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I detect crankiness.

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  • I detect crankiness.

    So a man comes through my lane today and is purchasing a shelf, some brackets and some other stuff.
    Now at my store a lot of the signs will show the collective price of items like shelves and brackets, sofas and covers, etc. with smaller individual price signs for the separate items.

    I start ringing his things through and scan the brackets.

    SC: Oh, everything isn't sold together?
    Me: Well we price everything separately, but a lot of the signs will show the price of the items together.
    SC: Well that damn shelf better not be $29.99!
    Me: Let me see.
    I scan the shelf.
    Me: Nope. It's $14.99 and the brackets are $15. Do you need both packages of brackets or just one?
    SC: Both. You know, you're not a very good sales person.
    Me: I'm not any kind of sales person. I'm a cashier.
    SC: I detect crankiness from you.
    Me: Nope, just tired.
    SC: No, you're definitely cranky. You should stay home if you're going to have an attitude like that.

    Ok, first off, I was NOT cranky (I was later when people took to throwing bills at me rather than handing them to me), and even if I was, how does your logic work out?
    Do I really have a choice but to come in, despite my mood?
    And should my mood come to shift while at work am I to go home? Moreover, am I to be expected to control my mood?

    I absolutely loathe customers that comment on my mood, as though they're my personal therapist for the short time we're in contact.
    Just let me scan your shit, you pay for it, then you leave and we both go on with our lives.

  • #2
    Quoth rerant View Post
    SC: I detect crankiness from you.
    ME(Alternative reply): I detect stupidness / Idiocy / Arrogance from you
    "I'm trying to manufacture sincerity." - Simon (Teachers)
    "Ok, you have to stop the Q-tip when there's resistance!" - Chandler (Friends)


    • #3
      I only have one thing to say.

      WHAT attitude? You sounded pretty cashier neutral to me...
      Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

      "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


      • #4
        When I worked real estate, I would get pop psychology from the "wholesalers" that ignored the two "no soliciting/door-to-door salesmen" signs on the front door and tried to push their crap on me. When I was intentionally rude to them, about half of them would "tut" me and ask if I was having a bad day. Usually, it was the one selling set of pizza coupons for $25.*

        No. But I was having a fantastic one until you showed up.


        *Anyone know how these people get convinced that this is a good idea? They are charging more than these coupons actually save. And I get free coupons all the time in my paper and mail.
        A smile is just a grimace that's been edited for public consumption. -- Tony Cochran


        • #5
          Quoth rerant View Post
          SC: I detect crankiness from you.
          Me: Nope, just tired.
          SC: No, you're definitely cranky. You should stay home if you're going to have an attitude like that.
          Bah, bloody SCs projecting onto other people again. What if he *does* detect crankiness? It's enough that you do a polite and functional job, you're not paid to beam love and goodwill at every tactless idiot that crosses your path! I can only wish that when he returns to his job, whatever that may be, that his boss comes up and chucks him under the chin "Why don't you smile? You look so pretty when you smile!" (OK, I know the chances of anyone doing that to a man is slim to none. But it would be so hilarious if they did)

          At the various call centres I was in, they did training on how to 'smile with your voice' when you answered the phones. Little did the customers know I could maintain a 'smiley voice' whilst grimacing horribly and making stabbing motions in the air
          Last edited by Best Made Tacos; 06-20-2007, 03:02 PM.


          • #6
            Quoth rerant View Post
            SC: No, you're definitely cranky. You should stay home if you're going to have an attitude like that.
            You know what would improve our moods? If cranky customers would stay home. If you can't be polite and understanding to your cashier, maybe you shouldn't be shopping today. We have to work our scheduled shifts. Perhaps your living room suite could wait until you get an attitude adjustment.

            You weren't even cranky, rerant.

            If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


            • #7
              Ignore the jerks.

              They're only doing it to get a rise out of you. If you're not already cranky, they're hoping to make you cranky because they're broken inside and need to upset other people to feel good.

              They're not worth the energy it takes to be cranky.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #8
                Quoth rerant View Post
                SC: I detect crankiness from you.
                Me: Nope, just tired.
                SC: No, you're definitely cranky. You should stay home if you're going to have an attitude like that.
                That's when you give a sarcastic laugh and say "You call this cranky? You ain't seen nothing yet. This is my joyful mood".
                Either that, or get wide-eyed and inquisitive "Can I get a job where you work? I'd love to be able to call out on account of crankyness! You must have the coolest boss EVER."

