Today I experienced my first two SC's at my new job at the local gym.
I experienced lovely Ms. Can't-wait-a-minute only an hour into my shift. A bit of background is necessary:
We offer several classes at the gym each day. The most popular of the classes is the cycling class. Because of its popularity and only having 30 bikes available, those who want to take the class have to sign up for it. People can sign up for a particular class beginning a week prior, up until an hour before the class starts for a $1 reservation fee. There are 15 of these paid reservation spaces available.
After an hour before the class, signing up is free, and people attack the book like vultures once it's set on the counter.
With me? Okay!
So tonight the cycling class started at 6:45. All paid reservation spots were taken.
A woman comes to the desk at 5:44. Her waiting time to sign up? A whopping one minute!
SC = woman (I use the term loosely)
Me = Me
SC: Where's the signup sheet for spinning at 6:45?
Me: It'll be put out in one minute ma'am.
SC: You're going to make me wait one minute? Are you KIDDING ME!?!?
Me: Sorry ma'am..the rules are strict with the cycling signup.
SC: I don't even want to hear it. *Points to a clock behind me* That says 5:45!!!
Me: Well, I told the three people who came in here before you when to come back according to that clock. *Points to clock within my eyeshot*
SC: This is ridiculous! I'll be having a word with management. *whips out cell phone* My cell phone has the right time!
Me: Ma'am, it will only be a few seconds longer. (I really must be that anal about it)
SC: This is ridiculous! I want your name.
Me: *Points to name tag and sets book on the counter (the minute had passed, thank all that's holy)*
SC: *signs name in a huff and SLAMS pen down*
Me: Thank you
We had a staff meeting yesterday where I found out that all corporate complaints about staff go directly to my OM's computer. My OM is the one who told me that I must be THAT anal about the book. I guess her complaint is going nowhere fast
SC #2
In the midst of answering phones, ringing up retail supplements and new membership agreements, entering customer information into three systems and checking people into the club, a different lady tells me to turn on tanning bed #3 for 15 minutes.
I'm not going to lie...I was so busy, I honestly forgot about her. I was working the desk by myself and had 5 things to do at once.
Suddenly the phone rings.
Me: Thank you for calling---
Me: I'm sorry ma'am..i'll turn it on right now for you.
SC: *click*
A good HOUR or so passes, and she comes walking down the hall. I pretend to be doing something at the desk to avoid more verbal abuse.
SC: Hey...I'm sorry I went psycho over the phone at you...I just had to get to work.
Me: (thinking "You had to get to work but here you're finally leaving a good hour or so after the fact?
but okay..) was my fault. I was just so busy..I don't know if i'm cut out for this job.
SC: Aww
(I could tell she felt like shit) I didn't mean to lose it on you..*playfully tugs my arm*
Sorry again.
I give the lady credit for apologizing, though it really was my fault I had forgotten.
Last but not least...not an SC but the reason I'm now sore throughout my body.
The club has an indoor play area for people to drop their kids off while they work out. The room contains many of those colored tubes you'd see at a McDonald's playground.
Lady walks in with her small daughter.
Lady: Hi. We were here earlier and my daughter thinks she left a couple of her gameboy games in one of the tubes. Can you let us into the play area to see if she can find it? (This was around 10:00PM, play area closed at 9:00PM)
Me: Well, i'm the only staff member in the building right now and I really can't leave the desk unattended. (Child was very upset and I felt kind of bad) Tell you what though...if you want to come back around an hour from now when my relief gets here, i'll go over there with you and let you in.
Lady: Okay..we'll be back. Thanks!
An hour passes and lady calls. Her daughter is still upset and crying, and the woman has an exhausted but friendly tone of her voice. She tells me her daughter thinks she left them in a tube where "you can see the TV."
Well, that narrows it down to about....all of them except one or two.
I tell her i'll go check the room and i'll call back in about 10/15 minutes.
I've discovered that I have more flexibility than I thought, climbing through all of those little tubes that I used to back when I was 8 or 9. I'm now 18 years old, 6' 4", and 180 pounds. I am now HURTING from all that maneuvering.
I call her back and told her that I found nothing, and I wish her good luck finding it. Woman is very appreciative, and was surprised that I went tube-climbing for her (she saw my size when she came in). Still, her appreciation for my effort made it worth it.
I am now exhausted. Must go to bed now and rest for tomorrow, where I go home at the same time, but come in 2 hours earlier.
I experienced lovely Ms. Can't-wait-a-minute only an hour into my shift. A bit of background is necessary:
We offer several classes at the gym each day. The most popular of the classes is the cycling class. Because of its popularity and only having 30 bikes available, those who want to take the class have to sign up for it. People can sign up for a particular class beginning a week prior, up until an hour before the class starts for a $1 reservation fee. There are 15 of these paid reservation spaces available.
After an hour before the class, signing up is free, and people attack the book like vultures once it's set on the counter.
With me? Okay!

So tonight the cycling class started at 6:45. All paid reservation spots were taken.
A woman comes to the desk at 5:44. Her waiting time to sign up? A whopping one minute!
SC = woman (I use the term loosely)
Me = Me
SC: Where's the signup sheet for spinning at 6:45?
Me: It'll be put out in one minute ma'am.
SC: You're going to make me wait one minute? Are you KIDDING ME!?!?
Me: Sorry ma'am..the rules are strict with the cycling signup.
SC: I don't even want to hear it. *Points to a clock behind me* That says 5:45!!!
Me: Well, I told the three people who came in here before you when to come back according to that clock. *Points to clock within my eyeshot*
SC: This is ridiculous! I'll be having a word with management. *whips out cell phone* My cell phone has the right time!
Me: Ma'am, it will only be a few seconds longer. (I really must be that anal about it)
SC: This is ridiculous! I want your name.
Me: *Points to name tag and sets book on the counter (the minute had passed, thank all that's holy)*
SC: *signs name in a huff and SLAMS pen down*
Me: Thank you

We had a staff meeting yesterday where I found out that all corporate complaints about staff go directly to my OM's computer. My OM is the one who told me that I must be THAT anal about the book. I guess her complaint is going nowhere fast

SC #2
In the midst of answering phones, ringing up retail supplements and new membership agreements, entering customer information into three systems and checking people into the club, a different lady tells me to turn on tanning bed #3 for 15 minutes.
I'm not going to lie...I was so busy, I honestly forgot about her. I was working the desk by myself and had 5 things to do at once.
Suddenly the phone rings.
Me: Thank you for calling---
Me: I'm sorry ma'am..i'll turn it on right now for you.
SC: *click*
A good HOUR or so passes, and she comes walking down the hall. I pretend to be doing something at the desk to avoid more verbal abuse.
SC: Hey...I'm sorry I went psycho over the phone at you...I just had to get to work.
Me: (thinking "You had to get to work but here you're finally leaving a good hour or so after the fact?

SC: Aww


I give the lady credit for apologizing, though it really was my fault I had forgotten.
Last but not least...not an SC but the reason I'm now sore throughout my body.
The club has an indoor play area for people to drop their kids off while they work out. The room contains many of those colored tubes you'd see at a McDonald's playground.
Lady walks in with her small daughter.
Lady: Hi. We were here earlier and my daughter thinks she left a couple of her gameboy games in one of the tubes. Can you let us into the play area to see if she can find it? (This was around 10:00PM, play area closed at 9:00PM)
Me: Well, i'm the only staff member in the building right now and I really can't leave the desk unattended. (Child was very upset and I felt kind of bad) Tell you what though...if you want to come back around an hour from now when my relief gets here, i'll go over there with you and let you in.
Lady: Okay..we'll be back. Thanks!
An hour passes and lady calls. Her daughter is still upset and crying, and the woman has an exhausted but friendly tone of her voice. She tells me her daughter thinks she left them in a tube where "you can see the TV."
Well, that narrows it down to about....all of them except one or two.

I tell her i'll go check the room and i'll call back in about 10/15 minutes.
I've discovered that I have more flexibility than I thought, climbing through all of those little tubes that I used to back when I was 8 or 9. I'm now 18 years old, 6' 4", and 180 pounds. I am now HURTING from all that maneuvering.
I call her back and told her that I found nothing, and I wish her good luck finding it. Woman is very appreciative, and was surprised that I went tube-climbing for her (she saw my size when she came in). Still, her appreciation for my effort made it worth it.
I am now exhausted. Must go to bed now and rest for tomorrow, where I go home at the same time, but come in 2 hours earlier.
