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That is lovely perfume. Must you bathe in it??

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  • That is lovely perfume. Must you bathe in it??

    Don't you just love people who apparently soak themselves from head to toe in perfume before they go out? My wife and I ran into one such person earlier today when we did our grocery shopping. At first, we couldn't tell where it was coming from, but it was strong enough that I could not only smell it, but taste it as well. I was already fighting off a migraine, and I felt like I was going to

    Eventually, we traced it back to the culprit -- some woman who was completely oblivious to the fact that she smelled like a perfume factory exploded on her, or simply didn't care. Needless to say, if we absolutely had to be in the same aisle with her, we made it quick.

    I pity the poor cashier whose line she went thru.
    Sometimes life is altered.
    Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
    Uneasy with confrontation.
    Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right

  • #2
    I find the elderly (whose sense of smell must be going) are the WORST when it comes to this. A few years ago I worked in a specialty collectors store (pocket dragons, massivly expensive cars, things like that) And there was a woman that I could NOT help because she was making me physically ill with her perfume. I ended up telling her I was having a reaction to her perfume and that someone else would be along to help her shortly


    • #3
      I wonder, if you lit a match would she burst into flames?
      "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


      • #4
        my god mother used to say that people wore perfum because they were to lazy to bathe daily

        not true but it still cracks me up to this day
        I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


        • #5
          I just did a sod job for a stanky old guy last week, he confessed to us that he didn't bathe quite as much as he should have, should have been the first clue. His err..."musk" didn't quite hit me until I entered his house to use the bathroom, it smelled like he doused mothballs in urine and old cologne and rolled around in them; It literally brought tears to my eyes. At my warehouse job I'd encounter a few wannabe suave guys who smelled like they robbed a store room full of that cheap-ass Adidas scent and marinated themselves in it to dispose of the evidence. Good Christ just shower already!


          • #6
            Thank dog I can't smell my customers! I seriously don't think "perfume" of any kind would be an issue unless there's a perfume called "body odor."
            The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


            • #7
              I utter despise when people bathe in their perfume/cologne. It makes my eyes water, my sinuses feel like they're about to collapse, and I don't especially care for the taste either. Oh, and sometimes it makes me break out in a slight rash.

              Now that I think about it, is overdoing the scent of choice better or worse than human funk?
              Unseen but seeing
              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
              3rd shift needs love, too
              RIP, mo bhrionglóid


              • #8
                You always wonder - WHO told them to put perfume on like that? It's wrist, neck, little dabs maybe - that's how most people show you how to put it on - some people seem like they just dump the bottle on themselves. Where did they get the idea to do that? You know, before people bathed - that is what they would do - they would "mask" the odor in perfume. But you know what, when the odor is so strong that it can "mask" another odor - it's tooooo strong!!!! I guess it's better to smell flowery scents than B.O. though - I mean, if you had to choose....


                • #9
                  We have a girl here at the office who reeks of purfume.

                  The truly painful part about it, it that she just started wearing a fav. designer purfume of mine that hubby bought me a couple of years back.

                  The smell is so strong that I will actually gag and my eyes water when she stands near my desk to meet with someone.

                  I am now so totally off the smell, now.

                  Oh and let us not leave out the boys. Guys are so guilty of the too-much-cologne thing too. Many of the merchandise vendors come in here smelling of various colognes. For the most part, it's okay, but there are a few....PHEW-MAMA <waves hand across nose> When I can smell you 30 minutes after you leave, there's a problem.

                  One of the ex-Operations guys used to wear way too much. I cornered him one day and told him that if he insisted on bathing in cologne every morning, could he please not wear Hugo Boss. That is a fav of mine, and one I can rarely convince my hubby to wear when....<grins and stops>

                  He ended up wearing more, dammit.

                  I reject your reality and substitute my own


                  • #10
                    I get some nasty headaches even from small amounts of perfume, so I really hate it when people douse themselves.
                    And it really is an equal-opportunity crime. Guys I used to work with used that Axe junk, and would literally spray themselves for 30 seconds or longer, continuously. 30 seconds doesn't sound that long you say? Count to 30 in your head while making spraying noises.

                    Longer than you thought, eh? And you could still smell it in the change room half an hour after they left. I tried telling them to ease up, didn't work. A couple of times I ended up having to change in the washroom to minimize my exposure.
                    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                    • #11
                      Quoth BeckySunshine
                      I utter despise when people bathe in their perfume/cologne.
                      God, you'd hate to work where I work then. Not only do I get a daily dose of the perfumed/cologned monsters, but I work by a store called L'occitane and their policy is to spray this ungodly amounts of new perfumes into the mall's hallway to attrack customers to their store. I mean, one small spritz would be enough, but they have to mask the section that I'm in with that crud. My eyes burn from it and I can't stop coughing and when we ask them to stop, they say if they don't the company will fine the store o.O O.o. What an excuse :bleh:
                      Movie, Music, Anime and many more reviews...coming soon!


                      • #12
                        Try working at a gym...

                        What's worse than the usual person who marinates in perfume is when they decide to work out. Did you know that when a person sweats the scent gets stronger? There have been a few times where the entire gym smells like perfume or body odor. Thank gawd, I work at the front desk. Poor total health coaches.


                        • #13
                          Ironically, perfume/cologne deteriorates one's sense of smell over time. Those that douse themselves in perfume/cologne usually do so because they can't smell it otherwise, but they are making things worse by doing exactly that.

                          Also, perfume loses its appeal when you consider the fact that it was originally used by the aristocracy to mask the fact that they didn't bathe. It was considered "immoral" to submerge ones nude body into water and scrub down.
                          A smile is just a grimace that's been edited for public consumption. -- Tony Cochran


                          • #14
                            My mother is allergic to something that's in a fair number of the more expensive perfumes; she might like the smell, but she REALLY dislikes asthma attacks. I can't say I blame her.

                            I think that corporate policy of squirting perfume into the air is really, really, really rude at best, potentially dangerous at the worst.


                            • #15
                              I used to wear perfume, and I still have a bottle (Which a guy who has a crush on me loves the smell of - no, he didnt give it to me, my uncle did) that I keep wanting to use.

                              My only concern is I do dab it on lightly, but then I wonder what's the point - I can't smell it, how can anyone else?
                              Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?

