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Jems of wisdom!!!

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  • Jems of wisdom!!!

    Here are some bits of wisdom straight from the mouths of the Restuarant's customers:

    Too Much Information, thanks!

    Sucky lady: "Normally I'm a straight person....but when Jenny's around, I just let "things" go"

    *SL proceeds to waggle her eyebrows at Jenny.*

    Too much information there, thanks everyone.

    Diarehea of the Mouth

    Me: "So, can I start you all out with a beverage? Some iced tea, strawberry lemonade, coffee, a cappu-"

    Stupid woman: "STEAK!!!!"


    Later...same woman:

    Me: "how was dinner?"


    Me: "How was dinner?"

    Stupid lady: "Oh MAN, I LOVE PIE! ESPECIALLY THE LEMON ONE! What's it called again, the puffy stuff on top?"

    Me: "..."

    There was no point in trying to ask again. Stupid Lady was already a lost cause. I just blame the lemon meringue pies...or maybe the interbreeding of the outerlying cities.

    Silence can even be sucky

    Me: "How was dinner tonight for you?"

    Grunty old man: *thrusts a coupon at me* *aaaaawwwkkwarrd silence as I punch numbers in*

    Me: "With the discount, it's going to be $xx.xx, please."

    GOM: *awkward silence, and he slams the money down on the counter. Pennies go flying off the counter, and quarter spins into the cup with all the pens in it.*

    Note that GOM makes no move to pick up his mess. Jerk.


    GOM: *noncommital grunt*

    Me: " and here's $xx.xx for you in change. Thank you."

    GOM: "You better have not ripped me off." *storms out of the Resturant*


    2 chicken strips + 2 chicken strips = not equivillent to 6 chicken strips

    Side note: the Restuarant has an appetizer plate that lets you pick which things you want in it. For example, if you liked chicken strips, you could get two orders of chicken strips, five mozerella sticks and waffle fries. Some people don't know how much of each thing comes in an order. For chicken strips, you get two. For mozzerella sticks, you get five. And so on. But...somehow this guy forgot to read the menu.

    Angry chicken strip guy: "I just wanted to let you know that I am very unhappy that I have to pay for these chicken strips. I ordered a Delicious Sampler of Appetizers and was told there were three strips of chicken in each order. "

    Me: " Who told you that?"

    ACSG: *points at one of my coworkers, who is new and has been there for two weeks at the most* "That woman did. Then she told me that she was wrong, and only two came in an order. I wanted six."

    Me: "And you ordered the Delicious Sampler of Appetizers anyway?"

    ACSG: "Yes. And she charged me for more chicken strips when I asked for them."

    Me: "Did you ask for them or did she just add them to your order?"

    ACSG: "I told her I wanted six because she had promised me six."

    Me: (wanting to be sure) "So you wanted six chicken strips, so you ordered some extra?"

    ACSG: "Yeah, but she brought me more than six."

    Me: "Yes...if you order a side of chicken strips, there are six of them in an order. The delicious platter of appetizers only at most can have four. So you ended up with ten."

    ACSG: "I don't want to pay the $5.99 for the rest."

    Me: "Did you eat them and the platter?"

    ACSG: "....Yes. I don't see how this is helping me."

    Me: "If you ordered them, you have to pay for it. Especially if you ate them."

    ACSG: "Why? I didn't want them, and I don't want to pay for them."

    Me: "You have to pay for them, you ate them after you ordered them."

    ACSG: *flustered* "I only wanted six!"

    Me: "It's irrelevant, you ordered more and we cooked them. You have to pay for them."

    ACSG: *hands me a $50 bill for his $5.99 precious chicken strips* "I just want you to know that I don't approve of being lied to and being forced to pay $5.99 for something I should have gotten anyway." (freaking cheapskate!)

    Me: *gives him his change* "Have a nice day!"

    Honestly, after this exchange my brain hurt. A lot. All that over some chicken strips he didn't want to pay for, but wanted to eat. Owwwww...
    check out my new blog!!!!

    feel free to comment/send me the links to your blog!

  • #2
    Me: "So, can I start you all out with a beverage? Some iced tea, strawberry lemonade, coffee, a cappu-"

    Stupid woman: "STEAK!!!!"
    Uuuuhhh... maybe she wanted to drink the "blood gravy" from a rare steak? Beats the hell out of me.

    Me: "how was dinner?"


    Me: "How was dinner?"

    Stupid lady: "Oh MAN, I LOVE PIE! ESPECIALLY THE LEMON ONE! What's it called again, the puffy stuff on top?"
    Your brain? Oh, you mean on the pie!

    Sucky lady: "Normally I'm a straight person....but when Jenny's around, I just let "things" go"

    *SL proceeds to waggle her eyebrows at Jenny.*
    You're "normally" straight? You mean you have a "gay day", akin to Casual Friday? Huh.
    "I used to be Snow White... but I drifted."~Mae West

