to assist you in any way possible even if I must go above and beyond. The rest of you twits take note. If you want the absolute best customer service, then just came right out and tell me the intellectual platform you're operating from. Stop trying to pretend otherwise. You're fooling no one, trust me.

    Queer Eye

    Just because you're a complete idiot that forgot the parkade closes at 11pm ( With your car still inside it ) does not by default make me suddenly experience a sudden, drastic change in sexual orientation.

    Another Nose Bleed

    Me: "The office will be open in 3 hours."
    SC: "3 hours your time or 3 hours my time?"

    <snurk!> X.o argh…..brain…….wounded…..send halp.

    Ghetto Mathematics

    SC: "Yeah, can you have <lawyer's name> call me?"
    Me: "Alright, what's it regarding?"
    SC: "Well, I need a lawyer. "
    Me: "Ok, whats the problem?"
    SC: "Well see I've been living at this place for 10 years now and they threw me out. They don't think its safe for my kids in this area."
    Me: "Alright, well we mainly deal with criminal law, this sounds more like property law-"
    SC: "Well I've here 7 years now and 3 people have been killed in this building, that’s criminal ain't it?!"

    Ghetto Math: Time Living at Location = ( Years Spent - Murder Victims in Area ).

    That aside this sounds like a wonderful area to raise children. They can learn vital life skills like "Ducking when a car slows down out front" and "how to apply emergency first aid for stab wounds using Always ( With wings )."

    I Just Hate You. Really.

    SC: "Oh wow, I'm surprised anyone is there this late!"

    Yet, oddly, this did not deter you from calling in the first place. Do you mind if I come to your house and yank on your door because I don't think you're home? If you open it to see what's going on I promise I'll act surprised.

    ( Culprit State: Georgia )

    SC: "Yeah, how you doin'?! I call'd las night bout my bill. I paid ma neighbour's bill by mistake."
    Me: "…alright?"
    SC: "Well his address is really clos' to mine, and his name is kinna the same."
    Me: "……."

    The different phone number on the account didn't clue you in, eh? While much as I'd love to help you, you neglected to prefix this call with "Ok, I'm a f**king idiot". So alas you're out of luck.


    Me: "Ok, and what would you like to order?"
    SC: "xxxx-xx (Hooded sweatshirt)"
    Me: "Alright, what size?"
    SC: "Extra Large."
    Me: "and what colour?"
    SC: "Pink camo."
    Me: "Would you like anything else?"
    SC: "xxxx-xx (Skin tight tank top)"
    Me: "Alright, what size?"
    SC: "Extra Large."
    Me: "and what colour?"
    SC: "Pink camo."
    Me: "Would you like anything else?"
    SC: "xxxx-xx (Scary shirt + mini skirt thing with lace frills)"
    Me: "Alright, what size?"
    SC: "Extra Large."
    Me: "and what colour?"
    SC: "Pink camo."

    Stop, stop, PLEASE STOP. The visual image you're painting for me is going to make me lose sleep for days. Please, just….leave me. Go! I wish to be alone with my sorrow now. Jeebus help me <sob>


    Me: "Good mor-"
    SC: "I want to order a hat!"

    Well, I guess you do need something to carry your shattered hopes in dreams in, afterall.

    I Guess I'm a She Now?

    SC: "Yeah, I have a question about my account?"
    Me: "Alright, I'll have to give you the number to billing and account inquiries then."
    SC: "Oh, but I just have a question about the features and minutes on my account."
    Me: "Yes, that would be for account inquiries."
    SC: "Ok, what's the number?"
    Me: "1-800-xxx-xxxx"
    SC: "What number do I have to dial at the first?"
    Me: "I'm sorry?"
    SC: "It's like *69 or something?"

    ( Isn't that what you dial to see the last number that called you? )

    Me: "I'm not sure I know what you're referring too?"
    SC: "The number you have to dial before it! Its like *69 or something."
    Me: "It’s a toll free number, you should be able to dial it directly."
    SC: "Dumb bitch! <click>"

    I somehow get the feeling you're projecting the qualities you dislike about yourself onto others. I've read about this before on Wikipedia. Wikipedia knows everything. It is the sum of all human knowledge and it tells me you're the mental equivalent of, lemme check……hmm…..ok, camel ass hair. Ouch.

    I Know Not

    SC: "The address is xxx Menomonee street."
    Me: "Menomonee?"
    SC: "Yes, you're not an Indian so you don't know Menomonee."
    Me: "Ok...."

    I'll have you know my great grandmother was full blooded Cherokee. So, er…..ok I don't know Menomonee. Teach me? I am avid and wide eyed at your mystical ways and wish to learn all that you can impart to me. Please! I must know the secrets of Menomonee so I can preserve them for star struck generations to come.

    ( But she really was. =p )

    ( 3am, but I can hear kids playing in the background )

    Me: "and what would you like to order?"
    SC: "…jus a second. SHUT UP YOU F**KING MORON!"
    Me: "……"
    SC: "Sorry, she's being a f**king retard."
    Me: "…..ok….what did you want to order?"
    SC: "Lemme find it. <Starts humming Jeopardy theme>"
    Me: "….Alright."

    Child abuse to the Jeopardy theme song. That must be the slogan on license plates in Nunavut. Still, I'll give him credit for at least watching Jeopardy long enough between Smelt Fishing Extreme and reruns of Danger Bay to remember the song.

    Urban Ninjitsu

    SC: "Someone's bike was stolen this afternoon and I just noticed there's a 2 foot square hole sawed out of the parking garage gate."

    Wow, they can keep the bike. Anyone that's going to put in THAT much effort, let alone in broad daylight in the afternoon without any of you noticing him dutifully sawing away at a garage door, deserves to keep it. I for one salute this parkade ninja of yours.

    The What Now?

    SC: "Can ya'll double check this combernation numba fer me?"

    Sure, what the hell. Give er here Billy Joe Bob Frank. You go back to your beer and let me figure out all the pesky numbers, letters and other such things that just smack into your skull and slide off its impregnable fortifications on a daily basis.

    ( Oh here's an old reference... )

    Me: "and what colour would you like it in?"
    SC: "Gra fit?….I'm not sure how to say it…"



    Me: "Good morning, <company name>"
    SC: "Is dis Jump Mobile?"
    Me: "No, this is <company name>."
    SC: "So this is Jump Mobile?"
    Me: "No, this is <company name>."
    SC: "What's <company name>?"

    <company name>'s not listening anymore, la la la.

    and my week is OVER. Thank Buddha. ><

  • #2
    Me: "Alright, the only thing I have left in Vegas is the <Hotel> Isles."
    SC: "The <Hotel> Isles?"
    Me: "Yes, that’s all I have."
    SC: "Do you have the <Hotel A> or the <Hotel B> or anything?"
    Me: "No, I ONLY have the <Hotel> Isles."
    SC: "Do you have anything else?"

    Sudden murderous impulses. But there's no vacancies there either.
    However, the Bates Motel still has vacancies....


    • #3
      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
      Why can't you and your entire territory just slide off into the bitter, arctic depths of the ocean.
      Then in a couple thousand years or so, the robots or aliens (or robot aliens!) who've taken over the world will find it in the frigid waters of the great north (provided the ozone layer still exists and the oceans aren't boiling). They'll study this odd civilization of knuckle-dragging apes, and their skeletal remains will be placed in robo-alien museums around the world, still adorned in the tattered pink camo remnants of their clothing.

      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
      No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
      Our chief weapon is surprise!

      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
      Me: "Ok, do you have a pen there?"
      SC: "Hold on, I'm just looking for one now."
      Me: "Ok"
      SC: "<sound of various zippers being opened>"
      Me: "…….."
      SC: "<sound of vigorous rummaging>"
      Me: "……."
      SC: "<muttering and more zippers>"
      Me: "……"
      I had that same customer! At least she's consistent...

      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

      Me: "I can put you at the <hotel> Isles Hotel for $79"
      SC: "The what?"
      Me: "The <hotel> Isles."
      SC: "<Hotel> what?"
      SC: "Eye-ells?"
      Me: "Isles. It’s a plural of island."
      SC: "Oh."
      Across the street from the Hotel Aaaaaaa, by any chance?

      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
      Me: "Alright, the only thing I have left in Vegas is the <Hotel> Isles."
      SC: "The <Hotel> Isles?"
      Me: "Yes, that’s all I have."
      SC: "Do you have the <Hotel A> or the <Hotel B> or anything?"
      Me: "No, I ONLY have the <Hotel> Isles."
      SC: "Do you have anything else?"
      Maybe the one with the French guys, but you'll need a Trojan rabbit to get in.

      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
      Me: "and your name please?"
      SC: "<firstname> Beavis"
      Would it be prudent to say "Dammit Beavis, you dumbass!"

      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
      SC: "3 hours your time or 3 hours my time?"

      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
      SC: "Well his address is really clos' to mine, and his name is kinna the same."
      That's understandable, what with all the inbreeding.

      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
      I Guess I'm a She Now?
      Welcome to the club, then. Now you can employ the secret weapon (get emotional with a customer and blame it on cramps and/or hormones).
      Last edited by Kara; 06-17-2007, 05:50 PM.
      "You are loved" - Plaidman.


      • #4
        Once again, your post has absolutely dissolved any hope I had for humanity, to the point where I am afraid to leave my apartment. Damn you, I needed to go grocery shopping today.
        -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
        -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"


        • #5
          There, there...have some for that extra-large vision of head-to-um, mid-thigh(?) skin-tight pink camo...

          BTW, you are also my savior...

          SC: "Yes, you're not an Indian so you don't know Menomonee."
          I'm not a tree but I know Pine street...
          Last edited by BookstoreEscapee; 06-17-2007, 08:15 PM.
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            What goes good on Ritz crackers?

            ... Oh. Oh my, you are good.


            • #7
              Quoth BusBus View Post
              Once again, your post has absolutely dissolved any hope I had for humanity, to the point where I am afraid to leave my apartment. Damn you, I needed to go grocery shopping today.
              Thats why I hit Save On at Metrotown on my way home. So I wouldn't have to leave the house again until forced to by my work schedule. I'll be taking all 3 of my days off just to try and recover the will to go back out there and face the monkey hordes. ><

              Welcome to the club, then. Now you can employ the secret weapon (get emotional with a customer and blame it on cramps and/or hormones).
              I would be the biggest lesbian, I swear.


              • #8
                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                Queer Eye

                Just because you're a complete idiot that forgot the parkade closes at 11pm ( With your car still inside it ) does not by default make me suddenly experience a sudden, drastic change in sexual orientation.


                Me: "Ok, and what would you like to order?"
                SC: "xxxx-xx (Hooded sweatshirt)"
                Me: "Alright, what size?"
                SC: "Extra Large."
                Me: "and what colour?"
                SC: "Pink camo."
                Me: "Would you like anything else?"
                SC: "xxxx-xx (Skin tight tank top)"
                Me: "Alright, what size?"
                SC: "Extra Large."
                Me: "and what colour?"
                SC: "Pink camo."
                Me: "Would you like anything else?"
                SC: "xxxx-xx (Scary shirt + mini skirt thing with lace frills)"
                Me: "Alright, what size?"
                SC: "Extra Large."
                Me: "and what colour?"
                SC: "Pink camo."

                Stop, stop, PLEASE STOP. The visual image you're painting for me is going to make me lose sleep for days. Please, just….leave me. Go! I wish to be alone with my sorrow now. Jeebus help me <sob>


                Ok for the first on there i wanna hear more of that story so i may laugh at it.

                And to the second one..
                *falls over giggling her ass off*
                It could have been worst.... it could have been a man ordering all that.
                Last edited by Sliceanddice; 06-17-2007, 09:45 PM.


                • #9
                  Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                  I would be the biggest lesbian, I swear.
                  On the bright side, you'd have a chance with me. Well, except that I'm already taken. Boy, that would probably drive your fangirls nuts, wouldn't it?
                  "You are loved" - Plaidman.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                    I'll have you know my great grandmother was full blooded Cherokee. So, er…..ok I don't know Menomonee. Teach me? I am avid and wide eyed at your mystical ways and wish to learn all that you can impart to me. Please! I must know the secrets of Menomonee so I can preserve them for star struck generations to come.
                    The secret of Menomonee is...

                    Do Doo da-doo doo.

                    Seshat's self-help guide:
                    1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                    2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                    3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                    4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                    "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                    • #11
                      Quoth AFpheonix View Post
                      However, the Bates Motel still has vacancies....
                      True, but I wouldn't take a shower there. I hear it's murder.
                      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                      • #12
                        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                        I would be the biggest lesbian, I swear.
                        Hey then i can really join yor fan club... seeing as i have no attraction... at all.. to you... once so ever... as a male... im sounding mean aren't i...


                        • #13
                          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                          Another Nose Bleed

                          Me: "The office will be open in 3 hours."
                          SC: "3 hours your time or 3 hours my time?"

                          <snurk!> X.o argh…..brain…….wounded…..send halp.
                          So you couldn't just split the difference and call it 4 hours of their time?
                          Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr Cox - Scrubs


                          • #14
                            I just got something similar to that and I could hear the braincells dying. The lady could not for the life of her understand what a TV was when I told her to tell her Chn 3. "It's a big screen I do not understand" Its not rocket science ITS cable!
                            Never Underestimate the Element of Surprise - Odo, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

                            Captain John Rourke(Clear Skies) - Ah, yes. another Black Bird. Are they free with cereal now or something?


                            • #15
                              Quoth Seshat View Post
                              The secret of Menomonee is...

                              Do Doo da-doo doo.
                              damn, now you've got me humming that stupid song!

                              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

