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Rude, Rude, Rude (and impatient too!) - long

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  • Rude, Rude, Rude (and impatient too!) - long

    I had an SC last night that I just wanted to smack. She was rude from beginning to end...and for no reason!

    She first comes up, and i forget whether she was purchasing or making a return, but doesn't really matter. So I do her transaction, as as both receipts (store copy and hers) print out, she snatches them from the register, and then sort of throws one down on the counter "this one is yours, i think" - um, you couldn't wait the 3 seconds it would take for me to lay it on the counter, and hand you a pen to sign it? Apparently not. I've never had anyone do that, nor would I do it in any store! That's just rude.

    And as i am ringing her up, she is asking me about a particular item, which isn't on sale, meaning its not out on the floor. Fine, if you give me a minute to finish what i'm doing, i will be more than happy to go and look for it, IF you can tell me the size and color you want. And she keeps saying "well, how much was it, wasn't it X dollars" You know what - i can't remember the price of every single item in the store, but AS I SAID, i will be happy go look ONCE i have finished this. And once i find it, i can tell you how much it is.

    So i go, and find what she wants, and bring it out. She then starts complaining how come its not on sale (corporate decides that, not us lowly associates) and its kind of expensive for what it is, (again, corporate, not me). She then wants to try 2 sizes, and says she already has this one other top, but can we find one so she can see how it looks under...sure, but the description she gives me is so vague, and we have a number of things that it could be - and she repeated, at least 6-7 times "you know which one I mean, don't you?" - Actually no, but as i have POLITELY explained to you, ALL of the sale stuff is out, so if you don't see it, we don't have it!!! I'm not sure what's so hard about that concept - but the SCs just don't listen.

    So I find her something to try on with it, and she whines about how it isn't what she has, but "it will do, i suppose" She finally decides to buy, and leaves, much to our relief!

    What is it about customers who think they are so much smarter than you, yet won't listen to what you say, and then get rude and pissy? I was nothing bu polite to her, and she was just not at all nice. Even the store manager, who saw what happened said she was rude to her as well.

  • #2
    The only explination I can come up with is that these people grew up during the 60's, 70's, or 80's (like me) and lived in prosperous families (unlike me). They had everything handed to them on a gold plated silver platter (with platinum trim) and expect the world to do the same.

    They went to private schools and were given their jobs by their family. Their idea of a hard days work involves not getting their 1:00PM massage followed by an afternoon tee time. The vast majority never have to deal with people like themselves and just boss peons (like ourselves) around all day yet probabaly couldn't even remember one person's name who is two levels below them.

    I work in a store which is next to a town chock full of these @$$holes and I deal with them every day. Seriously, the mafia I used to deal with in my old location was a hell of a lot easier than these snobs.

    There is a becon of hope, I once saw this note on an account and I kept a screenshot of it to look at that others out there share my pain.

    Last edited by draggar; 06-24-2007, 02:21 PM. Reason: I can't type, sometimes. ;)
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

