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GangBangin Wannabe

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  • GangBangin Wannabe

    About my third week in, I've got everything pretty much under control. I've learned how to do all of the basics, and I'm doing the Drive-Thru window since at this time, we have more employees than a damn supermarket (In 2 weeks, all of them quit/fired except me and C for weekdays, and T for weekends. We went from 8 to 3, but that's another story) and I get a lovely story from it. I'm still confused/angry at it almost 9 months later. This old lady has two foster kids, one of them, the older, stays quiet just sits there waiting for his food. The younger brother has to be making a commotion at all times. So I'm getting their food, and I look into the back seat and this boy is waving gang signs at me. Yes he was black, but I am not, I happen to be a special type of white that seems to give off a glow, such as the moon. Yeah, no mistaking me for any other race. So this kid, and I use that term lightly here, decides to start using his vocabulary. Oh Joy, Oh Rapture, now I get to hear this kid start saying things that would make a sailor blush. Then we get to my favorite comment. He calls me a N***er. Yeah. I was so shocked that someone would actually call a stranger, a white stranger no less (though no one should ever be called that, I like to believe that our country has evolved past Moonshine chugging, Jim Crow Neandrathals) I stood there for a full 3 minutes until my manager asked what was wrong. I tell her. I've never seen my manager so pissed off. The kid got chewed out by my manager for saying that, and the old lady got chewed out for not stopping him. So my question is, who taught him that it was okay to use such a degrading term to complete strangers, and where do I find them because they need to meet the Learnin' Stick ™ And if the Learnin' Stick™ doesn't teach them then the UnLearnin' Stick™ will.

    (The Learnin' Stick™ and UnLearnin' Stick™ are owned by an affliliate company, and in no way show the views of Aldous™ or any of his subsidiaries. Price may vary, 100% satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back. Please send $19.95 to The Stick Company, and wait 2 weeks for delivery. Availability Limited. Please use The Learnin' Stick™ or the UnLearnin' Stick™ responsibly. Always have a designated Stick-er™ if you are under the influence of either of the Stick™ products. Do not magically, or any other way combine the Learnin' Stick™ and the UnLearnin' Stick™ together.)
    It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office.
    ~~~H.L. Mencken

  • #2
    I have been called that before. And no I am not black. I wish that people would just stop using that word altogether.
    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


    • #3
      At least the "kid" probably looked somewhat legit, unlike the runt-like anorexic white boys that hang out at the mall who encase themselves in ridiculous baggy clothes and make those same gang signs at each other, and use that same word over and over.

      Shut up and jump.


      • #4
        Meh... Any one who would WANT to be associated with gangs deserves the full treatment. By that I mean Jailtime and a lead injection. Gangbangers are all scum, and people who want to be LIKE them are wanna-be scum. Throwing a gang sign to me is simply saying "I want to die in a back alley for $15 worth of crack."


        • #5
          When black kids used to come in all dressed up in their gangster clothing to Famous Footwear when I worked there, I would often shadow them. When they found out they were being watched, they got upset and thought it was because they were black.

          I told a couple of them "Well, you come in here dressed like a criminal, and I'm supposed to think you're just in here innocently?

          (actually, my black manager wanted us to follow blacks. When she went into the back room, she would say "Now you call me out there if any of my cousins come in!")


          • #6
            Your manager is so awesome for chewing that little punk out. I'm appalled that anyone in this day and age would use that disgusting word, especially a black person! I hope the gangbanger life bites that stupid kid in the ass in the future.
            "I used to be Snow White... but I drifted."~Mae West


            • #7
              And where I worked, there is no such thing as "Da Ghetto" for 30 miles. So unless this lady just loved our place so much that she frequently traveled that far, they did not come from any place any where near the ghetto. Now, the place they all called the ghetto had nice 2 story, 2-3 bedroom, working houses. Not apartments that are run down. And they cost an assload to live there. I never understood why people imitated thugs. What happened to "I wanna be an astronaut when I grow up" now it's "I wanna be a G when I grow up, yo." This world we live in is a frightening place.
              It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office.
              ~~~H.L. Mencken


              • #8
                Why shouldn't he use that word?

                It is in almost every song that these gangbanger wannabes listen to, it is said in so many of the movies, that even people who claim to hate the word, love to watch and recap constantly and it is a symbol that these "rap/hiphop/gangster music player" stars say all the time and a lot of these gangbanger wanabes have not been taught what a proper hero/role model is.
                A child can not learn correctly if not supervised and taught correctly. Now I have to say if the tables were turned and you said that to him all HE&& would have broken out without a second thought.


                • #9
                  See, occasionally karma gives back to us-
                  in my area, or in the worst parts of our county, you do not wear certain colors or do certain things with your hands, because you will be shot.
                  hate to say it but it always comes off as interesting and slightly amusing in a sick sick way when some gangbanger "chav" kid gets shot and put in the hospital because a REAL gang member thought he was a rival.
                  "Respect: to admit that something one may not enjoy or prefer might still have great value." ~L. Munoa


                  • #10
                    I really dislike with a passion the wannabe kids who share the bus I take to work. The local high school is just 3 stops before mine, with an annex at the same stop I take.

                    Some of the kids are ok. They dress like they want to look good, and not just look whatever is considered "cool" for this week.

                    But most of them are pathetic little wannabes who's only real claim to being cool is having picked out the right set of fashion victim clothes and knowing how to do the really stupid things fashion dictates.

                    And there is one kid (probably about 15) that lives at the apartment complex I do, and practically every single statement that comes out of him includes the phrase "my ni****." What is up with that? He's a whiny punk, too. Although he did help us move a piece of heavy furniture up the stairs. I was quite honestly surprised at that.

                    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                    • #11
                      "I like to believe that our country has evolved past Moonshine chugging..."

                      Hey.....I don't chug it. It's waaay too expensive and hard to get hold of to chug.

                      Oh. Ahem.


                      • #12
                        The "gangster" mindset has been spread far and wide by music videos and such. My own brother once said to me "You just hatin' 'cause I gangsta." Once I stopped laughing, I replied "You're a thirteen year old white middle class suburbanite with a B- average, idiot. You've never even owned a supersoaker or a Swiss army knife. Go back to your room and mope on your bunk bed, dawg."

                        Of course, now he's 17, in juvie, and has a psychotic disorder, so maybe I was wrong.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Professional Serf View Post
                          At least the "kid" probably looked somewhat legit, unlike the runt-like anorexic white boys that hang out at the mall who encase themselves in ridiculous baggy clothes and make those same gang signs at each other, and use that same word over and over.
                          It's funny to see those idiots trip on their pants though But, around here, about 99.999% of the "gangsta" types are stupid white kids from the 'burbs. They all walk around the malls/stores/parking lots/etc. with fake limps, end every sentence with "you know what I'm sayin,'" blast (c)rap "music" in their riced-out cars, and call each other "my ni**a." Needless to say they usually get into lots of fights when the wrong people overhear those comments. They're still good for a laugh though
                          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                          • #14
                            I hate the word "cracker". I think it's just as bad as the "n" word.
                            Check out my cosplay social group!


                            • #15
                              Quoth Skandranon View Post
                              The "gangster" mindset has been spread far and wide by music videos and such. My own brother once said to me "You just hatin' 'cause I gangsta." Once I stopped laughing, I replied "You're a thirteen year old white middle class suburbanite with a B- average, idiot. You've never even owned a supersoaker or a Swiss army knife. Go back to your room and mope on your bunk bed, dawg."

                              Of course, now he's 17, in juvie, and has a psychotic disorder, so maybe I was wrong.
                              Neko, I find it hard to believe your brother had a b- average. Didn't he fail the 6th grade like, twice? Whatever, I hate him.
                              Check out my cosplay social group!

