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Kind of rude

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  • Kind of rude

    A tiny thing, really. At the employment center I answer phones at I'm supposed to answer with a spiel "Good morning/afternoon, Springbank Employment and Learning Center, how may I help you?" I have to say this every time I pick up the phone. This morning I answered with that, I got as far as Spring- and the guy goes "Yeah, could you transfer me to 104?". I did, but really. I know you may have called us a lot and have heard it dozens of times before, but it's not that long. Even if you interrupted me with "Excuse me, I've heard this all before, so let's just cut to the chase." I'd be happier. I'm just saying.
    Maybe I should talk faster?
    It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
    -Helen Keller

    I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!

  • #2
    Quoth mariamousie1 View Post
    Maybe I should talk faster?
    No, he should get some etiquette lessons. He was just plain rude.


    • #3
      I hate that. Could be worse, though. In the store I answered with

      "Thank you for calling Barnes & Noble Mytown, this is Me, how can I help you?"

      In the summer they usually run a buy 2 get 1 free DVD sale, and the last time I worked for that they wanted us to answer the phone with a spiel for the sale (on top of the long-ass recording that told everyone calling about the sale, and the member card, and the store hours...). So they listened to the recording (assuming they don't know you can press zero to skip it) and then it was something along the lines of

      "Thank you for calling Barnes & Noble Mytown, where right now you can buy 2 DVDs and get 1 free, this is Me, how can I help you?"*

      Nobody wants to hear all that when they call a store! If I didn't totally trip over my words I got interrupted anyway (and actually was sorta relieved when I didn't have to finish...).

      *It doesn't sound like a whole lot until you have to say it 50000 times a day...
      Last edited by BookstoreEscapee; 06-19-2007, 12:29 AM.
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        Ah, rules on answering a phone... Bullshit.

        I never did it in Radio Shack....Ever. Really, I never did it, and I never (really) got yelled at.

        The way you were supposed to answer the phone there... "Thank you for calling Radio Shack (Location), this is (Your name), how can I help you?"

        I answered "Radio Shack (Location)"

        I dropped that when I got to Gamestop, I submitted...

        "Thank you for calling Gamestop where we buy and sell used games, this is (Your Name), how can I help you."

        As for the guy? Meh... I wouldn't have a problem with that... Least he's too the point and not just telling you to shut up... But as I just said, I have a huge problem SAYING these long ass mandatory hellos, so when people don't want to HEAR them, I give them some slack.
        "How bloody difficult is it to take care of a DVD?"
        ~Me after any time I look at the back of a disc~


        • #5
          Yeah, I usually skipped the DVD sale spiel...of course that's when the manager would call (why is it when you answer "wrong" or finally grab it after 12 rings when you're on register and not even supposed to be answering the phone it's always the manager?)

          And depending on my mood I often dropped the "Thank you for calling" as well...

          and when it was really crazy I might even drop the "how can I help you?"
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            It didn't upset me. But it WAS my first ever sucky customer encounter. How could I resist posting?
            It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
            -Helen Keller

            I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!


            • #7
              My current job has bulleted requirements for the greeting, but they let you actually put it out however you like. You've got to do the following:

              *Tell them which location they're calling
              *Tell them your (first) name
              *Pimp the family special, using the phrase 'ONLY $21.99'

              Names and location have, of course, been altered, but I can get the following out in one breath, without pause, in under 6 seconds, while still sounding downright cheerful even when we're slammed:

              Thanks for calling Pizza Place on West Nowhere, this is JustADude. Would you like to try our family special for only $21.99?

              Never had anyone interrupt me, if only because I'm going so fast they get the aural equivalent of the 'deer in headlights' effect.
              And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


              • #8
                While I find listening to any long speil when I call a place annoying, I won't interrupt...UNLESS it's a sales pitch. The store knows I called for some other reason than to listen to a sales pitch, so I consider it extremely rude to force one on me when I am just trying to make a call.

                They had this long bunch of crap we were supposed to say at Kinko's when I worked there last. I never freaking said it. We were way too busy to waste that much time on foolishness the customer was way too busy to want to hear anyway. I always said "Kinko's, open 24 hours. This is Recovering Kinkoid." the "open 24 hours" bit was a leftover from when I worked at Kinko's the first stint. It just stuck.

                At the same time, I find it annoying to have speils for specials forced on me when I'm ordering a burger. I don't interrupt, mainly because pissing off people who at some point are alone with your food is generally a poor idea, but it does annoy me.

                Don't ask me if I want to try such and such. I already know what I want, and if I want whatever it is they're trying to unload that day, I'll be glad to tell the order taker, if only they will let me get a word in edgewise.


                • #9
                  At the college, I use "Thank you for calling the [my department], this is Hobgoblin, how can I help you?" I rattle it off pretty quick, but enough people hear it well enough to greet me by name when I'm done. It really bugs me when people interrupt. So I simply start over:

                  "Thanks for calling the [dept], this is ...."
                  "Yes, can you connect me to [person/extension]?"
                  "Thanks for calling the [dept], this is Hobgoblin, how can I help you?"
                  "What can I do for you today?"
                  "Can I please speak with [other person/dept]?"
                  "Sure, hang on just a moment while I find them or connect you to their line. HAve a great day."

                  People are just stunned, it's beautiful. I do it at the game store too. That's even worse though, cause my manager made me switch to the proper greeting: "Thanks for calling [game store] where you can preorder [current preorder focus title]. This is Hobgoblin, how can I help you?" It's so long. I hate it. But sure, I'll repeat it if you are rude and interrupt. Especially when I get to the store name and preorder title, and you interrupt with "Is this the GameStop on Hanley?" first of all, wrong company. Did you not hear the name I told you? If you can get your head out of your hole, you might be able to hear a little bit more clearly.

                  And for the kid that thought it was funny to call about five times last night with some of the dumbest prank calls I've ever heard (and I do get some good ones), grow the hell up. You're stupid, and so is your friend in the background. Either get a better prank call, or just stop trying. Seriously, asking if my fridge is running? And don't laugh at the beginning, it gives it all away.

                  I'll end the rant/thread semi-jack there. (Last night was bad.)


                  • #10
                    When I worked for BoA, I had to answer the phone "Thank you for calling Bank of America, your bank of higher standards, my name is <first and last name>, who do I have the pleasure of assisting today?" They said it was to make people happier, but honestly, I don't know of any customer that that would make a difference with. Most people would say "I can't believe they make you say all of that" or something along those lines. At least I don't have to sugar coat the greeting at my current job. We're not even required to say the company name in our greeting, since calls are supposed to be transferred to me, but I do it anyways to be safe. I know the first time I drop the company name, someone will say "I was just talking to <wireless carrier> is this <same wireless carrier?>


                    • #11
                      They would love for me to answer the phone at work with a long drawn out message that I don't want to say and the customer doesn't want to hear, but all I say is the company name!


                      • #12
                        I have it easy. The only people that ever call are either customers or coworkers/friends/relatives, or the occasional seller or service person.

                        The only thing we ever have to do is give the company name. Anything else is up to whoever answers the phone.

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • #13
                          We have to answer the phone the exact same way every time: "thank you for calling applebee's in mytown featuring carside service to go, this is myname how can i help you today" Good times for all involved. I love it when you get halfway through your speil and hear a dial tone.....


                          • #14
                            Quoth angelicafire View Post
                            When I worked for BoA, I had to answer the phone "Thank you for calling Bank of America, your bank of higher standards, my name is <first and last name>, who do I have the pleasure of assisting today?" >
                            They made you give your last name? It would creep me out to give my last name to potentially unhappy customers. I mean, if they were calling because something was screwed up and they were kinda crazy too... would that be safe?


                            • #15
                              When our phones ring we're suppose to say, "Womens Fashions (Jewelry...Shoes...depends on the phone) This is Retail Associate. How may I help you?"

                              Hell, I just say "Fashions." Those damn phones ring all night long. They're lucky I don't take a sledge hammer to 'em.

                              Retail Haiku:
                              Depression sets in.
                              The hellhole is calling me ~
                              I don't want to go.

