Dontcha just hate it when a SC insists that you are doing your job wrong????
Had a lady yesterday freakin' out on me...
For those of you who have been living in a cave or are new to the boards...I drive a flatbed tow truck...had to pick up a 1979 GMC Sierra pickup truck. Seriously old POS. While I was loading the vehicle, this woman was watching my every move.
Sometimes, with big trucks, depending on how they are parked, you have to play around with loading them. Sometimes, the tires will rub against the rails of the bed...NO BIG DEAL!
SC: *upon seeing the tires rub against the bed on one side* STOP! You're wrecking the tires!!!!
ME: Ma'am, I'm not hurting the tires.
SC: But see, they're rubbing up against the side and it's wrecking them!
ME: Ma'am, it's going to be okay.
Later....after reaching the tow destination and the truck is unloaded...
SC: So, what are they going to do about the tires?
ME: Ma'am?
SC: See, they're wrecked! What are they going to do about them?
I look at the tires. They were merely dirty from the rail. A little scuffed up maybe - but BY NO MEANS "WRECKED".
ME: Ma'am the tires are okay. *I proceed to rub the dirt off the one tire with my gloves* See, it's just dirt.
SC: Well, the other side is wrecked for sure.
I walk to the other side - scuffed a bit - but okay.
ME: Ma'am, there is nothing wrong with the tires.
She then proceeds to compliment me graciously for a job well done.
Had a lady yesterday freakin' out on me...
For those of you who have been living in a cave or are new to the boards...I drive a flatbed tow truck...had to pick up a 1979 GMC Sierra pickup truck. Seriously old POS. While I was loading the vehicle, this woman was watching my every move.
Sometimes, with big trucks, depending on how they are parked, you have to play around with loading them. Sometimes, the tires will rub against the rails of the bed...NO BIG DEAL!
SC: *upon seeing the tires rub against the bed on one side* STOP! You're wrecking the tires!!!!
ME: Ma'am, I'm not hurting the tires.
SC: But see, they're rubbing up against the side and it's wrecking them!
ME: Ma'am, it's going to be okay.
Later....after reaching the tow destination and the truck is unloaded...
SC: So, what are they going to do about the tires?
ME: Ma'am?
SC: See, they're wrecked! What are they going to do about them?
I look at the tires. They were merely dirty from the rail. A little scuffed up maybe - but BY NO MEANS "WRECKED".
ME: Ma'am the tires are okay. *I proceed to rub the dirt off the one tire with my gloves* See, it's just dirt.
SC: Well, the other side is wrecked for sure.
I walk to the other side - scuffed a bit - but okay.
ME: Ma'am, there is nothing wrong with the tires.
She then proceeds to compliment me graciously for a job well done.
