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The Smartass Cranky Old Woman, Disappearing Act, and 8th Grade Girls Gone Wild!

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  • The Smartass Cranky Old Woman, Disappearing Act, and 8th Grade Girls Gone Wild!

    Today, I will share some stories with you from the Pit of Despair. I swear, every idiot was out in full force yesterday night. It was utterly painful to watch in most cases. So where to begin? Oh wait, I will start at the beginning of my shift with the usual Cranky Old Woman. However, not to repeat myself, I must distinguish this model of the Cranky Old Woman as Smartass Cranky Old Woman. (SA, for short.)

    Why oh Why Must You Sit at a Dirty Table?!?!

    Me: self-explanatory, the stupid person who keeps putting up with sucky people
    SA: Smartass Old Woman, Model 4.0

    Just a note before beginning: Every table was open and clean -except one in the entire restaurant. For the record.

    Me: Hi, how are you today?
    SA: Fine. I want a booth.
    Me: *points to table 21* Let’s go right around the corner.
    SA: *points* I want a booth.
    Me: Yes, there’s one around the corner.
    SA: *points more furiously* I want one over here! *Gives me an angry old lady pout. She thinks it’s going to work, but I don’t want to put up with her crap.*
    Me: *sighs* Okay, how about right over here.
    SA: *mumbles* That’s right, if I WANTED a BOOTH over there, I wouldn’t be pointing, would I?
    Me: *rolls eyes*

    I walk to a table, which is clean and nicely set up for two people. It’s a nice window booth, which I thought would help SA relieve some of her agitation. Sometimes if the person doesn’t get a booth where they originally wanted or whatever, I will gloss it over with “oh, but hey – you get a window seat!” And then, as dumb as some of our customers are, they will smile and reply, “Oh gee, how great!” and be polite the rest of their stay. Not so, in this case. I put the menus down and look up…and lo and behold, Smartass Cranky Old Woman is standing and pointing at a table only two feet from the one I'm standing at. The only dirty table in the entire restaurant. I want to bang my head against the nearest wall.

    Me: (this is from across the restaurant) Ma’am, that table is dirty. I want to seat you at a clean table.
    Me: *sighs, notes some of the regulars are looking at me like “can’t you get this crazy old bat to shut the hell up?!”* What’s wrong with this one?
    Me: *rolls eyes, grabs set of silverware off of table 8 and heads toward pissy SA, who is now sitting at table 6*
    SA: You going to wipe the TABLE?
    Me: You sat yourself at a dirty table, ma’am. I tried to give you a clean one, really.
    SA: You know, missy, the customer is always right. *stares intently at the menu*
    Me: I was trying to give you a clean table so you wouldn’t have to wait. I figured you would appreciate the favor.

    At that point, I walked away from SA and refused to serve her. Nobody has the right to harass me, especially when I was trying to help. My attempt to help her started out innocently enough…but then I would have loved to kick her in the shins. I swear, the Resturant has the worst clientele ever. Everybody sucks; I promise it is NO exaggeration.

    A Very, Very Specific Shake Order

    Co-worker: Table 6 would like an Oreo shake, EXTRA super, super thick with no whipped cream and no kids’ straw.

    Me: Wow, that’s oddly specific. Where the heck do they think they’re at?

    Co-worker: I don’t know, but they were adamant about the way the shake is supposed to be. It’s for a three year old kid. I kept thinking, “how the hell is this kid going to notice if the shake is thick or not?”

    Me: True enough.

    So I went to the back and made the EXTRA thick Oreo milkshake for the kid…only to discover that these people had become dissatisfied with the speed by which we were operating and decided to get up and leave. After they had eaten their appetizers and drank their first set of shakes. Needless to say, my co-worker was livid. While I had been finishing the shake, their food had come up. Said co-worker had gone to their table with the first plates of food…to discover the people missing. Apparently, they wanted the royal treatment or something…
    Idiots. They missed the part where we were completely SWAMPED. There were six big parties (7 people or more) at once. Of course the cooks can’t work fast enough to get everybody’s orders done at once. Again, this incident is filed with the others who expect magical and instantanious service from us when we are swamped. Plus…keep in mind that this is the RESTURANT, not a four star place.

    8th Grade Girls Gone Wild…With Their Parents Watching

    Monday night went from being boring to being so busy that I didn’t get off until an hour and a half after my shift was supposed to be over. It was in part because the middle schools in town were having their 8th grade “graduation” ceremony. In true the Resturant fashion, we attracted the least classy 8th graders and parents possible. My least favorite group of the night has to be the bratty group of twelve 13 year olds on table 2. Here’s why:

    I’m running around pretty frantically because we are packed. Out of nowhere, cue the stupid eighth grade girl: CAN I HAVE A KIDS MENU?!?!? (she shouted this in my general direction, while I was running drinks across the restaurant to another table)

    Me: NO, YOU HAVE TO ASK NICELY FIRST! (mentally adding: IDIOT!)

    Bratty girl: *starts whispering to her stupid posse of fellow SC children*

    Best part? These kids’ parents were sitting only a couple of tables away, completely ignoring their crappy behavior. This is seconded only by the tip they left on their $47 check: $2. Wow, I am proud of their inability to figure out a 10% tip. They are going to continue the fine tradition of idiots who leave dollar bills as a tip for their $50 check. Oh, wait. There’s more to this story. While the parents were finishing their dinner, two of the bratty girls decided to lie down on the benches in the waiting area. With their feet on the windows. They were effectively flashing everyone who decided to enter the restaurant. I bet the creepy old men who love to come in got an eyeful. :0

    check out my new blog!!!!

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  • #2
    Why the hell would an 8th grader want a kids' menu? Grow up, kid.
    For the most part, I don't care about what everyone else is doing, or what is popular.
    -Namie Amuro (Japanese singer)


    • #3
      I miss having the kid's menu, actually, atleast when it came to dessert. Kids desserts were always fun.

      I think the only time I can remember leaving a $2 tip was when it was a $2 bill, but the meal itself was certainly less than $15. It was more for the novelty of it. ^_^
      "IT stands away, interrupting himself from the incessant hammering of the kittens…"


      • #4
        Quoth cloudiko View Post
        At that point, I walked away from SA and refused to serve her. Nobody has the right to harass me, especially when I was trying to help.

        Good for you! Some people would be too timid to react like that. Act like an idiot, get treated like one!


        • #5
          I can say that out of every retail job I have ever had working as a waitress/short order cook is BY FAR the worst experience I have ever had....People are horible impatient, inconsiderate assholes.


          • #6
            When I was a waitress (way back when) it never cease to amaze me at how people would walk in and sit down at the only dirty table in the place. WTF is the purpose of that?
            Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

            If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

            Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


            • #7
              Quoth cloudiko View Post
              SA: You know, missy, the customer is always right.
              Actually, there is plenty of scientific evidence to the contrary. Someday I'll publish a paper on the subject.
              "You are loved" - Plaidman.


              • #8
                Quoth Kara_CS View Post
                Actually, there is plenty of scientific evidence to the contrary. Someday I'll publish a paper on the subject.
                Yes, I believe you're right. There is a definite positive correlation between the number of people in a given room and the level of stupidity in that same room.

                Like Ron White said, "You can't fix stupid."
                The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

                Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy


                • #9
                  Oh the memories are flooding my head again....

                  I think it can happen at any sit down restaurant. The ONLY dirty booth/table in the restaurant, and some random idiot is adament that they WILL have that table and you WILL clean it NOW!

                  That or I'd go to seat people and they'd scurry and seat themselves and wonder why they didn't get menus right away. I purposely wouldn't give them menus or even take drink orders until they said something. You don't want to read the sign and you purposely ignore the hostess ready to seat you, you can leave for all I care.
                  You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                  • #10
                    The only time i uderstood waiting a dirty tabel was last night when i never got a chance to go out and clean and B wuldn't. a woman (one of the many that told my AM that i was an angel and they should make sure they never loss me [haha!]) who had an darling little girl asked me to clean a table because most of them where dirty. My AM went out right then and cleaned them all.

                    Most times only half are dirty at the most and most people can kind a clean one.


                    • #11
                      Quoth blas87 View Post

                      I think it can happen at any sit down restaurant. The ONLY dirty booth/table in the restaurant, and some random idiot is adament that they WILL have that table and you WILL clean it NOW!
                      <SCthink> But there must be something WRONG with every other booth/table; no one's using them! </SCthink>

                      Ow, that hurts.
                      He loves the world...except for all the people.
                      --Men at Work


                      • #12
                        I've had to deal with your "dirty table" and "8th grade girls" problems too. I've never been able to understand why anyone would choose to sit at a dirty table if there are plenty of clean ones available! Now if all the tables are dirty, no problem, pick one and I'll happily clean it for you. But if you choose a dirty table when you don't HAVE to, you'll either be told "please choose a clean table" or you'll wait extra time to have it cleaned and be given menus! What's even better is when we're super busy, the "hostess will seat you sign" is in plain view yet a couple will ignore it and go to a dirty table and nobody notices it. We all think they are being waited on by someone else, as they have plates, silverware and drinks in front of them. So, they sit and wait and get angry because nobody is cleaning the table, then they speak up about it. Well, geez, if you'd just waited until the hostess could get to you, you wouldn't have sat at a dirty table waiting like you did. Idiots!!

                        And when the teens come in with their parents, and the teens sit at one table and the parents at another, oh what fun! NOT!! How can parents be oblivious to how their teen children are acting?! Ridiculous.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Chattyaholic View Post
                          How can parents be oblivious to how their teen children are acting?!
                          Because to pay attention to what they're doing would possibly ruin their night out.
                          Unseen but seeing
                          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                          3rd shift needs love, too
                          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                          • #14
                            Should have filled a milkshake glass with cookies and cream ice cream and called it a superduperextrathick shake...
                            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                            • #15
                              SA: I WANT THIS TABLE!!!
                              Me: (this is from across the restaurant) Ma’am, that table is dirty. I want to seat you at a clean table.
                              SA: I WANT THIS TABLE! YOU CAN CLEAN IT, CAN’T YOU?
                              Me: *sighs, notes some of the regulars are looking at me like “can’t you get this crazy old bat to shut the hell up?!”* What’s wrong with this one?
                              SA: *louder than before* CAN’T YOU CLEAN THIS ONE FOR ME? I MEAN, THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT!
                              Me: *rolls eyes, grabs set of silverware off of table 8 and heads toward pissy SA, who is now sitting at table 6*
                              SA: You going to wipe the TABLE?
                              Me: You sat yourself at a dirty table, ma’am. I tried to give you a clean one, really.
                              SA: You know, missy, the customer is always right. *stares intently at the menu*
                              Me: I was trying to give you a clean table so you wouldn’t have to wait. I figured you would appreciate the favor.
                              Psy. Cho. That's all I can say.

                              Monday night went from being boring to being so busy that I didn’t get off until an hour and a half after my shift was supposed to be over. It was in part because the middle schools in town were having their 8th grade “graduation” ceremony. In true the Resturant fashion, we attracted the least classy 8th graders and parents possible. My least favorite group of the night has to be the bratty group of twelve 13 year olds on table 2. Here’s why:

                              I’m running around pretty frantically because we are packed. Out of nowhere, cue the stupid eighth grade girl: CAN I HAVE A KIDS MENU?!?!? (she shouted this in my general direction, while I was running drinks across the restaurant to another table)

                              Me: NO, YOU HAVE TO ASK NICELY FIRST! (mentally adding: IDIOT!)

                              Bratty girl: *starts whispering to her stupid posse of fellow SC children*

                              Best part? These kids’ parents were sitting only a couple of tables away, completely ignoring their crappy behavior. This is seconded only by the tip they left on their $47 check: $2. Wow, I am proud of their inability to figure out a 10% tip. They are going to continue the fine tradition of idiots who leave dollar bills as a tip for their $50 check. Oh, wait. There’s more to this story. While the parents were finishing their dinner, two of the bratty girls decided to lie down on the benches in the waiting area. With their feet on the windows. They were effectively flashing everyone who decided to enter the restaurant. I bet the creepy old men who love to come in got an eyeful. :0
                              Maybe I'm just a young old fogey, but it seems to me that middle school girls nowadays are an odd lot: they dress like two-bit whore and behave like kindergarteners. It's weird.
                              "I used to be Snow White... but I drifted."~Mae West

