It was so quiet all last week (minor irritations, but nothing that qualified for a SC) that I knew when I finally got one, it would be a doozy. I was not disappointed.
A woman, maybe in her 50s, waited paitently in line for her turn at the service counter. She sets a pristine-looking box for a faucet-mounted water filter on the counter, and the exchange goes something like this...
Me: What can I do for you today?
SC: *very primly* I'm going to need a manager for this one.
Me: Of course, let me know the problem and I'll call her right over. (I HATE it when a transaction starts that way, but at least she's being polite-ish.)
SC: I bought an obviously returned item that had been put back on the shelf, and I want to talk to a manager about it.
Me: No problem. *pages the team lead*
TL: *arrives* What can I do for you?
The SC starts on a complicated, intense-but-not-shouting rant about how she bought this item and it was open and she didn't notice until she was helping her son unpack in his brand new NYC apartment (an hour north of here). She opens the box and dumps on the counter wet filter/mounting hardware in a plastic baggie, and the mount itself flashing a 'change filter' light, and says that's how she bought it. (Yet there were no water marks on the box...hmm...)
SC: And so I brought it back to be replaced. He thinks that he should get his money back and a free replacement for the inconvenience.
Me, TL:

TL: I'm sorry for the inconvenience, ma'am, and I'll be happy to replace it for you, but I can't do that.
SC: *starts getting louder* My son doesn't have a water filter now! He has to drink tap water for a week until I can get the new one back to him! He should get his money back for his inconvenience.
TL: Why didn't you return it at a closer store? It would have saved you the drive.
SC: There isn't one near there!
TL: Oh, that makes sense. Well, we can definately give you a refund or replace your defective item for you, but we can't do both.
SC: I want to talk to the store manager!
TL: Certainly. *pages the store manager*
The conversation repeats, almost word for word (with twice the volume on the SC's part).
SC: I want to speak to YOUR manager.
SM: I am the store manager.
TL: You asked for the store manager, this is him. There's no one above him.
SC: *splutters* You don't have very good customer service! I should get a refund, a discount, SOMETHING for my inconvenience!
SM: I'm sorry, Ma'am, but the company doesn't have a policy regarding this. Every time an item needs to be returned, it's an inconvience for our guests. We can offer a refund, or a replacement.
TL: LadyAndreca, do an item location on it for her. And give her guest relations number.
Me: *quietly hands over the paper she printed out right after the TL showed up* And here's the number for guest relations, Ma'am, if you'd like to call with a complaint.
SC: MY SON WILL DEFINATELY CALL THEM!!! *stomps off to get her filter*
Me, TL, SM:

SM: Her son? Oh no! Seriously, why couldn't she do it?
Me, TL:
When the SC came back, she was gloating about getting the last one. She made me open it, prove it was all sealed, and had me put it back just so so her son wouldn't notice it had been opened. (Except it was kind of open...whatever, SC's don't use logic.) And then she watched while I wrote "DEFECTIVE" in giant black letters on the old box.
SC: Well. I'm glad at least one person around here knows how to treat a customer. *stalks out of the store*
TL: *walks over* You are SUCH a suckup.
Me: Eh, whatever. Beats getting screamed at more. Next guest please!
A woman, maybe in her 50s, waited paitently in line for her turn at the service counter. She sets a pristine-looking box for a faucet-mounted water filter on the counter, and the exchange goes something like this...
Me: What can I do for you today?
SC: *very primly* I'm going to need a manager for this one.
Me: Of course, let me know the problem and I'll call her right over. (I HATE it when a transaction starts that way, but at least she's being polite-ish.)
SC: I bought an obviously returned item that had been put back on the shelf, and I want to talk to a manager about it.
Me: No problem. *pages the team lead*
TL: *arrives* What can I do for you?
The SC starts on a complicated, intense-but-not-shouting rant about how she bought this item and it was open and she didn't notice until she was helping her son unpack in his brand new NYC apartment (an hour north of here). She opens the box and dumps on the counter wet filter/mounting hardware in a plastic baggie, and the mount itself flashing a 'change filter' light, and says that's how she bought it. (Yet there were no water marks on the box...hmm...)
SC: And so I brought it back to be replaced. He thinks that he should get his money back and a free replacement for the inconvenience.
Me, TL:

TL: I'm sorry for the inconvenience, ma'am, and I'll be happy to replace it for you, but I can't do that.
SC: *starts getting louder* My son doesn't have a water filter now! He has to drink tap water for a week until I can get the new one back to him! He should get his money back for his inconvenience.
TL: Why didn't you return it at a closer store? It would have saved you the drive.
SC: There isn't one near there!
TL: Oh, that makes sense. Well, we can definately give you a refund or replace your defective item for you, but we can't do both.
SC: I want to talk to the store manager!
TL: Certainly. *pages the store manager*
The conversation repeats, almost word for word (with twice the volume on the SC's part).
SC: I want to speak to YOUR manager.
SM: I am the store manager.
TL: You asked for the store manager, this is him. There's no one above him.
SC: *splutters* You don't have very good customer service! I should get a refund, a discount, SOMETHING for my inconvenience!
SM: I'm sorry, Ma'am, but the company doesn't have a policy regarding this. Every time an item needs to be returned, it's an inconvience for our guests. We can offer a refund, or a replacement.
TL: LadyAndreca, do an item location on it for her. And give her guest relations number.
Me: *quietly hands over the paper she printed out right after the TL showed up* And here's the number for guest relations, Ma'am, if you'd like to call with a complaint.
SC: MY SON WILL DEFINATELY CALL THEM!!! *stomps off to get her filter*
Me, TL, SM:

SM: Her son? Oh no! Seriously, why couldn't she do it?

Me, TL:

When the SC came back, she was gloating about getting the last one. She made me open it, prove it was all sealed, and had me put it back just so so her son wouldn't notice it had been opened. (Except it was kind of open...whatever, SC's don't use logic.) And then she watched while I wrote "DEFECTIVE" in giant black letters on the old box.
SC: Well. I'm glad at least one person around here knows how to treat a customer. *stalks out of the store*

TL: *walks over* You are SUCH a suckup.

Me: Eh, whatever. Beats getting screamed at more. Next guest please!