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It's all your guyses fault!!

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  • It's all your guyses fault!!

    Tonight at the live theatre I had a group of five ladies who were totally rude. They get up into the theatre literally three minutes before the show with seat passes instead of tickets because they lost their tickets. It turns out that there are already people in their seat. So, since I remembered seating the people who are in their seats and knowing that they are in the right seats I send one of the women to the box office so they can do some research to find out who the seats rightfully belong to. She gets pissed and says, "It's all your guyses fault!! I explained that it was probably the box office's error and not the ushers. I let the house manager know what is going on since the play is about to start and she has me have the other four ladies take seats in the same row but the next section over. She then tells the fifth lady, who is really pissed at this point, to take her seat and we will get it sorted out at the intermission.
    Well, it turns out that these biatches had tickets for LAST Saturday not tonight. The house manager decides that I should be the one to tell them just how stupid they are since they were rude to me. So at the intermission I go up into the theatre and the following conversation insues:

    MU= Me the usher
    B= biatch

    MU- Well, we did a little research and the only tickets sold to a Julie Casey (name on seat pass) for this show were for LAST Saturday.
    B- That's wrong. I made reservations for tonight.
    MU- I'm sorry that's just what our computer shows.
    B- Well, did the Casey's show up last Saturday?
    MU- thinking *is she trying to pull a fast one and use someone elses tickets that were already used?* I'm sorry, we have no way of knowing that.
    B- Well, I made reservations for tonight.
    MU- I'm sorry, I can't kick the other people out of their seats since their tickets were for tonight.
    B- That's fine.

    I was so irritated. Some nerve. My manager was so cool about it and totally backed me up.

  • #2
    hehe... my mom, and sister and I did that once. We went to NYC to see something on Broadway, get all dressed up, get there and the usher tells us that they were for the following night. Oops. We were sucky about it. Just hoped back on the bus and did other things that evening. Met one of my now really good friends at a CBGBs that night. Apparently I was "a little" over dressed.


    • #3
      Just because they're stupid doesn't make it your fault. Of course, it does in Sucky Customerland.
      The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


      • #4
        Not that I usually back up the customers b/c most of them on this board ARE idiots, but do you think she could have made a reservation for that night and whoever booked it simply booked it for the wrong date? Granted, she was still rude and SHOULD have shown up earlier than 3 min. before the start of the play..... but I was just wondering if that could have happened too -

