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Should I send this letter?

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  • #16
    She actually did say in the letter that she knew she had too many complaints to have fit on a little survey form, but naturally she's still pissed off. In other words, "I didn't need it and wouldn't have used it, but you didn't give it to me so "

    Thanks everyone for your feedback, again. I've gone back and tweaked the actual letter a bit, so it sounds more professional, and we might get it typed up and sent today or tomorrow.
    Drive it like it's a county car.


    • #17
      Send it
      No longer a flight atttendant!


      • #18
        Sleep on it. If you still feel like you should send it in the morning and you don't feel that you will get in trouble with the higher-ups then go for it! I always write out what I want to say and then run it past Skandrannon(another user) over the phone to see what she has to say about it. She always gives me good advice.

        I can't stand complaining old biddies sometimes (but I do love some of the elderly that come into the hobbyshop, they are so funny). They can't afford it so they do it anyway and then try to complain their way out of paying!
        Check out my cosplay social group!


        • #19
          I think it sounds just fine. There's only one little bit of tweaking I'd suggest:

          Quoth hauntedheadnc
          Regarding your spider bites, no you cannot state with certainty that they occurred in the room, and because no other guest before or since has complained of them, and because inspections of the room have not turned up any evidence of spiders, we will not assume that they occurred there.
          Reworded as:

          "Regarding the spider bites, we cannot ascertain with any certainty that they occurred in the room. No other guest before or since has complained of them, and inspections of the room have not turned up any evidence of spiders. As such, we are reasonably certain that you received them elsewhere."

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #20
            Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
            Reworded as:

            "Regarding the spider bites, we cannot ascertain with any certainty that they occurred in the room. No other guest before or since has complained of them, and inspections of the room have not turned up any evidence of spiders. As such, we are reasonably certain that you received them elsewhere."

            In the wording I used, I was quoting the old bat. In her letter she was at least gracious enough to say that she could not state with certainty that she'd gotten the bites while here, but that there was no evidence of them when going to bed.
            Drive it like it's a county car.


            • #21
              Back at the turn of the 19th/20th century, the president of a railroad received a letter from a lady complaining that she had received bedbug bites while in the company's Pullman car. The lady received a letter from the railroad president on very nice letterhead, expressing great concern for her inconvenience, and a promise to remain vigilant in providing safe, clean comfortable travel for their passengers. As the smiling lady went to lay the letter on her desk, a slip of paper fell out. It read," Joshua, send this lady the bedbug letter. JRW"


              • #22
                Quoth Starlord View Post
                Back at the turn of the 19th/20th century, the president of a railroad received a letter from a lady complaining that she had received bedbug bites while in the company's Pullman car. The lady received a letter from the railroad president on very nice letterhead, expressing great concern for her inconvenience, and a promise to remain vigilant in providing safe, clean comfortable travel for their passengers. As the smiling lady went to lay the letter on her desk, a slip of paper fell out. It read," Joshua, send this lady the bedbug letter. JRW"
                It's possible that it actually happened, but there's no evidence. Personally, I don't think so.

                If it did happen, however, the victim was male, and the respondent would have been Pullman (through his secretary). So sayeth Snopes.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #23
                  so did you send the letter ?
                  I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


                  • #24
                    Nothing further to add, but I have to vote Send.
                    "You are loved" - Plaidman.


                    • #25
                      Hmmm. Not sure I would send that without allowing my supervisor to see it first. As someone previously stated, sending a letter like this sounds great and makes you feel wonderful, but there could be repercussions later for it. I'm pretty sure this woman does that at any hotel she stays at.

                      Only once did I complain about a hotel I stayed at. It was a Ramada in Atlanta, right outside of the airport. I had no problems with the place being this was my second stay there on the same vacation! The second time though, a high school basketball team was staying there, and many of the rooms were occupied. Unfortunately for me, I was put next to this group of loud-mouthed guys who were up literally half the night partying when they were supposed to be sleeping. I had complained to the front desk three times, and on the third time, they called the police. Nothing at all was done about it. The front desk spoke to them, the police spoke to them, but not one time was anything actually done about it, like tell their coach that they needed to be quiet or they would be evicted.

                      I later on wrote them a letter of complaint for how the management was acting powerless to do anything about this situation. I told them that I had a 600 mile drive to do the next day, and was lucky to have gotten two hours of sleep. All they offered was $20 back (on a $90 hotel bill), but nothing else. All I wanted was a refund, or a free night's stay, and this was the best they could do. There was no counter offering, no "we'll do what we can to keep you as a customer" offers, nothing. After I refused this $20 offer, they just said how sorry they were and it looked like it was coming to an impasse. End of story. And I must say I have not stayed at any Ramada Hotel since then.

                      As to what this lady did, I can't say a hotel room or stay can be that bad!
                      Last edited by greensinestro; 06-26-2007, 06:59 PM.

