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Two idiots in one day

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  • Two idiots in one day

    Both of these happened yesterday.

    I was coming back from my lunch break and I saw the CSM who would assign me to a register couldn't do it right then because she was busy with a line of customers at the service desk. I went and found something to do, there was one till that wasn't set up yet. I signed in and started counting the money and putting it into the till.

    When I started, there was no line at the other register, but while I was doing it, a line formed at the register that was open. I couldn't do anything about that because the till I was at couldn't be walked away from and had to be finished setting up before I could do anything.

    One guy came up and I told him that register was closed right then. He demanded I check him out, and I told him that I couldn't do it until I got the money in the drawer but that I would be able to after I was done opening the register. I tried to explain to him the till wasn't set up to check people out yet and I was trying to get it ready.

    He started complaining loudly as he went back to the end of the other line, yelling about the 'horrible service' we had. I finished quickly and noticed the CSM wasn't busy, and I really didn't want to call that guy back right then so I went and asked the CSM what to do and she told me to try to help get the line down. I told her some guy wasn't happy but I went back to the register I'd just opened up and I told the guy it was open now and he stormed over and started moaning about how I'd given him horrible service.

    I said "Sir, it's NOT bad customer service if the till's not ready yet! I couldn't have checked you out right then because it wasn't open!"

    "Yes it is! Yes it is bad service" the idiot shrieked. He glanced pointedly at my name tag then. "Your name is ____! isn't it!" "I'm going to report you ____!" He kept saying "Your name is ____!" over and over to try to get me scared I guess. I told him "Yes, my name is ____". I told him he could call the 1-800 number to complain about how we have our tills set up, but he said "I know who to talk to!" Then he went to the customer service desk and moaned about how I'd abused him and sent him away.

    Thankfully after I explained to the assistant manager what happened he understood I wasn't at fault. He said he knows I try to make everyone happy and I treat people well.

    I hate those kinds of people because they come up, attack you, accuse you of doing them wrong, and don't give you any opportunity to let them in on why you couldn't meet their impossible demands. It was literally impossible for me to check him out before the money was put in the till. It takes 3 minutes tops to set up the register and he was slowing me down!

    I thought I'd had my fill of suck for the day, but there was another one coming!

    This guy had a pie, a clear plastic container with four thin jelly pastries (kolaches) in it, and a loaf of bread. I stacked the pie on the bottom, the pastries on top of that, and the bread on top of that. The pie was the only item with any weight to it. All the other items were very light. He started moaning about how I was going to crush his pie. He pulled out the (completely undamaged) items and rebagged them how he wanted them. He acted like he wanted to go report me and kept aggressively asking me if it was "Ok" for him to bag them like that. I told him it was ok several times, and then I told him I hadn't thought the light items were enough to harm his pie, which lead to him asking if it was "Ok" several more times while I tried to calm him down.

    Then he wanted a $100 gift card, and of course, just my luck, he was paying with credit. When I told him I had to show his credit card and driver's license to the manager for the gift card, he went absolutely bonkers and claimed I should know him by now since he comes in all the time. Honestly, hundreds of people are regular customers, and he looks like the majority demographic that comes into the store, so there's no real way I'd remember him.

    He went over to the CSM to show the cards to her himself and was bitching and moaning about my terrible service to him, a regular customer.

    He was shouting so loudly that the store manager actually came out of his office to see what was going on and then went back in once he realized it was just idiocy over the gift card thing.

    The guy kept yelling until he left the store with his precious gift card.

    I had today off thankfully. I hope tomorrow will be a lot calmer.

  • #2
    Geez. I never thought so many people could take it so personally. Just because you need a "regular" customer to show ID to pay with credit (which, btw, is standard at almost any place that accepts credit/debit) and that you needed a few minutes to open a register is not a good reason for these people to go nuts about it. At least your boss had your back though.


    • #3
      I have semi-regulars whose faces I recognize, but I don't remember specific details about them. I just love it when I card someone for beer or cigarettes, which is now a state law regardless of age, and they start in with the "you should remember me because I'm a regular" speech.

      I have this one semi-regular kid who is bad about that. I carded him yet again for cigarettes because it's the law even though he is 18. He made a comment that I must not remember him. I told him that I remember him because it always reminds me to buy another bottle of aspirin because he's a big pain. The look on his face was priceless. He certainly didn't expect me to say that to him. I just grinned real big and told him to have a nice day. The customer behind him was another regular customer, and he was cupping his mouth to keep from busting out in laughter. I wonder how he'll react next time he comes in on my shift.
      The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

      Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy


      • #4
        I have to go work at a grocery store today, too...reading this reminds me of how much fun today will be


        • #5
          Can you count down the till somewhere where idiots like that can't see you, so you can get it done uninterrupted?


          • #6
            I could go back to the office, but it's almost as bad. The door is directly behind the cash registers. I'd have to close the door to keep them from bothering me anyway because you can see the manager's desk if the door is open. I have people constantly trying to talk to me when I'm back there eating my lunch or trying to do my shift closing paperwork even though another of the cashiers is at the register during such times.
            The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

            Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy


            • #7
              Quoth AFpheonix View Post
              Can you count down the till somewhere where idiots like that can't see you, so you can get it done uninterrupted?
              Nope, when I'm opening up all I have to do is sign in, the drawer pops open with a blue bag, which has the money in it. I put the till in the drawer and then count two hundred dollars as I put the money into the correct slots. It really only takes a couple of minutes.

              The irony of that situation is that if I had been like most of the other employees, I would have just stood around not doing anything waiting until the CSM was free so she could tell me where to go. Instead, I found work to do, and opened the till that still needed to be opened as a favor to her so she wouldn't have to do it later.

